Class CommandBuffer

Direct Known Subclasses:
GLCommandBuffer, VulkanCommandBuffer

public abstract class CommandBuffer extends Object
Backend-specific command buffer, executing thread only.
  • Constructor Details

    • CommandBuffer

      public CommandBuffer()
  • Method Details

    • beginRenderPass

      public abstract boolean beginRenderPass(RenderPassDesc renderPassDesc, FramebufferDesc framebufferDesc, Rect2ic renderPassBounds, float[] clearColors, float clearDepth, int clearStencil)
      Begin render pass. If successful, endRenderPass() must be called.
      renderPassDesc - descriptor to create a render pass
      framebufferDesc - descriptor to create a framebuffer
      renderPassBounds - content bounds of this render pass
      clearColors - clear color for each color attachment
      clearDepth - clear depth
      clearStencil - clear stencil (unsigned)
      success or not
    • setViewport

      public abstract void setViewport(int x, int y, int width, int height)
    • setScissor

      public abstract void setScissor(int x, int y, int width, int height)
    • bindGraphicsPipeline

      public abstract boolean bindGraphicsPipeline(@RawPtr @RawPtr GraphicsPipeline graphicsPipeline)
      Bind graphics pipeline. Due to async compiling, it may fail. Render pass scope, caller must track the pipeline.
      graphicsPipeline - the pipeline object
      success or not
    • bindIndexBuffer

      public abstract void bindIndexBuffer(int indexType, @RawPtr @RawPtr Buffer buffer, long offset)
      Render pass scope, caller must track the buffer.
      indexType - see Engine.IndexType
    • bindVertexBuffer

      public abstract void bindVertexBuffer(int binding, @RawPtr @RawPtr Buffer buffer, long offset)
      Render pass scope, caller must track the buffer.
    • bindUniformBuffer

      public abstract void bindUniformBuffer(int binding, @RawPtr @RawPtr Buffer buffer, long offset, long size)
      Render pass scope, caller must track the buffer.
    • bindTextureSampler

      public abstract void bindTextureSampler(int binding, @RawPtr @RawPtr Image texture, @RawPtr @RawPtr Sampler sampler, short swizzle)
      Bind texture view and sampler to the same binding point (combined image sampler). Render pass scope, caller must track the image and sampler.
      binding - the binding index
      texture - the texture image
      sampler - the sampler state
      swizzle - the swizzle of the texture view for shader read, see Swizzle
    • draw

      public abstract void draw(int vertexCount, int baseVertex)
      Records a non-indexed draw to current command buffer. Render pass scope.
      vertexCount - the number of vertices to draw
      baseVertex - the index of the first vertex to draw
    • drawIndexed

      public abstract void drawIndexed(int indexCount, int baseIndex, int baseVertex)
      Records an indexed draw to current command buffer. For OpenGL ES, if base vertex is unavailable, gl_VertexID always begins at 0. Render pass scope.
      indexCount - the number of vertices to draw
      baseIndex - the base index within the index buffer
      baseVertex - the value added to the vertex index before indexing into the vertex buffer
    • drawInstanced

      public abstract void drawInstanced(int instanceCount, int baseInstance, int vertexCount, int baseVertex)
      Records a non-indexed draw to current command buffer. For OpenGL, regardless of the baseInstance value, gl_InstanceID always begins at 0. Render pass scope.
      instanceCount - the number of instances to draw
      baseInstance - the instance ID of the first instance to draw
      vertexCount - the number of vertices to draw
      baseVertex - the index of the first vertex to draw
    • drawIndexedInstanced

      public abstract void drawIndexedInstanced(int indexCount, int baseIndex, int instanceCount, int baseInstance, int baseVertex)
      Records an indexed draw to current command buffer. For OpenGL ES, if base vertex is unavailable, gl_VertexID always begins at 0. For OpenGL, regardless of the baseInstance value, gl_InstanceID always begins at 0. Render pass scope.
      indexCount - the number of vertices to draw
      baseIndex - the base index within the index buffer
      instanceCount - the number of instances to draw
      baseInstance - the instance ID of the first instance to draw
      baseVertex - the value added to the vertex index before indexing into the vertex buffer
    • endRenderPass

      public abstract void endRenderPass()
      End the current render pass.
    • copyBuffer

      public final boolean copyBuffer(@RawPtr @RawPtr Buffer srcBuffer, @RawPtr @RawPtr Buffer dstBuffer, long srcOffset, long dstOffset, long size)
      Performs a buffer-to-buffer copy.

      Can only be used outside render passes.

      The caller must track resources if success.

    • onCopyBuffer

      protected abstract boolean onCopyBuffer(@RawPtr @RawPtr Buffer srcBuffer, @RawPtr @RawPtr Buffer dstBuffer, long srcOffset, long dstOffset, long size)
    • copyBufferToImage

      public final boolean copyBufferToImage(@RawPtr @RawPtr Buffer srcBuffer, @RawPtr @RawPtr Image dstImage, int srcColorType, int dstColorType, BufferImageCopyData[] copyData)
      Performs a buffer-to-image copy.

      Can only be used outside render passes.

      The caller must track resources if success.

    • onCopyBufferToImage

      protected abstract boolean onCopyBufferToImage(@RawPtr @RawPtr Buffer srcBuffer, @RawPtr @RawPtr Image dstImage, int srcColorType, int dstColorType, BufferImageCopyData[] copyData)
    • copyImage

      public final boolean copyImage(@RawPtr @RawPtr Image srcImage, int srcL, int srcT, int srcR, int srcB, @RawPtr @RawPtr Image dstImage, int dstX, int dstY, int mipLevel)
      Perform an image-to-image copy, with the specified regions. Scaling is not allowed.

      If their dimensions are same and formats are compatible, then this method will attempt to perform copy. Otherwise, this method will attempt to perform blit, which may include format conversion.

      Only mipmap level level of 2D images will be copied, without any multisampled buffer and depth/stencil buffer.

      Can only be used outside render passes.

      The caller must track resources if success.

      success or not
    • onCopyImage

      protected abstract boolean onCopyImage(@RawPtr @RawPtr Image srcImage, int srcL, int srcT, int srcR, int srcB, @RawPtr @RawPtr Image dstImage, int dstX, int dstY, int mipLevel)
    • trackResource

      public final void trackResource(@SharedPtr @SharedPtr Resource resource)
      Takes a Usage ref on the Resource that will be released when the command buffer has finished execution.

      This is mostly commonly used for host-visible Buffers and shared Resources.

      resource - the resource to move
    • trackResource

      public final void trackResource(@SharedPtr @SharedPtr ManagedResource resource)
      Takes a ref on the ManagedResource that will be released when the command buffer has finished execution.
      resource - the resource to move
    • trackCommandBufferResource

      public final void trackCommandBufferResource(@SharedPtr @SharedPtr Resource resource)
      Takes a CommandBuffer ref on the Resource that will be released when the command buffer has finished execution.

      CommandBuffer ref allows a Resource to be returned to ResourceCache for reuse while the CommandBuffer is still executing on the GPU. This is most commonly used for GPU-only Resources.

      resource - the resource to move
    • begin

      protected abstract void begin()
    • submit

      protected abstract boolean submit(QueueManager queueManager)
    • checkFinishedAndReset

      protected abstract boolean checkFinishedAndReset()
    • waitUntilFinished

      protected abstract void waitUntilFinished()
      Blocks the current thread and waits for GPU to finish outstanding works.
    • callFinishedCallbacks

      protected final void callFinishedCallbacks(boolean success)
    • releaseResources

      protected final void releaseResources()