Class Parser


public class Parser extends Object
Consumes Arc3D shading language source text and invokes DSL functions to instantiate the AST (parsed IR). A Parser object is not reusable.
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • preprocess

      @Nullable public List<Map.Entry<String,Boolean>> preprocess()
      Preprocess directives. A directive can only appear before any declaration.

      #version 3-digits (core|es)?
      The version number has no semantics impact, but must be 300 at least.

      #extension extension_name : behavior
      The extension has no semantics impact when generating SPIR-V, but it's retained when generating GLSL for some GLSL only extensions. A new behavior will override the earlier one for the same extension name.

      #include <file>
      #include "file"
      #import <file>
      #import "file"
      This method returns the include files as a list of (file,boolean) pairs. The second boolean value of true represents it's angle-bracketed (system include), otherwise it's double-quoted (local include). An implementation should normalize the file name and compile the include files first (via a new Parser's parseModule(icyllis.arc3d.compiler.ModuleUnit)). The return list is not deduplicated.

      The whole line is silently ignored.

      Note that version, extension, and include must appear in order. Other directives can cause compilation errors. This process is optional.

      include files (can be empty) or null if there's an error
    • parse

      @Nullable public TranslationUnit parse(ModuleUnit parent)
    • parseModule

      @Nullable public ModuleUnit parseModule(ModuleUnit parent)