Class MeasuredParagraph


@NotThreadSafe public class MeasuredParagraph extends Object
MeasuredParagraph provides text information for rendering purpose.

This class can identify text directions, and break the styled text into text runs of range decreasing step by step (style runs, replacement runs, character style runs, font runs, bidi runs). These text runs compute all characters' font metrics, shaping, measurements and glyph graphs, which are enough to render a paragraph of a rich text under Unicode specification and internationalization standards.

See Also:
  • Method Details

    • release

      public void release()
      Release internal arrays.
    • getTextStart

      public int getTextStart()
      Returns the start offset of the paragraph to the original text.
    • getTextLength

      public int getTextLength()
      Returns the length of the paragraph. This will be the same value as the length of getChars().
    • getChars

      @NonNull public char[] getChars()
      Returns the characters to be measured. This will be the same value as MeasuredText.getTextBuf() if getMeasuredText() available.
      backend text buffer
    • getParagraphDir

      public int getParagraphDir()
      Returns the base paragraph direction.
      either Layout.DIR_LEFT_TO_RIGHT or
      invalid @link
      {@link Layout#DIR_RIGHT_TO_LEFT)
    • getDirections

      @NonNull public Directions getDirections(int start, int end)
      Returns the directions, based on getParagraphDir()}, with given range.
      start - start char index, with start offset
      end - end char index, with start offset
      new calculated directions of this paragraph
    • getSpanEndCache

      @NonNull public it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.IntArrayList getSpanEndCache()
      Returns the MetricAffectingSpan end indices.

      If the input text is not a spanned string, this has one value that is the length of the text.

      This is available only if the MeasuredParagraph is computed with buildForStaticLayout. and the text is not empty. Returns empty array in other cases.

    • getFontMetrics

      @NonNull public it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.IntArrayList getFontMetrics()
      Returns the int array which holds FontMetrics.

      This array holds the repeat of ascent, descent of font metrics value.

      This is available only if the MeasuredParagraph is computed with buildForStaticLayout. and the text is not empty. Returns empty array in other cases.

    • getMeasuredText

      @Nullable public MeasuredText getMeasuredText()
      Returns the result of the MeasuredParagraph.

      This is available only if the MeasuredParagraph is computed with buildForStaticLayout and the text is not empty. Returns null in other cases.

    • getAdvance

      public float getAdvance(int offset)
      Returns the advance of the char at the given index of the text buffer.

      This follows grapheme cluster break. For example: there are 6 chars (uint_16), the first two are the first grapheme, the last four are the second one. Then mAdvances[0] is for the first grapheme, mAdvances[2] for the second one, other elements are zero. It's in the same order of getChars()

      This is available only if the MeasuredParagraph is computed with buildForMeasurement. Returns empty array in other cases.

      offset - the char index with start offset
    • getAdvance

      public float getAdvance(int start, int end)
      Returns the advance of the given range.

      This is not available if the MeasuredParagraph is computed with buildForBidi. Returns 0 if the MeasuredParagraph is computed with buildForBidi.

      start - the inclusive start offset of the target region in the text
      end - the exclusive end offset of the target region in the text
      See Also:
    • getExtent

      public void getExtent(@IntRange(from=0L) int start, @IntRange(from=0L) int end, @NonNull FontMetricsInt fmi)
      Retrieves the font metrics for the given range.

      This is available only if the MeasuredParagraph is computed with buildForStaticLayout.

    • buildForBidi

      @NonNull public static MeasuredParagraph buildForBidi(@NonNull CharSequence text, int start, int end, @NonNull TextDirectionHeuristic textDir, @Nullable MeasuredParagraph recycle)
      Generates new MeasuredParagraph for Bidi computation.

      If recycle is null, this returns new instance. If recycle is not null, this fills computed result to recycle and returns recycle.

      text - the character sequence to be measured
      start - the inclusive start offset of the target region in the text
      end - the exclusive end offset of the target region in the text
      textDir - the text direction algorithm
      recycle - pass existing MeasuredParagraph if you want to recycle it.
      measured text
    • buildForStaticLayout

      @NonNull public static MeasuredParagraph buildForStaticLayout(@NonNull TextPaint paint, @Nullable LineBreakConfig lineBreakConfig, @NonNull CharSequence text, @IntRange(from=0L) int start, @IntRange(from=0L) int end, @NonNull TextDirectionHeuristic textDir, boolean fullLayout, @Nullable MeasuredParagraph recycle)
      Generates new MeasuredParagraph for StaticLayout.

      If recycle is null, this returns new instance. If recycle is not null, this fills computed result to recycle and returns recycle.

      paint - the base paint to be used for drawing the text
      text - the character sequence to be measured
      start - the inclusive start offset of the target region in the text
      end - the exclusive end offset of the target region in the text
      textDir - the text direction algorithm
      fullLayout - true to compute full layout, for rendering the text soon
      recycle - pass existing MeasuredParagraph if you want to recycle it
      measured text
    • recycle

      public void recycle()
      Recycle the MeasuredParagraph.
    • getMemoryUsage

      public int getMemoryUsage()
      Note: This includes the text buffer, and be considered to be recycled later. Input CharSequence is not considered.
      memory usage in bytes