Class VulkanImageView

All Implemented Interfaces:

public final class VulkanImageView extends ManagedResource
Represents Vulkan image views, managed by VulkanImage.
  • Method Details

    • makeTexture

      @Nullable public static VulkanImageView makeTexture(@Nonnull VulkanDevice device, long image, int imageType, int format, short swizzle, int mipLevelCount, int layerCount)
      Create a shader resource view as shader input, for texture sampling.
      imageType - see Engine.ImageType
      swizzle - see Swizzle
    • makeAttachment

      @Nullable public static VulkanImageView makeAttachment(@Nonnull VulkanDevice device, long image, int imageType, int format, int mipLevel, int arraySlice)
      Create a render target view as attachment.
    • vkImageView

      public long vkImageView()
    • getBaseMipLevel

      public int getBaseMipLevel()
    • getLevelCount

      public int getLevelCount()
    • getBaseArrayLayer

      public int getBaseArrayLayer()
    • getLayerCount

      public int getLayerCount()
    • deallocate

      protected void deallocate()
      Description copied from class: RefCnt
      Override this method to invoke de-allocation of the underlying resource.
      Specified by:
      deallocate in class RefCnt