Class RenderProperties

Direct Known Subclasses:

public class RenderProperties extends Object
Data structure that holds the properties for a RenderNode.
  • Constructor Summary

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Returns the translucency level of this RenderNode.
    Returns the previously set animation matrix.
    Gets the bottom position for the RenderNode.
    Returns the distance in Z of the camera for this RenderNode
    Returns whether the RenderNode is clipping to its bounds.
    Indicates whether the content of this RenderNode overlaps.
    Gets the height of the RenderNode, which is the bottom - top.
    Gets the current transform inverted.
    Returns the alpha value if a compositing layer is used.
    Returns the blend mode if a compositing layer is used.
    Gets the left position for the RenderNode.
    Gets the current transform matrix.
    Returns the pivot value for this RenderNode on the X axis, in pixels.
    Returns the pivot value for this RenderNode on the Y axis, in pixels.
    Gets the right position for the RenderNode.
    Returns the rotation value for this RenderNode around the X axis, in degrees.
    Returns the rotation value for this RenderNode around the Y axis, in degrees.
    Returns the rotation value for this RenderNode around the Z axis, in degrees.
    Returns the scale value for this RenderNode on the X axis.
    Returns the scale value for this RenderNode on the Y axis.
    Gets the top position for the RenderNode.
    Returns the translation value for this RenderNode on the X axis, in pixels.
    Returns the translation value for this RenderNode on the Y axis, in pixels.
    Returns the translation value for this RenderNode on the Z axis.
    Gets whether a compositing layer is forced to be used.
    Gets whether a compositing layer should be used.
    Gets the width of the RenderNode, which is the right - left.
    The visual x position of this view, in pixels.
    The visual y position of this view, in pixels.
    The visual z position of this view, in pixels.
    offsetLeftAndRight(int offset)
    Offsets the left and right positions for the RenderNode
    offsetTopAndBottom(int offset)
    Offsets the top and bottom values for the RenderNode
    Clears any camera distance previously set by a call to setCameraDistance(float).
    Clears any pivot previously set by a call to setPivotX(float) or setPivotY(float).
    setAlpha(float alpha)
    Sets the translucency level for the RenderNode.
    Set the animation matrix on the RenderNode.
    setBottom(int bottom)
    Sets the bottom position for the RenderNode.
    setCameraDistance(float distance)
    Sets the distance along the Z axis (orthogonal to the X/Y plane on which RenderNodes are drawn) from the camera to this RenderNode.
    setClipBounds(Rect clipBounds)
    Sets an additional clip on the RenderNode.
    setClipToBounds(boolean clipToBounds)
    Set whether the RenderNode should clip itself to its bounds.
    setElevation(float lift)
    Sets the base elevation of this RenderNode in pixels
    setHasOverlappingRendering(boolean hasOverlappingRendering)
    Sets whether the RenderNode renders content which overlaps.
    setLeft(int left)
    Sets the left position for the RenderNode.
    setPivotX(float pivotX)
    Sets the pivot value for the RenderNode on the X axis
    setPivotY(float pivotY)
    Sets the pivot value for the RenderNode on the Y axis
    setPosition(int left, int top, int right, int bottom)
    Sets the position of the RenderNode.
    setPosition(Rect position)
    Sets the position of the RenderNode.
    setRight(int right)
    Sets the right position for the RenderNode.
    setRotationX(float rotationX)
    Sets the rotation value for the RenderNode around the X axis.
    setRotationY(float rotationY)
    Sets the rotation value for the RenderNode around the Y axis.
    setRotationZ(float rotationZ)
    Sets the rotation value for the RenderNode around the Z axis.
    setScaleX(float scaleX)
    Sets the scale value for the RenderNode on the X axis.
    setScaleY(float scaleY)
    Sets the scale value for the RenderNode on the Y axis.
    setTop(int top)
    Sets the top position for the RenderNode.
    setTranslationX(float translationX)
    Sets the translation value for the RenderNode on the X axis.
    setTranslationY(float translationY)
    Sets the translation value for the RenderNode on the Y axis.
    setTranslationZ(float translationZ)
    Sets the translation value for the RenderNode on the Z axis.
    setUseCompositingLayer(boolean forceToLayer, Paint paint)
    Controls whether to force this RenderNode to render to an intermediate render target.
    setX(float x)
    Sets the visual x position of this view, in pixels.
    setY(float y)
    Sets the visual y position of this view, in pixels.
    setZ(float z)
    Sets the visual z position of this view, in pixels.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Constructor Details

    • RenderProperties

      public RenderProperties()
  • Method Details

    • getMatrix

      @Nullable public Matrix getMatrix()
      Gets the current transform matrix. The return value may be null, indicating that it is identity. Note that the returned matrix is READ-ONLY currently. If you want to record this matrix, you need to make a copy.
      The current transform matrix, may be null
    • getInverseMatrix

      @Nullable public Matrix getInverseMatrix()
      Gets the current transform inverted. The return value may be null, indicating that it is identity. Note that the returned matrix is READ-ONLY currently. If you want to record this matrix, you need to make a copy.
      The inverse of current transform matrix, may be null
    • setUseCompositingLayer

      public boolean setUseCompositingLayer(boolean forceToLayer, @Nullable Paint paint)
      Controls whether to force this RenderNode to render to an intermediate render target. Internally RenderNode will already promote itself to a composition layer if it's useful for performance or required for the current combination of setAlpha(float) and setHasOverlappingRendering(boolean).

      The usage of this is instead to allow for either overriding of the internal behavior if it's measured to be necessary for the particular rendering content in question or, more usefully, to add a composition effect to the RenderNode via the optional paint parameter.

      Note: When a RenderNode is using a compositing layer it will also result in clipToBounds=true behavior.

      forceToLayer - if true this forces the RenderNode to use an intermediate buffer. Default invalid input: '&' generally recommended value is false.
      paint - The blend mode, alpha, and ColorFilter to apply to the compositing layer. Only applies if forceToLayer is true. The paint's alpha is multiplied with getAlpha() to resolve the final alpha of the RenderNode. If null then no additional composition effects are applied on top of the composition layer.
      True if the value changed, false if the new value was the same as the previous value.
    • getUseCompositingLayer

      public boolean getUseCompositingLayer()
      Gets whether a compositing layer is forced to be used. The default invalid input: '&' recommended is false, as it is typically faster to avoid using compositing layers. See setUseCompositingLayer(boolean, Paint).
      true if a compositing layer is forced, false otherwise
    • getUseTransientLayer

      public boolean getUseTransientLayer()
      Gets whether a compositing layer should be used. This pushes the RenderNode into a cached color buffer stack and avoids creating a new layer.
      true if a compositing layer should be used, false otherwise
    • getLayerAlpha

      public int getLayerAlpha()
      Returns the alpha value if a compositing layer is used. This alpha is multiplied with getAlpha() to resolve the final alpha of the RenderNode.
      the layer's alpha
    • getLayerBlendMode

      public BlendMode getLayerBlendMode()
      Returns the blend mode if a compositing layer is used.
      the layer's blend mode
    • setClipBounds

      public boolean setClipBounds(@Nullable Rect clipBounds)
      Sets an additional clip on the RenderNode. If null, the extra clip is removed from the RenderNode. If non-null, the RenderNode will be clipped to this rect. In addition, if setClipToBounds(boolean) is true, then the RenderNode will be clipped to the intersection of this rectangle and the bounds of the RenderNode, which is set with setPosition(Rect).
      clipBounds - the bounds to clip to. If null, the additional clip is removed.
      True if the value changed, false if the new value was the same as the previous value.
    • setClipToBounds

      public boolean setClipToBounds(boolean clipToBounds)
      Set whether the RenderNode should clip itself to its bounds. This defaults to true, and is useful to the RenderNode in enable quick-rejection of chunks of the tree as well as better partial invalidation support. Clipping can be further restricted or controlled through the combination of this property as well as setClipBounds(Rect), which allows for a different clipping rectangle to be used in addition to or instead of the setPosition(int, int, int, int) or the RenderNode.
      clipToBounds - true if the RenderNode should clip to its bounds, false otherwise.
      True if the value changed, false if the new value was the same as the previous value.
    • getClipToBounds

      public boolean getClipToBounds()
      Returns whether the RenderNode is clipping to its bounds. See setClipToBounds(boolean) and setPosition(int, int, int, int)
      true if the render node clips to its bounds, false otherwise.
    • setAnimationMatrix

      public boolean setAnimationMatrix(@Nullable Matrix matrix)
      Set the animation matrix on the RenderNode. This matrix exists if an animation is currently playing on a View, and is set on the RenderNode during at draw time. When the animation finishes, the matrix should be cleared by sending null for the matrix parameter.
      matrix - The matrix, null indicates that the matrix should be cleared.
      See Also:
    • getAnimationMatrix

      @Nullable public Matrix getAnimationMatrix()
      Returns the previously set animation matrix. This matrix exists if an animation is currently playing on a View, and is set on the RenderNode during at draw time. Returns null when there is no transformation provided by setAnimationMatrix(Matrix).
      the current Animation matrix.
      See Also:
    • setAlpha

      public boolean setAlpha(float alpha)
      Sets the translucency level for the RenderNode.
      alpha - The translucency of the RenderNode, must be a value between 0.0f and 1.0f
      True if the value changed, false if the new value was the same as the previous value.
      See Also:
    • getAlpha

      public float getAlpha()
      Returns the translucency level of this RenderNode.
      A value between 0.0f and 1.0f
      See Also:
    • setHasOverlappingRendering

      public boolean setHasOverlappingRendering(boolean hasOverlappingRendering)
      Sets whether the RenderNode renders content which overlaps. Non-overlapping rendering can use a fast path for alpha that avoids rendering to an offscreen buffer. By default, RenderNodes consider they do not have overlapping content.
      hasOverlappingRendering - False if the content is guaranteed to be non-overlapping, true otherwise.
      See Also:
    • getHasOverlappingRendering

      public boolean getHasOverlappingRendering()
      Indicates whether the content of this RenderNode overlaps.
      True if this RenderNode renders content which overlaps, false otherwise.
      See Also:
    • setElevation

      public boolean setElevation(float lift)
      Sets the base elevation of this RenderNode in pixels
      lift - the elevation in pixels
      True if the value changed, false if the new value was the same as the previous value.
    • getElevation

      public float getElevation()
      The RenderNode's current elevation
    • setTranslationX

      public boolean setTranslationX(float translationX)
      Sets the translation value for the RenderNode on the X axis.
      translationX - The X axis translation value of the RenderNode, in pixels
      True if the value changed, false if the new value was the same as the previous value.
      See Also:
    • getTranslationX

      public float getTranslationX()
      Returns the translation value for this RenderNode on the X axis, in pixels.
      See Also:
    • setTranslationY

      public boolean setTranslationY(float translationY)
      Sets the translation value for the RenderNode on the Y axis.
      translationY - The Y axis translation value of the RenderNode, in pixels
      True if the value changed, false if the new value was the same as the previous value.
      See Also:
    • getTranslationY

      public float getTranslationY()
      Returns the translation value for this RenderNode on the Y axis, in pixels.
      See Also:
    • setTranslationZ

      public boolean setTranslationZ(float translationZ)
      Sets the translation value for the RenderNode on the Z axis.
      True if the value changed, false if the new value was the same as the previous value.
      See Also:
    • getTranslationZ

      public float getTranslationZ()
      Returns the translation value for this RenderNode on the Z axis.
      See Also:
    • setX

      public boolean setX(float x)
      Sets the visual x position of this view, in pixels. This is equivalent to setting the translationX property to be the difference between the x value passed in and the current left property.
      x - The visual x position of this view, in pixels.
    • getX

      public float getX()
      The visual x position of this view, in pixels. This is equivalent to the translationX property plus the current left property.
      The visual x position of this view, in pixels.
    • setY

      public boolean setY(float y)
      Sets the visual y position of this view, in pixels. This is equivalent to setting the translationY property to be the difference between the y value passed in and the current top property.
      y - The visual y position of this view, in pixels.
    • getY

      public float getY()
      The visual y position of this view, in pixels. This is equivalent to the translationY property plus the current top property.
      The visual y position of this view, in pixels.
    • setZ

      public boolean setZ(float z)
      Sets the visual z position of this view, in pixels. This is equivalent to setting the translationZ property to be the difference between the z value passed in and the current elevation property.
      z - The visual z position of this view, in pixels.
    • getZ

      public float getZ()
      The visual z position of this view, in pixels. This is equivalent to the translationZ property plus the current elevation property.
      The visual z position of this view, in pixels.
    • setRotationX

      public boolean setRotationX(float rotationX)
      Sets the rotation value for the RenderNode around the X axis.
      rotationX - The rotation value of the RenderNode, in degrees
      True if the value changed, false if the new value was the same as the previous value.
      See Also:
    • getRotationX

      public float getRotationX()
      Returns the rotation value for this RenderNode around the X axis, in degrees.
      See Also:
    • setRotationY

      public boolean setRotationY(float rotationY)
      Sets the rotation value for the RenderNode around the Y axis.
      rotationY - The rotation value of the RenderNode, in degrees
      True if the value changed, false if the new value was the same as the previous value.
      See Also:
    • getRotationY

      public float getRotationY()
      Returns the rotation value for this RenderNode around the Y axis, in degrees.
      See Also:
    • setRotationZ

      public boolean setRotationZ(float rotationZ)
      Sets the rotation value for the RenderNode around the Z axis.
      rotationZ - The rotation value of the RenderNode, in degrees
      True if the value changed, false if the new value was the same as the previous value.
      See Also:
    • getRotationZ

      public float getRotationZ()
      Returns the rotation value for this RenderNode around the Z axis, in degrees.
      See Also:
    • setScaleX

      public boolean setScaleX(float scaleX)
      Sets the scale value for the RenderNode on the X axis.
      scaleX - The scale value of the RenderNode
      True if the value changed, false if the new value was the same as the previous value.
      See Also:
    • getScaleX

      public float getScaleX()
      Returns the scale value for this RenderNode on the X axis.
      See Also:
    • setScaleY

      public boolean setScaleY(float scaleY)
      Sets the scale value for the RenderNode on the Y axis.
      scaleY - The scale value of the RenderNode
      True if the value changed, false if the new value was the same as the previous value.
      See Also:
    • getScaleY

      public float getScaleY()
      Returns the scale value for this RenderNode on the Y axis.
      See Also:
    • setPivotX

      public boolean setPivotX(float pivotX)
      Sets the pivot value for the RenderNode on the X axis
      pivotX - The pivot value of the RenderNode on the X axis, in pixels
      True if the value changed, false if the new value was the same as the previous value.
      See Also:
    • getPivotX

      public float getPivotX()
      Returns the pivot value for this RenderNode on the X axis, in pixels.
      See Also:
    • setPivotY

      public boolean setPivotY(float pivotY)
      Sets the pivot value for the RenderNode on the Y axis
      pivotY - The pivot value of the RenderNode on the Y axis, in pixels
      True if the value changed, false if the new value was the same as the previous value.
      See Also:
    • getPivotY

      public float getPivotY()
      Returns the pivot value for this RenderNode on the Y axis, in pixels.
      See Also:
    • isPivotExplicitlySet

      public boolean isPivotExplicitlySet()
      Whether a pivot was explicitly set with setPivotX(float) or setPivotY(float). If no pivot has been set then the pivot will be the center of the RenderNode.
    • resetPivot

      public boolean resetPivot()
      Clears any pivot previously set by a call to setPivotX(float) or setPivotY(float). After calling this isPivotExplicitlySet() will be false and the pivot used for rotation will return to default of being centered on the view.
      True if the value changed, false if the new value was the same as the previous value.
    • setCameraDistance

      public boolean setCameraDistance(@FloatRange(from=0.0,to=3.4028234663852886E38) float distance)

      Sets the distance along the Z axis (orthogonal to the X/Y plane on which RenderNodes are drawn) from the camera to this RenderNode. The camera's distance affects 3D transformations, for instance rotations around the X and Y axis. If the rotationX or rotationY properties are changed and this view is large (more than half the size of the screen), it is recommended to always use a camera distance that's greater than the height (X axis rotation) or the width (Y axis rotation) of this view.

      The distance of the camera from the drawing plane can have an affect on the perspective distortion of the RenderNode when it is rotated around the x or y axis. For example, a large distance will result in a large viewing angle, and there will not be much perspective distortion of the view as it rotates. A short distance may cause much more perspective distortion upon rotation, and can also result in some drawing artifacts if the rotated view ends up partially behind the camera (which is why the recommendation is to use a distance at least as far as the size of the view, if the view is to be rotated.)

      The distance is expressed in pixels and must always be positive

      distance - The distance in pixels, must always be positive
      True if the value changed, false if the new value was the same as the previous value.
      See Also:
    • getCameraDistance

      @FloatRange(from=0.0, to=3.4028234663852886E38) public float getCameraDistance()
      Returns the distance in Z of the camera for this RenderNode
      the distance along the Z axis in pixels.
      See Also:
    • isCameraDistanceExplicitlySet

      public boolean isCameraDistanceExplicitlySet()
      Whether a camera distance was explicitly set with setCameraDistance(float). If no camera distance has been set then the camera distance will be the max(width,height) of the RenderNode.
    • resetCameraDistance

      public boolean resetCameraDistance()
      Clears any camera distance previously set by a call to setCameraDistance(float). After calling this isCameraDistanceExplicitlySet() will be false and the camera distance used for rotation will return to default to the max(width,height) of the view.
      True if the value changed, false if the new value was the same as the previous value.
    • setLeft

      public boolean setLeft(int left)
      Sets the left position for the RenderNode.
      left - The left position, in pixels, of the RenderNode
      true if the value changed, false otherwise
    • getLeft

      public int getLeft()
      Gets the left position for the RenderNode.
      the left position in pixels
    • setTop

      public boolean setTop(int top)
      Sets the top position for the RenderNode.
      top - The top position, in pixels, of the RenderNode
      true if the value changed, false otherwise.
    • getTop

      public int getTop()
      Gets the top position for the RenderNode.
      the top position in pixels
    • setRight

      public boolean setRight(int right)
      Sets the right position for the RenderNode.
      right - The right position, in pixels, of the RenderNode
      true if the value changed, false otherwise.
    • getRight

      public int getRight()
      Gets the right position for the RenderNode.
      the right position in pixels
    • setBottom

      public boolean setBottom(int bottom)
      Sets the bottom position for the RenderNode.
      bottom - The bottom position, in pixels, of the RenderNode
      true if the value changed, false otherwise.
    • getBottom

      public int getBottom()
      Gets the bottom position for the RenderNode.
      the bottom position in pixels
    • setPosition

      public boolean setPosition(int left, int top, int right, int bottom)
      Sets the position of the RenderNode.
      left - The left position of the RenderNode, in pixels
      top - The top position of the RenderNode, in pixels
      right - The right position of the RenderNode, in pixels
      bottom - The bottom position of the RenderNode, in pixels
      True if the value changed, false if the new value was the same as the previous value.
    • setPosition

      public boolean setPosition(@Nonnull Rect position)
      Sets the position of the RenderNode.
      position - The position rectangle in pixels
      True if the value changed, false if the new value was the same as the previous value.
    • offsetLeftAndRight

      public boolean offsetLeftAndRight(int offset)
      Offsets the left and right positions for the RenderNode
      offset - The amount that the left and right positions are offset in pixels
      True if the value changed, false if the new value was the same as the previous value.
    • offsetTopAndBottom

      public boolean offsetTopAndBottom(int offset)
      Offsets the top and bottom values for the RenderNode
      offset - The amount that the left and right positions are offset in pixels
      True if the value changed, false if the new value was the same as the previous value.
    • getWidth

      public int getWidth()
      Gets the width of the RenderNode, which is the right - left.
      the width of the RenderNode
    • getHeight

      public int getHeight()
      Gets the height of the RenderNode, which is the bottom - top.
      the height of the RenderNode