Class TextUtils


public final class TextUtils extends Object
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • getEllipsisString

      @NonNull public static String getEllipsisString(@NonNull TextUtils.TruncateAt method)
    • getEllipsisChars

      @Internal @NonNull public static char[] getEllipsisChars(@NonNull TextUtils.TruncateAt method)
    • stringOrSpannedString

      public static CharSequence stringOrSpannedString(CharSequence source)
    • isEmpty

      public static boolean isEmpty(@Nullable CharSequence csq)
      Returns true if the char sequence is null or 0-length.
      csq - the char sequence to be examined
      true if csq is null or zero length
    • contentEquals

      public static boolean contentEquals(@Nullable CharSequence a, @Nullable CharSequence b)
    • getChars

      public static void getChars(@NonNull CharSequence s, int srcBegin, int srcEnd, @NonNull char[] dst, int dstBegin)
      Copies a block of characters efficiently.
    • removeEmptySpans

      @NonNull public static <T> List<T> removeEmptySpans(@NonNull List<T> spans, @NonNull Spanned spanned)
      Removes empty spans from the spans list.

      When parsing a Spanned using Spanned.nextSpanTransition(int, int, Class), empty spans will (correctly) create span transitions, and calling getSpans on a slice of text bounded by one of these transitions will (correctly) include the empty overlapping span.

      However, these empty spans should not be taken into account when laying-out or rendering the string and this method provides a way to filter getSpans' results accordingly.

      spans - A list of spans retrieved using Spanned.getSpans(int, int, Class) from the spanned
      spanned - The Spanned from which spans were extracted
      A subset of spans where empty spans (Spanned.getSpanStart(Object) == Spanned.getSpanEnd(Object) have been removed. The initial order is preserved
    • substring

      public static String substring(CharSequence source, int start, int end)
      Create a new String object containing the given range of characters from the source string. This is different than simply calling CharSequence.subSequence in that it does not preserve any style runs in the source sequence, allowing a more efficient implementation.
    • indexOf

      public static int indexOf(CharSequence s, char ch)
    • indexOf

      public static int indexOf(CharSequence s, char ch, int start)
    • indexOf

      public static int indexOf(@NonNull CharSequence s, char ch, int start, int end)
    • lastIndexOf

      public static int lastIndexOf(CharSequence s, char ch)
    • lastIndexOf

      public static int lastIndexOf(CharSequence s, char ch, int last)
    • lastIndexOf

      public static int lastIndexOf(CharSequence s, char ch, int start, int last)
    • writeToParcel

      public static void writeToParcel(@Nullable CharSequence cs, @NonNull Parcel dest, int flags)
      Flatten a CharSequence and whatever styles can be copied across processes into the output.
    • createFromParcel

      @Nullable public static CharSequence createFromParcel(@NonNull Parcel p)
    • drawTextRun

      public static void drawTextRun(@NonNull Canvas canvas, @NonNull char[] text, int start, int end, int contextStart, int contextEnd, float x, float y, boolean isRtl, @NonNull TextPaint paint)
      Draw a run of text, all in a single direction, with optional context for complex text shaping.

      See drawTextRun(Canvas, CharSequence, int, int, int, int, float, float, boolean, TextPaint) for more details. This method uses a character array rather than CharSequence to represent the string.

      canvas - the canvas
      text - the text to render
      start - the start of the text to render. Data before this position can be used for shaping context.
      end - the end of the text to render. Data at or after this position can be used for shaping context.
      contextStart - the index of the start of the shaping context
      contextEnd - the index of the end of the shaping context
      x - the x position at which to draw the text
      y - the y position at which to draw the text
      isRtl - whether the run is in RTL direction
      paint - the paint
    • drawTextRun

      public static void drawTextRun(@NonNull Canvas canvas, @NonNull CharSequence text, int start, int end, int contextStart, int contextEnd, float x, float y, boolean isRtl, @NonNull TextPaint paint)
      Draw a run of text, all in a single direction, with optional context for complex text shaping.

      The run of text includes the characters from start to end in the text. In addition, the range contextStart to contextEnd is used as context for the purpose of complex text shaping, such as Arabic text potentially shaped differently based on the text next to it.

      All text outside the range contextStart..contextEnd is ignored. The text between start and end will be laid out and drawn. The context range is useful for contextual shaping, e.g. Kerning, Arabic contextual form.

      The direction of the run is explicitly specified by isRtl. Thus, this method is suitable only for runs of a single direction. Alignment of the text is as determined by the Paint's TextAlign value. Further, 0 <= contextStart <= start <= end <= contextEnd <= text.length must hold on entry.

      canvas - the canvas
      text - the text to render
      start - the start of the text to render. Data before this position can be used for shaping context.
      end - the end of the text to render. Data at or after this position can be used for shaping context.
      contextStart - the index of the start of the shaping context
      contextEnd - the index of the end of the shaping context
      x - the x position at which to draw the text
      y - the y position at which to draw the text
      isRtl - whether the run is in RTL direction
      paint - the paint
      See Also:
    • ellipsize

      @NonNull public static CharSequence ellipsize(@NonNull CharSequence text, @NonNull TextPaint p, float avail, @NonNull TextUtils.TruncateAt where)
      Returns the original text if it fits in the specified width given the properties of the specified Paint, or, if it does not fit, a truncated copy with ellipsis character added at the specified edge or center.
    • ellipsize

      @NonNull public static CharSequence ellipsize(@NonNull CharSequence text, @NonNull TextPaint paint, float avail, @NonNull TextUtils.TruncateAt where, boolean preserveLength, @Nullable TextUtils.EllipsizeCallback callback)
      Returns the original text if it fits in the specified width given the properties of the specified Paint, or, if it does not fit, a copy with ellipsis character added at the specified edge or center. If preserveLength is specified, the returned copy will be padded with zero-width spaces to preserve the original length and offsets instead of truncating. If callback is non-null, it will be called to report the start and end of the ellipsized range. TextDirection is determined by the first strong directional character.
    • concat

      public static CharSequence concat(@NonNull CharSequence... elements)
      Returns a CharSequence concatenating the specified CharSequences, retaining their spans if any.

      If there are no elements, an empty string will be returned.

      If the number of elements is exactly one, that element is returned, even if it is null or mutable.

      If the number of elements is at least two, any null CharSequence among the elements is treated as if it was the string "null", and a new String or SpannedString is returned.

      If there are paragraph spans in the source CharSequences that satisfy paragraph boundary requirements in the sources but would no longer satisfy them in the concatenated CharSequence, they may get extended in the resulting CharSequence or not retained.

    • concat

      public static CharSequence concat(@NonNull Iterable<? extends CharSequence> elements)
      Returns a CharSequence concatenating the specified CharSequences, retaining their spans if any.

      If there are no elements, an empty string will be returned.

      If the number of elements is exactly one, that element is returned, even if it is null or mutable.

      If the number of elements is at least two, any null CharSequence among the elements is treated as if it was the string "null", and a new String or SpannedString is returned.

      If there are paragraph spans in the source CharSequences that satisfy paragraph boundary requirements in the sources but would no longer satisfy them in the concatenated CharSequence, they may get extended in the resulting CharSequence or not retained.

    • join

      @NonNull public static CharSequence join(@NonNull CharSequence delimiter, @NonNull CharSequence... elements)
      Returns a CharSequence composed of copies of the elements joined together with the specified delimiter.

      If there are no elements, an empty string will be returned. Otherwise, returns a new CharSequence. Any null value will be replaced with the string "null".

      Unlike Android, this method retains their spans if any. If you want to ignore all the spans, use String.join(CharSequence, CharSequence...) instead.

      If there are paragraph spans in the source CharSequences that satisfy paragraph boundary requirements in the sources but would no longer satisfy them in the concatenated CharSequence, they may get extended in the resulting CharSequence or not retained.

      delimiter - the delimiter that separates each element, may be Spanned
      elements - an array of char sequences to join together, may be Spanned
      a String or SpannedString
    • join

      @NonNull public static CharSequence join(@NonNull CharSequence delimiter, @NonNull Iterable<? extends CharSequence> elements)
      Returns a CharSequence composed of copies of the elements joined together with the specified delimiter.

      If there are no elements, an empty string will be returned. Otherwise, returns a new CharSequence. Any null value will be replaced with the string "null".

      Unlike Android, this method retains their spans if any. If you want to ignore all the spans, use String.join(CharSequence, Iterable) instead.

      If there are paragraph spans in the source CharSequences that satisfy paragraph boundary requirements in the sources but would no longer satisfy them in the concatenated CharSequence, they may get extended in the resulting CharSequence or not retained.

      delimiter - the delimiter that separates each element, may be Spanned
      elements - an iterable of char sequences to join together, may be Spanned
      a String or SpannedString
    • binaryCompact

      @NonNull public static String binaryCompact(long num)
    • binaryCompact

      public static void binaryCompact(@NonNull Appendable a, long num)
    • copySpansFrom

      public static void copySpansFrom(@NonNull Spanned source, int start, int end, @Nullable Class<?> type, @NonNull Spannable dest, int destoff)
      Copies the spans from the region start...end in source to the region destoff...destoff+end-start in dest. Spans in source that begin before start or end after end but overlap this range are trimmed as if they began at start or ended at end.
      IndexOutOfBoundsException - if any of the copied spans are out of range in dest.
    • getLayoutDirectionFromLocale

      public static int getLayoutDirectionFromLocale(@Nullable Locale locale)
      Return the layout direction for a given Locale
      locale - the Locale for which we want the layout direction. Can be null.
      the layout direction. This may be one of: View.LAYOUT_DIRECTION_LTR or View.LAYOUT_DIRECTION_RTL.

      Be careful: this code will need to be updated when vertical scripts will be supported

    • validateSurrogatePairs

      @NonNull public static String validateSurrogatePairs(@NonNull String text)
      Replace all invalid surrogate pairs with 'U+FFFD' for the given UTF-16 string. Return the given string as-is if it was validated, or a new string.
    • distance

      public static int distance(@NonNull CharSequence a, @NonNull CharSequence b)
      Find the Levenshtein distance between a and b. This algorithm has a time complexity of O(m*n) and a space complexity of O(n), where m is the length of a and n is the length of b.

      This method only works for Unicode BMP characters without taking into account grapheme clusters.

      the Levenshtein distance in chars (u16)