Class RoundRect

Direct Known Subclasses:

public class RoundRect extends Object
Represents a rounded rectangle with a bounds and a pair of radii for each corner. Based on bounds and radii, this class may represent: a degenerate line, a rectangle with sharp corners, a rectangle with one or more rounded corners, a circle, or an ellipse.

This class allows implementing CSS properties that describe rounded corners. It may have up to eight different radii, one for each axis on each of its four corners, so the corners may be circular or elliptical.

This class may modify the provided parameters when initializing bounds and radii. If either axis radii is zero or less: radii are stored as zero; corner is square. If corner curves overlap, radii are proportionally reduced to fit within bounds.

  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static final int
    static final int
    Type describes possible specializations of RoundRect.
    static final int
    Type describes possible specializations of RoundRect.
    static final int
    Type describes possible specializations of RoundRect.
    static final int
    Type describes possible specializations of RoundRect.
    static final int
    Type describes possible specializations of RoundRect.
    static final int
    Type describes possible specializations of RoundRect.
    static final int
    Type describes possible specializations of RoundRect.
    static final int
    protected float
    protected float
    The rectangular bounds, see Rect2f.
    protected final float[]
    The corner radii, upper-left, upper-right, lower-right, lower-left, in that order.
    protected float
    protected float
    protected int
  • Constructor Summary

    Initializes bounds at (0, 0), the origin, with zero width and height.
    Initializes to copy of other bounds.
    Initializes to copy of other bounds and corner radii.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    final float
    Return the rectangle's bottom.
    final float
    final float
    Returns true if all members in a: Left, Top, Right, Bottom, and Radii; are equal to the corresponding members in b.
    Returns bounds.
    Returns the corner radii for all four corners, upper-left, upper-right, lower-right, lower-left, in that order.
    final void
    Returns bounds.
    Returns top-left corner radii.
    Returns top-left corner radii.
    final float
    final float
    final float
    Returns span on the y-axis.
    final float
    Returns the rectangle's left.
    final float
    Return the rectangle's right.
    set(long p)
    Copy the values from src into this object.
    setEllipse(float left, float top, float right, float bottom)
    Sets bounds to ellipse, x-axis radii to half ellipse.width(), and all y-axis radii to half ellipse.height().
    Sets bounds to ellipse, x-axis radii to half ellipse.width(), and all y-axis radii to half ellipse.height().
    setEllipseXY(float cx, float cy, float radiusX, float radiusY)
    Sets to ellipse at (cx, cy), x-axis radii to radiusX, and all y-axis radii to radiusY.
    Sets bounds to zero width and height at (0, 0), the origin.
    setNineSlice(float left, float top, float right, float bottom, float leftRad, float topRad, float rightRad, float bottomRad)
    Sets bounds to rect.
    setNineSlice(Rect2fc rect, float leftRad, float topRad, float rightRad, float bottomRad)
    Sets bounds to rect.
    setRect(float left, float top, float right, float bottom)
    Sets bounds to sorted rect, and sets corner radii to zero.
    Sets bounds to sorted rect, and sets corner radii to zero.
    setRectXY(float left, float top, float right, float bottom, float radiusX, float radiusY)
    Sets to rounded rectangle with the same radii for all four corners.
    setRectXY(Rect2fc rect, float radiusX, float radiusY)
    Sets to rounded rectangle with the same radii for all four corners.
    store(long p)
    final float
    Return the rectangle's top.
    final float
    Returns span on the x-axis.
    final float
    Returns the rectangle's left.
    final float
    Return the rectangle's top.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
  • Field Details

    • kSizeOf

      @Internal public static final int kSizeOf
      See Also:
    • kAlignOf

      @Internal public static final int kAlignOf
      See Also:
    • kEmpty_Type

      public static final int kEmpty_Type
      Type describes possible specializations of RoundRect. Each Type is exclusive; a RoundRect may only have one type.

      Type members become progressively less restrictive; larger values of Type have more degrees of freedom than smaller values.

      See Also:
    • kRect_Type

      public static final int kRect_Type
      Type describes possible specializations of RoundRect. Each Type is exclusive; a RoundRect may only have one type.

      Type members become progressively less restrictive; larger values of Type have more degrees of freedom than smaller values.

      See Also:
    • kEllipse_Type

      public static final int kEllipse_Type
      Type describes possible specializations of RoundRect. Each Type is exclusive; a RoundRect may only have one type.

      Type members become progressively less restrictive; larger values of Type have more degrees of freedom than smaller values.

      See Also:
    • kSimple_Type

      public static final int kSimple_Type
      Type describes possible specializations of RoundRect. Each Type is exclusive; a RoundRect may only have one type.

      Type members become progressively less restrictive; larger values of Type have more degrees of freedom than smaller values.

      See Also:
    • kNineSlice_Type

      public static final int kNineSlice_Type
      Type describes possible specializations of RoundRect. Each Type is exclusive; a RoundRect may only have one type.

      Type members become progressively less restrictive; larger values of Type have more degrees of freedom than smaller values.

      See Also:
    • kComplex_Type

      public static final int kComplex_Type
      Type describes possible specializations of RoundRect. Each Type is exclusive; a RoundRect may only have one type.

      Type members become progressively less restrictive; larger values of Type have more degrees of freedom than smaller values.

      See Also:
    • kLast_Type

      public static final int kLast_Type
      Type describes possible specializations of RoundRect. Each Type is exclusive; a RoundRect may only have one type.

      Type members become progressively less restrictive; larger values of Type have more degrees of freedom than smaller values.

      See Also:
    • mLeft

      protected float mLeft
      The rectangular bounds, see Rect2f.
    • mTop

      protected float mTop
    • mRight

      protected float mRight
    • mBottom

      protected float mBottom
    • mRadii

      @Size(8L) protected final float[] mRadii
      The corner radii, upper-left, upper-right, lower-right, lower-left, in that order.
    • mType

      protected int mType
  • Constructor Details

    • RoundRect

      public RoundRect()
      Initializes bounds at (0, 0), the origin, with zero width and height. Initializes corner radii to (0, 0), and sets type of kEmpty_Type.
    • RoundRect

      public RoundRect(RoundRect other)
      Initializes to copy of other bounds and corner radii.
    • RoundRect

      public RoundRect(Rect2fc other)
      Initializes to copy of other bounds.
  • Method Details

    • x

      public final float x()
      Returns the rectangle's left.
    • y

      public final float y()
      Return the rectangle's top.
    • left

      public final float left()
      Returns the rectangle's left.
    • top

      public final float top()
      Return the rectangle's top.
    • right

      public final float right()
      Return the rectangle's right.
    • bottom

      public final float bottom()
      Return the rectangle's bottom.
    • width

      public final float width()
      Returns span on the x-axis. This does not check if result fits in 32-bit float; result may be infinity.
      rect().fRight minus rect().fLeft
    • height

      public final float height()
      Returns span on the y-axis. This does not check if result fits in 32-bit float; result may be infinity.
      rect().fBottom minus rect().fTop
    • centerX

      public final float centerX()
      the horizontal center of the rectangle. This does not check for a valid rectangle (i.e. left invalid input: '<'= right)
    • centerY

      public final float centerY()
      the vertical center of the rectangle. This does not check for a valid rectangle (i.e. top invalid input: '<'= bottom)
    • halfWidth

      public final float halfWidth()
      width()/2 without intermediate overflow or underflow.
    • halfHeight

      public final float halfHeight()
      height()/2 without intermediate overflow or underflow.
    • getType

      public int getType()
    • isEmpty

      public boolean isEmpty()
    • isRect

      public boolean isRect()
    • isEllipse

      public boolean isEllipse()
    • isSimple

      public boolean isSimple()
    • isNineSlice

      public boolean isNineSlice()
    • isComplex

      public boolean isComplex()
    • getSimpleRadiusX

      public float getSimpleRadiusX()
      Returns top-left corner radii. If type() returns kEmpty_Type, kRect_Type, kEllipse_Type, or kSimple_Type, returns a value representative of all corner radii. If type() returns kNineSlice_Type or kComplex_Type, at least one of the remaining three corners has a different value.
      corner radii for simple types
    • getSimpleRadiusY

      public float getSimpleRadiusY()
      Returns top-left corner radii. If type() returns kEmpty_Type, kRect_Type, kEllipse_Type, or kSimple_Type, returns a value representative of all corner radii. If type() returns kNineSlice_Type or kComplex_Type, at least one of the remaining three corners has a different value.
      corner radii for simple types
    • getRadii

      @Size(8L) public float[] getRadii()
      Returns the corner radii for all four corners, upper-left, upper-right, lower-right, lower-left, in that order. Note that the return value is an unmodifiable view (no copy).
    • set

      @Internal public void set(long p)
    • store

      @Internal public void store(long p)
    • set

      public void set(@Nonnull RoundRect src)
      Copy the values from src into this object.
    • setEmpty

      public void setEmpty()
      Sets bounds to zero width and height at (0, 0), the origin. Sets corner radii to zero and sets type to kEmpty_Type.
    • setRect

      public void setRect(Rect2fc rect)
      Sets bounds to sorted rect, and sets corner radii to zero. If set bounds has width and height, and sets type to kRect_Type; otherwise, sets type to kEmpty_Type.
      rect - bounds to set
    • setRect

      public void setRect(float left, float top, float right, float bottom)
      Sets bounds to sorted rect, and sets corner radii to zero. If set bounds has width and height, and sets type to kRect_Type; otherwise, sets type to kEmpty_Type.
    • setEllipse

      public void setEllipse(Rect2fc ellipse)
      Sets bounds to ellipse, x-axis radii to half ellipse.width(), and all y-axis radii to half ellipse.height(). If ellipse bounds is empty, sets to kEmpty_Type. Otherwise, sets to kEllipse_Type.
      ellipse - bounds of ellipse
    • setEllipse

      public void setEllipse(float left, float top, float right, float bottom)
      Sets bounds to ellipse, x-axis radii to half ellipse.width(), and all y-axis radii to half ellipse.height(). If ellipse bounds is empty, sets to kEmpty_Type. Otherwise, sets to kEllipse_Type.
    • setEllipseXY

      public void setEllipseXY(float cx, float cy, float radiusX, float radiusY)
      Sets to ellipse at (cx, cy), x-axis radii to radiusX, and all y-axis radii to radiusY. If ellipse bounds is empty, sets to kEmpty_Type. Otherwise, sets to kEllipse_Type.

      Due to floating-point errors, only this method can guarantee to produce 'circle' type, if radiusX and radiusY are equal.

      cx - ellipse center on the x-axis
      cy - ellipse center on the y-axis
      radiusX - x-axis radius of ellipse
      radiusY - y-axis radius of ellipse
    • setRectXY

      public void setRectXY(Rect2fc rect, float radiusX, float radiusY)
      Sets to rounded rectangle with the same radii for all four corners. If rect is empty, sets to kEmpty_Type. Otherwise, if radiusX or radiusY is zero, sets to kRect_Type. Otherwise, if radiusX is at least half rect.width() and radiusY is at least half rect.height(), sets to kEllipse_Type. Otherwise, sets to kSimple_Type.
      rect - bounds of rounded rectangle
      radiusX - x-axis radius of corners
      radiusY - y-axis radius of corners
    • setRectXY

      public void setRectXY(float left, float top, float right, float bottom, float radiusX, float radiusY)
      Sets to rounded rectangle with the same radii for all four corners. If rect is empty, sets to kEmpty_Type. Otherwise, if radiusX or radiusY is zero, sets to kRect_Type. Otherwise, if radiusX is at least half rect.width() and radiusY is at least half rect.height(), sets to kEllipse_Type. Otherwise, sets to kSimple_Type.
      radiusX - x-axis radius of corners
      radiusY - y-axis radius of corners
    • setNineSlice

      public void setNineSlice(Rect2fc rect, float leftRad, float topRad, float rightRad, float bottomRad)
      Sets bounds to rect. Sets radii to (leftRad, topRad), (rightRad, topRad), (rightRad, bottomRad), (leftRad, bottomRad).

      If rect is empty, sets to kEmpty_Type. Otherwise, if leftRad and rightRad are zero, sets to kRect_Type. Otherwise, if topRad and bottomRad are zero, sets to kRect_Type. Otherwise, if leftRad and rightRad are equal and at least half rect.width(), and topRad and bottomRad are equal at least half rect.height(), sets to kEllipse_Type. Otherwise, if leftRad and rightRad are equal, and topRad and bottomRad are equal, sets to kSimple_Type. Otherwise, sets to kNineSlice_Type.

      Nine patch refers to the nine parts defined by the radii: one center rectangle, four edge patches, and four corner patches.

      rect - bounds of rounded rectangle
      leftRad - left-top and left-bottom x-axis radius
      topRad - left-top and right-top y-axis radius
      rightRad - right-top and right-bottom x-axis radius
      bottomRad - left-bottom and right-bottom y-axis radius
    • setNineSlice

      public void setNineSlice(float left, float top, float right, float bottom, float leftRad, float topRad, float rightRad, float bottomRad)
      Sets bounds to rect. Sets radii to (leftRad, topRad), (rightRad, topRad), (rightRad, bottomRad), (leftRad, bottomRad).

      If rect is empty, sets to kEmpty_Type. Otherwise, if leftRad and rightRad are zero, sets to kRect_Type. Otherwise, if topRad and bottomRad are zero, sets to kRect_Type. Otherwise, if leftRad and rightRad are equal and at least half rect.width(), and topRad and bottomRad are equal at least half rect.height(), sets to kEllipse_Type. Otherwise, if leftRad and rightRad are equal, and topRad and bottomRad are equal, sets to kSimple_Type. Otherwise, sets to kNineSlice_Type.

      Nine patch refers to the nine parts defined by the radii: one center rectangle, four edge patches, and four corner patches.

      leftRad - left-top and left-bottom x-axis radius
      topRad - left-top and right-top y-axis radius
      rightRad - right-top and right-bottom x-axis radius
      bottomRad - left-bottom and right-bottom y-axis radius
    • getRect

      public final void getRect(Rect2f dest)
      Returns bounds. Bounds may have zero width or zero height. Bounds right is greater than or equal to left; bounds bottom is greater than or equal to top. Result is identical to getBounds().
    • getBounds

      public void getBounds(Rect2f dest)
      Returns bounds. Bounds may have zero width or zero height. Bounds right is greater than or equal to left; bounds bottom is greater than or equal to top. Result is identical to getRect(icyllis.arc3d.core.Rect2f).
    • isValid

      public boolean isValid()
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object o)
      Returns true if all members in a: Left, Top, Right, Bottom, and Radii; are equal to the corresponding members in b.

      a and b are not equal if either contain NaN. a and b are equal if members contain zeroes with different signs.

      equals in class Object
      o - rrect to compare
      true if members are equal
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object