Class TextLine


@Internal public class TextLine extends Object
Represents a line of styled text, for measuring in visual order and for rendering.

Get a new instance using obtain(), and when finished with it, return it to the pool using recycle().

Call set to prepare the instance for use, then either draw, measure, metrics, or caretToLeftRightOf.

  • Method Details

    • obtain

      @NonNull public static TextLine obtain()
      Returns a new TextLine from the shared pool.
      an uninitialized TextLine
    • recycle

      public void recycle()
      Puts a TextLine back into the shared pool. Do not use this TextLine once it has been returned.
    • set

      public void set(@NonNull TextPaint paint, @NonNull CharSequence text, int start, int limit, int dir, @NonNull Directions directions, boolean hasTabs, @Nullable TabStops tabStops, int ellipsisStart, int ellipsisEnd)
      Initializes a TextLine and prepares it for use.
      paint - the base paint for the line
      text - the text, can be Styled
      start - the start of the line relative to the text
      limit - the limit of the line relative to the text
      dir - the paragraph direction of this line
      directions - the directions information of this line
      hasTabs - true if the line might contain tabs
      tabStops - the tabStops. Can be null
      ellipsisStart - the start of the ellipsis relative to the line
      ellipsisEnd - the end of the ellipsis relative to the line. When there is no ellipsis, this should be equal to ellipsisStart.
    • draw

      public void draw(@NonNull Canvas canvas, float x, int top, int y, int bottom)
      Draw the text line, based on visual order. If paragraph (base) direction is RTL, then x should be on the opposite side (i.e. leading) corresponding to normal one.
      canvas - canvas to draw on
      x - the leading margin position
      top - the top of the line
      y - the baseline
      bottom - the bottom of the line
    • metrics

      public float metrics(@Nullable FontMetricsInt fmi)
      Returns metrics information for the entire line.
      fmi - receives font metrics information, can be null
      the signed width of the line
    • measure

      public float measure(int offset, boolean trailing, @Nullable FontMetricsInt fmi)
      Returns the signed graphical offset from the leading margin.

      Following examples are all for measuring offset=3. LX(e.g. L0, L1, ...) denotes a character which has LTR BiDi property. On the other hand, RX(e.g. R0, R1, ...) denotes a character which has RTL BiDi property. Assuming all character has 1em width.

      Example 1: All LTR chars within LTR context Input Text (logical) : L0 L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8 Input Text (visual) : L0 L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8 Output(trailing=true) : |--------| (Returns 3em) Output(trailing=false): |--------| (Returns 3em)

      Example 2: All RTL chars within RTL context. Input Text (logical) : R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 Input Text (visual) : R8 R7 R6 R5 R4 R3 R2 R1 R0 Output(trailing=true) : |--------| (Returns -3em) Output(trailing=false): |--------| (Returns -3em)

      Example 3: BiDi chars within LTR context. Input Text (logical) : L0 L1 L2 R3 R4 R5 L6 L7 L8 Input Text (visual) : L0 L1 L2 R5 R4 R3 L6 L7 L8 Output(trailing=true) : |-----------------| (Returns 6em) Output(trailing=false): |--------| (Returns 3em)

      Example 4: BiDi chars within RTL context. Input Text (logical) : L0 L1 L2 R3 R4 R5 L6 L7 L8 Input Text (visual) : L6 L7 L8 R5 R4 R3 L0 L1 L2 Output(trailing=true) : |-----------------| (Returns -6em) Output(trailing=false): |--------| (Returns -3em)

      offset - the line-relative character offset, between 0 and the line length, inclusive
      trailing - no effect if the offset is not on the BiDi transition offset. If the offset is on the BiDi transition offset and true is passed, the offset is regarded as the edge of the trailing run's edge. If false, the offset is regarded as the edge of the preceding run's edge. See example above.
      fmi - receives metrics information about the requested character, can be null
      the signed graphical offset from the leading margin to the requested character edge. The positive value means the offset is right from the leading edge. The negative value means the offset is left from the leading edge.
    • measureAllOffsets

      public float[] measureAllOffsets(boolean[] trailing, FontMetricsInt fmi)
      The measure results for all possible offsets
      See Also:
    • getOffsetToLeftRightOf

      public int getOffsetToLeftRightOf(int cursor, boolean toLeft)
      Walk the cursor through this line, skipping conjuncts and zero-width characters.

      This function cannot properly walk the cursor off the ends of the line since it does not know about any shaping on the previous/following line that might affect the cursor position. Callers must either avoid these situations or handle the result specially.

      cursor - the starting position of the cursor, between 0 and the length of the line, inclusive
      toLeft - true if the caret is moving to the left.
      the new offset. If it is less than 0 or greater than the length of the line, the previous/following line should be examined to get the actual offset.
    • nextTab

      public float nextTab(float h)
      Returns the next tab position.
      h - the (unsigned) offset from the leading margin
      the (unsigned) tab position after this offset