Class Image

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class Image extends Object implements AutoCloseable
Image describes a two-dimensional array of pixels to sample from. The pixels may be located in CPU memory, in GPU memory as a GPU texture, or be lazily-generated.
  • Image cannot be modified by CPU or GPU after it is created.
  • Image width and height are greater than zero.
  • Image may be created from Bitmap, Surface, Picture and GPU texture.
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static final int
    Indicates that the image was created for an unknown pixel density and will not be scaled.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Perform a deferred cleanup if the underlying resource is not released.
    static Image
    create(String namespace, String entry)
    Creates a new image object representing the target resource image.
    static Image
    createTextureFromBitmap(RecordingContext recordingContext, Bitmap bitmap)
    Create an image that backed by a GPU texture with the given bitmap.
    static Image
    Create an image that backed by a GPU texture with the given bitmap.
    Returns the color space associated with this image.
    Returns the density for this image.
    Returns the intrinsic height of this image.
    Returns the ImageInfo describing the width, height, color type, alpha type and color space of this image.
    getScaledHeight(int targetDensity)
    Convenience method that returns the height of this image divided by the density scale factor.
    getScaledWidth(int targetDensity)
    Convenience method that returns the width of this image divided by the density scale factor.
    Returns the intrinsic width of this image.
    Returns true if this image has been closed.
    setDensity(int density)
    Specifies the density for this image.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • createTextureFromBitmap

      @Nullable public static Image createTextureFromBitmap(Bitmap bitmap)
      Create an image that backed by a GPU texture with the given bitmap. Whether the bitmap is immutable or not, the bitmap can be safely closed after the call.

      Must be called after render system and UI system are initialized successfully, must be called from UI thread.

      This method may fail if:

      • Bitmap is null or closed
      • GPU device is lost (disconnected)
      • The width or height of the bitmap exceeds the maximum dimension supported by the GPU
      • The format of bitmap is not directly or indirectly supported by the GPU
      • Unable to allocate sufficient GPU-only memory for the GPU texture
      • Unable to allocate sufficient host memory for the staging buffer
      bitmap - the source bitmap
      image, or null if failed
      NullPointerException - no GPU context
      IllegalStateException - not call from UI thread
    • createTextureFromBitmap

      @Experimental @Nullable public static Image createTextureFromBitmap(@NonNull RecordingContext recordingContext, @NonNull Bitmap bitmap)
      Create an image that backed by a GPU texture with the given bitmap. Whether the bitmap is immutable or not, the bitmap can be safely closed after the call.
      recordingContext - the recording graphics context on the current thread
      bitmap - the source bitmap
      image, or null if failed
      NullPointerException - bitmap is null or released
      IllegalStateException - not call from context thread, or no context
    • create

      @Nullable public static Image create(@NonNull String namespace, @NonNull String entry)
      Creates a new image object representing the target resource image. You should use a single image as the UI texture to avoid each icon creating its own image. Underlying resources are automatically released.
      namespace - the application namespace
      entry - the sub path to the resource
      the image
    • getInfo

      @Experimental @NonNull public ImageInfo getInfo()
      Returns the ImageInfo describing the width, height, color type, alpha type and color space of this image.
      image info
    • getWidth

      public int getWidth()
      Returns the intrinsic width of this image.
      image width in pixels
    • getHeight

      public int getHeight()
      Returns the intrinsic height of this image.
      image height in pixels
    • getScaledWidth

      public int getScaledWidth(int targetDensity)
      Convenience method that returns the width of this image divided by the density scale factor.

      Returns the image's width multiplied by the ratio of the target density to the image's source density

      targetDensity - The density of the target canvas of the image.
      The scaled width of this image, according to the density scale factor.
    • getScaledHeight

      public int getScaledHeight(int targetDensity)
      Convenience method that returns the height of this image divided by the density scale factor.

      Returns the image's height multiplied by the ratio of the target density to the image's source density

      targetDensity - The density of the target canvas of the image.
      The scaled height of this image, according to the density scale factor.
    • getDensity

      public int getDensity()

      Returns the density for this image.

      The default density is DisplayMetrics.DENSITY_DEFAULT..

      A scaling factor of the default density or DENSITY_NONE if the scaling factor is unknown.
      See Also:
    • setDensity

      public void setDensity(int density)

      Specifies the density for this image. When the image is drawn to a Canvas or with a ImageDrawable that also has a density, it will be scaled appropriately.

      density - The density scaling factor to use with this image or DENSITY_NONE if the density is unknown.
      See Also:
    • getColorSpace

      @Nullable public ColorSpace getColorSpace()
      Returns the color space associated with this image. If the color space is unknown, this method returns null.
    • close

      public void close()
      Perform a deferred cleanup if the underlying resource is not released. Manually mark the underlying resources closed, if needed. After this, you will not be able to operate this object, and its GPU resource will be reclaimed as soon as possible after use.

      When this object becomes phantom-reachable, the system will automatically do this cleanup operation.

      Specified by:
      close in interface AutoCloseable
    • isClosed

      public boolean isClosed()
      Returns true if this image has been closed. If so, then it is an error to try to access it.
      true if the image has been closed