Package icyllis.modernui.annotation
package icyllis.modernui.annotation
Annotation InterfacesClassDescriptionDenotes that any overriding methods should invoke this method as well.Denotes that the annotated element represents a packed color int,
.Denotes that a numeric parameter, field or method return value is expected to represent a dimension.Denotes that the annotated element should be a float or double in the given rangeDenotes that the annotated element represents a half-precision floating point value.Denotes that the annotated element should be an int or long in the given range.Denotes that the annotated method should only be called on the main thread, the thread is used for handling events from the window system.
Main thread can sometimes be the same thread as render thread.Denotes that a parameter, field or method return value can never be null.Denotes that a parameter, field or method return value can be null.Denotes that a numeric parameter, field or method return value is expected to represent a pixel dimension.Denotes that the annotated method should only be called on the render thread, which has the 3D graphics context shared between windows.
Render thread can sometimes be the same thread as main thread.Denotes that the annotated element should have a given size or length.Denotes that the annotated method or constructor should only be called on the UI thread.Denotes that the annotated method should only be called on a worker thread.