Interface ContextMenu

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public interface ContextMenu extends Menu
Extension of Menu for context menus providing functionality to modify the header of the context menu.

Context menus do not support item shortcuts and item icons.

Developer Guides

For information about creating menus, read the Menus developer guide.

  • Method Details

    • setHeaderTitle

      @NonNull ContextMenu setHeaderTitle(CharSequence title)
      Sets the context menu header's title to the title given in title.
      title - The character sequence used for the title.
      This ContextMenu so additional setters can be called.
    • setHeaderIcon

      @NonNull ContextMenu setHeaderIcon(Drawable icon)
      Sets the context menu header's icon to the icon given in icon Drawable.
      icon - The Drawable used for the icon.
      This ContextMenu so additional setters can be called.
    • setHeaderView

      @NonNull ContextMenu setHeaderView(View view)
      Sets the header of the context menu to the View given in view. This replaces the header title and icon (and those replace this).
      view - The View used for the header.
      This ContextMenu so additional setters can be called.
    • clearHeader

      void clearHeader()
      Clears the header of the context menu.