Class MenuBuilder

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
ContextMenuBuilder, SubMenuBuilder

public class MenuBuilder extends Object implements Menu
Implementation of the Menu interface for creating a standard menu UI.
  • Constructor Details

    • MenuBuilder

      public MenuBuilder(Context context)
  • Method Details

    • setDefaultShowAsAction

      public MenuBuilder setDefaultShowAsAction(int defaultShowAsAction)
    • addMenuPresenter

      public void addMenuPresenter(@NonNull MenuPresenter presenter)
      Add a presenter to this menu. This will only hold a WeakReference; you do not need to explicitly remove a presenter, but you can using removeMenuPresenter(MenuPresenter).
      presenter - The presenter to add
    • addMenuPresenter

      public void addMenuPresenter(MenuPresenter presenter, Context menuContext)
      Add a presenter to this menu that uses an alternate context for inflating menu items. This will only hold a WeakReference; you do not need to explicitly remove a presenter, but you can using removeMenuPresenter(MenuPresenter).
      presenter - The presenter to add
      menuContext - The context used to inflate menu items
    • removeMenuPresenter

      public void removeMenuPresenter(MenuPresenter presenter)
      Remove a presenter from this menu. That presenter will no longer receive notifications of updates to this menu's data.
      presenter - The presenter to remove
    • setCallback

      public void setCallback(MenuBuilder.Callback cb)
    • add

      Description copied from interface: Menu
      Add a new item to the menu. This item displays the given title for its label.
      Specified by:
      add in interface Menu
      title - The text to display for the item.
      The newly added menu item.
    • add

      @NonNull public MenuItem add(int group, int id, int categoryOrder, @Nullable CharSequence title)
      Description copied from interface: Menu
      Add a new item to the menu. This item displays the given title for its label.
      Specified by:
      add in interface Menu
      group - The group identifier that this item should be part of. This can be used to define groups of items for batch state changes. Normally use Menu.NONE if an item should not be in a group.
      id - Unique item ID. Use Menu.NONE if you do not need a unique ID.
      categoryOrder - The order for the item. Use Menu.NONE if you do not care about the order. See MenuItem.getOrder().
      title - The text to display for the item.
      The newly added menu item.
    • addSubMenu

      @NonNull public SubMenu addSubMenu(@Nullable CharSequence title)
      Description copied from interface: Menu
      Add a new sub-menu to the menu. This item displays the given title for its label. To modify other attributes on the submenu's menu item, use SubMenu.getItem().
      Specified by:
      addSubMenu in interface Menu
      title - The text to display for the item.
      The newly added sub-menu
    • addSubMenu

      @NonNull public SubMenu addSubMenu(int group, int id, int categoryOrder, @Nullable CharSequence title)
      Description copied from interface: Menu
      Add a new sub-menu to the menu. This item displays the given title for its label. To modify other attributes on the submenu's menu item, use SubMenu.getItem().

      Note that you can only have one level of sub-menus, i.e. you cannot add a subMenu to a subMenu: An UnsupportedOperationException will be thrown if you try.

      Specified by:
      addSubMenu in interface Menu
      group - The group identifier that this item should be part of. This can also be used to define groups of items for batch state changes. Normally use Menu.NONE if an item should not be in a group.
      id - Unique item ID. Use Menu.NONE if you do not need a unique ID.
      categoryOrder - The order for the item. Use Menu.NONE if you do not care about the order. See MenuItem.getOrder().
      title - The text to display for the item.
      The newly added sub-menu
    • setGroupDividerEnabled

      public void setGroupDividerEnabled(boolean groupDividerEnabled)
      Description copied from interface: Menu
      Enable or disable the group dividers.
      Specified by:
      setGroupDividerEnabled in interface Menu
    • isGroupDividerEnabled

      public boolean isGroupDividerEnabled()
    • removeItem

      public void removeItem(int id)
      Description copied from interface: Menu
      Remove the item with the given identifier.
      Specified by:
      removeItem in interface Menu
      id - The item to be removed. If there is no item with this identifier, nothing happens.
    • removeGroup

      public void removeGroup(int group)
      Description copied from interface: Menu
      Remove all items in the given group.
      Specified by:
      removeGroup in interface Menu
      group - The group to be removed. If there are no items in this group, nothing happens.
    • removeItemAt

      public void removeItemAt(int index)
    • clearAll

      public void clearAll()
    • clear

      public void clear()
      Description copied from interface: Menu
      Remove all existing items from the menu, leaving it empty as if it had just been created.
      Specified by:
      clear in interface Menu
    • setGroupCheckable

      public void setGroupCheckable(int group, boolean checkable, boolean exclusive)
      Description copied from interface: Menu
      Control whether a particular group of items can show a check mark. This is similar to calling MenuItem.setCheckable(boolean) on all the menu items with the given group identifier, but in addition you can control whether this group contains a mutually-exclusive set items. This should be called after the items of the group have been added to the menu.
      Specified by:
      setGroupCheckable in interface Menu
      group - The group of items to operate on.
      checkable - Set to true to allow a check mark, false to disallow. The default is false.
      exclusive - If set to true, only one item in this group can be checked at a time; checking an item will automatically uncheck all others in the group. If set to false, each item can be checked independently of the others.
      See Also:
    • setGroupVisible

      public void setGroupVisible(int group, boolean visible)
      Description copied from interface: Menu
      Show or hide all menu items that are in the given group.
      Specified by:
      setGroupVisible in interface Menu
      group - The group of items to operate on.
      visible - If true the items are visible, else they are hidden.
      See Also:
    • setGroupEnabled

      public void setGroupEnabled(int group, boolean enabled)
      Description copied from interface: Menu
      Enable or disable all menu items that are in the given group.
      Specified by:
      setGroupEnabled in interface Menu
      group - The group of items to operate on.
      enabled - If true the items will be enabled, else they will be disabled.
      See Also:
    • hasVisibleItems

      public boolean hasVisibleItems()
      Description copied from interface: Menu
      Return whether the menu currently has item items that are visible.
      Specified by:
      hasVisibleItems in interface Menu
      True if there is one or more item visible, else false.
    • findItem

      @Nullable public MenuItem findItem(int id)
      Description copied from interface: Menu
      Return the menu item with a particular identifier.
      Specified by:
      findItem in interface Menu
      id - The identifier to find.
      The menu item object, or null if there is no item with this identifier.
    • findItemIndex

      public int findItemIndex(int id)
    • findGroupIndex

      public int findGroupIndex(int group)
    • findGroupIndex

      public int findGroupIndex(int group, int start)
    • size

      public int size()
      Description copied from interface: Menu
      Get the number of items in the menu. Note that this will change any times items are added or removed from the menu.
      Specified by:
      size in interface Menu
      The item count.
    • getItem

      @NonNull public MenuItem getItem(int index)
      Gets the menu item at the given index.
      Specified by:
      getItem in interface Menu
      index - The index of the menu item to return.
      The menu item.
    • isShortcutKey

      public boolean isShortcutKey(int keyCode, @NonNull KeyEvent event)
      Description copied from interface: Menu
      Is a keypress one of the defined shortcut keys for this window.
      Specified by:
      isShortcutKey in interface Menu
      keyCode - the key code from KeyEvent to check.
      event - the KeyEvent to use to help check.
    • setQwertyMode

      public void setQwertyMode(boolean isQwerty)
      Description copied from interface: Menu
      Control whether the menu should be running in qwerty mode (alphabetic shortcuts) or 12-key mode (numeric shortcuts).
      Specified by:
      setQwertyMode in interface Menu
      isQwerty - If true the menu will use alphabetic shortcuts; else it will use numeric shortcuts.
    • setShortcutsVisible

      public void setShortcutsVisible(boolean shortcutsVisible)
      Sets whether the shortcuts should be visible on menus. Devices without hardware key input will never make shortcuts visible even if this method is passed 'true'.
      shortcutsVisible - Whether shortcuts should be visible (if true and a menu item does not have a shortcut defined, that item will still NOT show a shortcut)
    • isShortcutsVisible

      public boolean isShortcutsVisible()
      Whether shortcuts should be visible on menus.
    • getContext

      public Context getContext()
    • changeMenuMode

      public void changeMenuMode()
      Dispatch a mode change event to this menu's callback.
    • performShortcut

      public boolean performShortcut(int keyCode, @NonNull KeyEvent event, int flags)
      Description copied from interface: Menu
      Execute the menu item action associated with the given shortcut character.
      Specified by:
      performShortcut in interface Menu
      keyCode - The keycode of the shortcut key.
      event - Key event message.
      flags - Additional option flags or 0.
      If the given shortcut exists and is shown, returns true; else returns false.
      See Also:
    • performIdentifierAction

      public boolean performIdentifierAction(int id, int flags)
      Description copied from interface: Menu
      Execute the menu item action associated with the given menu identifier.
      Specified by:
      performIdentifierAction in interface Menu
      id - Identifier associated with the menu item.
      flags - Additional option flags or 0.
      If the given identifier exists and is shown, returns true; else returns false.
      See Also:
    • performItemAction

      public boolean performItemAction(MenuItem item, int flags)
    • performItemAction

      public boolean performItemAction(MenuItem item, MenuPresenter preferredPresenter, int flags)
    • close

      public final void close(boolean closeAllMenus)
      Closes the menu.
      closeAllMenus - true if all displayed menus and submenus should be completely closed (as when a menu item is selected) or false if only this menu should be closed
    • close

      public void close()
      Closes the menu, if open.
      Specified by:
      close in interface Menu
    • onItemsChanged

      public void onItemsChanged(boolean structureChanged)
      Called when an item is added or removed.
      structureChanged - true if the menu structure changed, false if only item properties changed. (Visibility is a structural property since it affects layout.)
    • stopDispatchingItemsChanged

      public void stopDispatchingItemsChanged()
      Stop dispatching item changed events to presenters until startDispatchingItemsChanged() is called. Useful when many menu operations are going to be performed as a batch.
    • startDispatchingItemsChanged

      public void startDispatchingItemsChanged()
    • getVisibleItems

      @NonNull public ArrayList<MenuItemImpl> getVisibleItems()
    • flagActionItems

      public void flagActionItems()
      This method determines which menu items get to be 'action items' that will appear in an action bar and which items should be 'overflow items' in a secondary menu. The rules are as follows:

      Items are considered for inclusion in the order specified within the menu. There is a limit of mMaxActionItems as a total count, optionally including the overflow menu button itself. This is a soft limit; if an item shares a group ID with an item previously included as an action item, the new item will stay with its group and become an action item itself even if it breaks the max item count limit. This is done to limit the conceptual complexity of the items presented within an action bar. Only a few unrelated concepts should be presented to the user in this space, and groups are treated as a single concept.

      There is also a hard limit of consumed measurable space: mActionWidthLimit. This limit may be broken by a single item that exceeds the remaining space, but no further items may be added. If an item that is part of a group cannot fit within the remaining measured width, the entire group will be demoted to overflow. This is done to ensure room for navigation and other affordances in the action bar as well as reduce general UI clutter.

      The space freed by demoting a full group cannot be consumed by future menu items. Once items begin to overflow, all future items become overflow items as well. This is to avoid inadvertent reordering that may break the app's intended design.

    • getActionItems

      public ArrayList<MenuItemImpl> getActionItems()
    • getNonActionItems

      public ArrayList<MenuItemImpl> getNonActionItems()
    • clearHeader

      public void clearHeader()
    • setHeaderTitleInt

      protected MenuBuilder setHeaderTitleInt(CharSequence title)
      Sets the header's title. This replaces the header view. Called by the builder-style methods of subclasses.
      title - The new title.
      This MenuBuilder so additional setters can be called.
    • setHeaderIconInt

      protected MenuBuilder setHeaderIconInt(Drawable icon)
      Sets the header's icon. This replaces the header view. Called by the builder-style methods of subclasses.
      icon - The new icon.
      This MenuBuilder so additional setters can be called.
    • setHeaderViewInt

      protected MenuBuilder setHeaderViewInt(View view)
      Sets the header's view. This replaces the title and icon. Called by the builder-style methods of subclasses.
      view - The new view.
      This MenuBuilder so additional setters can be called.
    • getHeaderTitle

      public CharSequence getHeaderTitle()
    • getHeaderIcon

      public Drawable getHeaderIcon()
    • getHeaderView

      public View getHeaderView()
    • getRootMenu

      public MenuBuilder getRootMenu()
      Gets the root menu (if this is a submenu, find its root menu).
      The root menu.
    • setCurrentMenuInfo

      public void setCurrentMenuInfo(ContextMenu.ContextMenuInfo menuInfo)
      Sets the current menu info that is set on all items added to this menu (until this is called again with different menu info, in which case that one will be added to all subsequent item additions).
      menuInfo - The extra menu information to add.
    • setOptionalIconsVisible

      public void setOptionalIconsVisible(boolean visible)
    • expandItemActionView

      public boolean expandItemActionView(MenuItemImpl item)
    • collapseItemActionView

      public boolean collapseItemActionView(MenuItemImpl item)
    • getExpandedItem

      public MenuItemImpl getExpandedItem()