Class MenuPopup

All Implemented Interfaces:
MenuPresenter, ShowableListMenu, AdapterView.OnItemClickListener
Direct Known Subclasses:
CascadingMenuPopup, StandardMenuPopup

public abstract class MenuPopup extends Object implements ShowableListMenu, MenuPresenter, AdapterView.OnItemClickListener
Base class for a menu popup abstraction - i.e., some type of menu, housed in a popup window environment.
  • Constructor Details

    • MenuPopup

      public MenuPopup()
  • Method Details

    • setForceShowIcon

      public abstract void setForceShowIcon(boolean forceShow)
    • addMenu

      public abstract void addMenu(MenuBuilder menu)
      Adds the given menu to the popup, if it is capable of displaying submenus within itself. If menu is the first menu shown, it won't be displayed until show() is called. If the popup was already showing, adding a submenu via this method will cause that new submenu to be shown immediately (that is, if this MenuPopup implementation is capable of showing its own submenus).
      menu - menu
    • setGravity

      public abstract void setGravity(int dropDownGravity)
    • setAnchorView

      public abstract void setAnchorView(View anchor)
    • setHorizontalOffset

      public abstract void setHorizontalOffset(int x)
    • setVerticalOffset

      public abstract void setVerticalOffset(int y)
    • setEpicenterBounds

      public void setEpicenterBounds(Rect bounds)
      Specifies the anchor-relative bounds of the popup's transition epicenter.
      bounds - anchor-relative bounds
    • getEpicenterBounds

      public Rect getEpicenterBounds()
      anchor-relative bounds of the popup's transition epicenter
    • setShowTitle

      public abstract void setShowTitle(boolean showTitle)
      Set whether a title entry should be shown in the popup menu (if a title exists for the menu).
      showTitle - show title
    • setOnDismissListener

      public abstract void setOnDismissListener(PopupWindow.OnDismissListener listener)
      Set a listener to receive a callback when the popup is dismissed.
      listener - Listener that will be notified when the popup is dismissed.
    • initForMenu

      public void initForMenu(@NonNull Context context, @Nullable MenuBuilder menu)
      Description copied from interface: MenuPresenter
      Initializes this presenter for the given context and menu.

      This method is called by MenuBuilder when a presenter is added. See MenuBuilder.addMenuPresenter(MenuPresenter).

      Specified by:
      initForMenu in interface MenuPresenter
      context - the context for this presenter; used for view creation and resource management, must be non-null
      menu - the menu to host, or null to clear the hosted menu
    • getMenuView

      public MenuView getMenuView(ViewGroup root)
      Description copied from interface: MenuPresenter
      Retrieve a MenuView to display the menu specified in MenuPresenter.initForMenu(Context, MenuBuilder).
      Specified by:
      getMenuView in interface MenuPresenter
      root - Intended parent of the MenuView.
      A freshly created MenuView.
    • expandItemActionView

      public boolean expandItemActionView(MenuBuilder menu, MenuItemImpl item)
      Description copied from interface: MenuPresenter
      Called when a menu item with a collapsable action view should expand its action view.
      Specified by:
      expandItemActionView in interface MenuPresenter
      menu - Menu containing the item to be expanded
      item - Item to be expanded
      true if this presenter expanded the action view, false otherwise.
    • collapseItemActionView

      public boolean collapseItemActionView(MenuBuilder menu, MenuItemImpl item)
      Description copied from interface: MenuPresenter
      Called when a menu item with a collapsable action view should collapse its action view.
      Specified by:
      collapseItemActionView in interface MenuPresenter
      menu - Menu containing the item to be collapsed
      item - Item to be collapsed
      true if this presenter collapsed the action view, false otherwise.
    • getId

      public int getId()
      Description copied from interface: MenuPresenter
      Returns an ID for determining how to save/restore instance state.
      Specified by:
      getId in interface MenuPresenter
      a valid ID value.
    • onItemClick

      public void onItemClick(@NonNull AdapterView<?> parent, View view, int position, long id)
      Description copied from interface: AdapterView.OnItemClickListener
      Callback method to be invoked when an item in this AdapterView has been clicked.

      Implementers can call getItemAtPosition(position) if they need to access the data associated with the selected item.

      Specified by:
      onItemClick in interface AdapterView.OnItemClickListener
      parent - The AdapterView where the click happened.
      view - The view within the AdapterView that was clicked (this will be a view provided by the adapter)
      position - The position of the view in the adapter.
      id - The row id of the item that was clicked.
    • measureIndividualMenuWidth

      protected static int measureIndividualMenuWidth(@NonNull ListAdapter adapter, @Nullable ViewGroup parent, Context context, int maxAllowedWidth)
      Measures the width of the given menu view.
      The width.
    • toMenuAdapter

      protected static MenuAdapter toMenuAdapter(ListAdapter adapter)
      Converts the given ListAdapter originating from a menu, to a MenuAdapter, accounting for the possibility of the parameter adapter actually wrapping the MenuAdapter. (That could happen if a header view was added on the menu.)
    • shouldPreserveIconSpacing

      protected static boolean shouldPreserveIconSpacing(@NonNull MenuBuilder menu)
      Returns whether icon spacing needs to be preserved for the given menu, based on whether any of its items contains an icon.

      NOTE: This should only be used for non-overflow-only menus, because this method does not take into account whether the menu items are being shown as part of the popup or or being shown as actions in the action bar.

      Whether to preserve icon spacing.