Class TypedValue


public class TypedValue extends Object
Container for a dynamically typed data value.
Primarily used with Resources for holding resource values.
  • Field Details


      public static final int TYPE_NULL
      The value contains no data.
      See Also:

      public static final int TYPE_REFERENCE
      The data field holds a resource identifier.
      See Also:

      public static final int TYPE_ATTRIBUTE
      The data field holds an attribute resource identifier (referencing an attribute in the current theme style, not a resource entry).
      See Also:

      public static final int TYPE_STRING
      The string field holds string data. In addition, if data is non-zero then it is the string block index of the string and assetCookie is the set of assets the string came from.
      See Also:

      public static final int TYPE_FLOAT
      The data field holds an IEEE 754 floating-point number.
      See Also:

      public static final int TYPE_DIMENSION
      The data field holds a complex number encoding a dimension value.
      See Also:

      public static final int TYPE_FRACTION
      The data field holds a complex number encoding a fraction of a container.
      See Also:

      public static final int COMPLEX_UNIT_SHIFT
      Complex data: bit shift of unit information.
      See Also:

      public static final int COMPLEX_UNIT_MASK
      Complex data: mask to extract unit information (after shifting by COMPLEX_UNIT_SHIFT). This gives us 16 possible types, as defined below.
      See Also:

      public static final int COMPLEX_UNIT_PX
      TYPE_DIMENSION complex unit: Value is raw pixels.
      See Also:

      public static final int COMPLEX_UNIT_DP
      TYPE_DIMENSION complex unit: Value is device-independent pixels.
      See Also:

      public static final int COMPLEX_UNIT_SP
      TYPE_DIMENSION complex unit: Value is scale-independent pixels.
      See Also:

      public static final int COMPLEX_UNIT_PT
      TYPE_DIMENSION complex unit: Value is in points.
      See Also:

      public static final int COMPLEX_UNIT_IN
      TYPE_DIMENSION complex unit: Value is in inches.
      See Also:

      public static final int COMPLEX_UNIT_MM
      TYPE_DIMENSION complex unit: Value is in millimeters.
      See Also:

      public static final int COMPLEX_UNIT_FRACTION
      TYPE_FRACTION complex unit: A fraction of the view size.
      See Also:

      public static final int COMPLEX_UNIT_FRACTION_PARENT
      TYPE_FRACTION complex unit: A fraction of the parent size.
      See Also:

      public static final int COMPLEX_RADIX_SHIFT
      Complex data: where the radix information is, telling where the decimal place appears in the mantissa.
      See Also:

      public static final int COMPLEX_RADIX_MASK
      Complex data: mask to extract radix information (after shifting by COMPLEX_RADIX_SHIFT). This give us 4 possible fixed point representations as defined below.
      See Also:
    • COMPLEX_RADIX_23p0

      public static final int COMPLEX_RADIX_23p0
      Complex data: the mantissa is an integral number -- i.e., 0xnnnnnn.0
      See Also:
    • COMPLEX_RADIX_16p7

      public static final int COMPLEX_RADIX_16p7
      Complex data: the mantissa magnitude is 16 bits -- i.e, 0xnnnn.nn
      See Also:
    • COMPLEX_RADIX_8p15

      public static final int COMPLEX_RADIX_8p15
      Complex data: the mantissa magnitude is 8 bits -- i.e, 0xnn.nnnn
      See Also:
    • COMPLEX_RADIX_0p23

      public static final int COMPLEX_RADIX_0p23
      Complex data: the mantissa magnitude is 0 bits -- i.e, 0x0.nnnnnn
      See Also:

      public static final int COMPLEX_MANTISSA_SHIFT
      Complex data: bit shift of mantissa information.
      See Also:

      public static final int COMPLEX_MANTISSA_MASK
      Complex data: mask to extract mantissa information (after shifting by COMPLEX_MANTISSA_SHIFT). This gives us 23 bits of precision; the top bit is the sign.
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • TypedValue

      public TypedValue()
  • Method Details

    • complexToFloat

      public static float complexToFloat(int complex)
      Retrieve the base value from a complex data integer.
      This uses the COMPLEX_MANTISSA_MASK and COMPLEX_RADIX_MASK fields of the data to compute a floating point representation of the number they describe.
      The units are ignored.
      complex - A complex data value.
      A floating point value corresponding to the complex data.
    • complexToDimension

      public static float complexToDimension(int data, DisplayMetrics metrics)
      Converts a complex data value holding a dimension to its final floating point value. The given data must be structured as a TYPE_DIMENSION.
      data - A complex data value holding a unit, magnitude, and mantissa.
      metrics - Current display metrics to use in the conversion -- supplies display density and scaling information.
      The complex floating point value multiplied by the appropriate metrics depending on its unit.
    • complexToDimensionPixelOffset

      public static int complexToDimensionPixelOffset(int data, DisplayMetrics metrics)
      Converts a complex data value holding a dimension to its final value as an integer pixel offset.
      This is the same as complexToDimension(int, icyllis.modernui.util.DisplayMetrics), except the raw floating point value is truncated to an integer (pixel) value. The given data must be structured as a TYPE_DIMENSION.
      data - A complex data value holding a unit, magnitude, and mantissa.
      metrics - Current display metrics to use in the conversion -- supplies display density and scaling information.
      The number of pixels specified by the data and its desired multiplier and units.
    • complexToDimensionPixelSize

      public static int complexToDimensionPixelSize(int data, DisplayMetrics metrics)
      Converts a complex data value holding a dimension to its final value as an integer pixel size.
      This is the same as complexToDimension(int, icyllis.modernui.util.DisplayMetrics), except the raw floating point value is converted to an integer (pixel) value for use as a size.
      A size conversion involves rounding the base value, and ensuring that a non-zero base value is at least one pixel in size.

      The given data must be structured as a TYPE_DIMENSION.

      data - A complex data value holding a unit, magnitude, and mantissa.
      metrics - Current display metrics to use in the conversion -- supplies display density and scaling information.
      The number of pixels specified by the data and its desired multiplier and units.
    • applyDimension

      public static float applyDimension(int unit, float value, DisplayMetrics metrics)
      Converts an unpacked complex data value holding a dimension to its final floating-point value. The two parameters unit and value are as in TYPE_DIMENSION.
      unit - The unit to convert from.
      value - The value to apply the unit to.
      metrics - Current display metrics to use in the conversion -- supplies display density and scaling information.
      The complex floating point value multiplied by the appropriate metrics depending on its unit.
    • intToComplex

      @Internal public static int intToComplex(int value)
      Convert a base value to a complex data integer.
      This sets the COMPLEX_MANTISSA_MASK and COMPLEX_RADIX_MASK fields of the data to create a floating point representation of the given value. The units are not set.

      This is the inverse of complexToFloat(int).

      value - An integer value.
      A complex data integer representing the value.
    • floatToComplex

      @Internal public static int floatToComplex(float value)
      Convert a base value to a complex data integer.
      This sets the COMPLEX_MANTISSA_MASK and COMPLEX_RADIX_MASK fields of the data to create a floating point representation of the given value. The units are not set.

      This is the inverse of complexToFloat(int).

      value - A floating point value.
      A complex data integer representing the value.
    • createComplexDimension

      @Internal public static int createComplexDimension(int value, int units)

      Creates a complex data integer that stores a dimension value and units.

      The resulting value can be passed to e.g. complexToDimensionPixelOffset(int, DisplayMetrics) to calculate the pixel value for the dimension.

      value - the value of the dimension
      units - the units of the dimension, e.g. COMPLEX_UNIT_DP
      A complex data integer representing the value and units of the dimension.
    • createComplexDimension

      @Internal public static int createComplexDimension(float value, int units)

      Creates a complex data integer that stores a dimension value and units.

      The resulting value can be passed to e.g. complexToDimensionPixelOffset(int, DisplayMetrics) to calculate the pixel value for the dimension.

      value - the value of the dimension
      units - the units of the dimension, e.g. COMPLEX_UNIT_DP
      A complex data integer representing the value and units of the dimension.
    • complexToFraction

      public static float complexToFraction(int data, float base, float pbase)
      Converts a complex data value holding a fraction to its final floating point value. The given data must be structured as a TYPE_FRACTION.
      data - A complex data value holding a unit, magnitude, and mantissa.
      base - The base value of this fraction. In other words, a standard fraction is multiplied by this value.
      pbase - The parent base value of this fraction. In other words, a parent fraction (nn%p) is multiplied by this value.
      The complex floating point value multiplied by the appropriate base value depending on its unit.