Class CompileOptions


public class CompileOptions extends Object
Holds the options for compiling a shader executable. This is ignored when pre-parsing a module unit (include file).
  • Field Details

    • mPreprocess

      public boolean mPreprocess
      Whether to do preprocessing? If you have done preprocessing, you may set this to false.

      Note: Our preprocessor is not available for module units.

      See Also:
    • mExtensions

      public Map<String,String> mExtensions
      A pre-defined extensions, before preprocessing. This is a list of (extensionName, behavior) pairs, no error checking will be performed.

      The extension has no semantics impact when generating SPIR-V, but it's retained when generating GLSL for some GLSL only extensions. A new behavior will override the earlier one for the same extension name.

    • mEntryPointName

      public String mEntryPointName
      Function with this name will be considered as the entry point of a shader executable.
    • mForceHighPrecision

      public boolean mForceHighPrecision
      No relax precision when generating SPIR-V. No mediump precision when generating GLSL.
    • mUsePrecisionQualifiers

      public boolean mUsePrecisionQualifiers
      Allow precision qualifiers (mediump, highp) when generating GLSL. This can be used for GLSL Vulkan and GLSL ES.
    • mNoShortCircuit

      public boolean mNoShortCircuit
      Force no short-circuit operators when generating code.

      For 'invalid input: '&'invalid input: '&'', '||' and '?:', always evaluate both sides. No branching is usually more performant.

      Use with caution, may have side effects.

    • mMinifyNames

      public boolean mMinifyNames
      Try to minify symbol names (variables, functions, structure members).

      At AST level, all private symbols will be renamed and minified.

      For GLSL, minify names that have no semantic impact. This depends on the target GLSL version. For example, interface blocks with binding and vertex attributes with location will have their names minified.

      For SPIR-V, the generator will not emit any OpName or OpMemberName instructions, so that all names are removed.

      If this is false, the generator will output mangled function names, except for the entry point.

    • mMinifyCode

      public boolean mMinifyCode
      Try to minify code when generating GLSL. Whitespaces and unnecessary characters will be removed. Otherwise, the generated code may be pretty printed with indentation.

      This option may be useful when generating SPIR-V. This option does not mean eliminating unused variables and functions, see mOptimizationLevel.

    • mOptimizationLevel

      public int mOptimizationLevel
      Optimization level. (0-2)

      Even if this is 0, the compiler can still do some optimizations.

  • Constructor Details

    • CompileOptions

      public CompileOptions()