Class Context

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
ImmediateContext, RecordingContext

public abstract sealed class Context extends RefCnt permits ImmediateContext, RecordingContext
This class is a public API, except where noted.
  • Field Details

    • mDevice

      protected final Device mDevice
    • mOwnerThread

      protected final Thread mOwnerThread
    • mResourceProvider

      protected ResourceProvider mResourceProvider
  • Constructor Details

    • Context

      protected Context(Device device)
  • Method Details

    • getBackend

      public final int getBackend()
      The 3D API backing this context.
      see Engine.BackendApi
    • getDefaultBackendFormat

      @Nullable public final BackendFormat getDefaultBackendFormat(int colorType, boolean renderable)
      Retrieve the default BackendFormat for a given ColorType and renderability. It is guaranteed that this backend format will be the one used by the following ColorType and SurfaceCharacterization.createBackendFormat(int, BackendFormat).

      The caller should check that the returned format is valid (nullability).

      colorType - see ImageDesc
      renderable - true if the format will be used as color attachments
    • getCompressedBackendFormat

      @Nullable public final BackendFormat getCompressedBackendFormat(int compressionType)
      Retrieve the BackendFormat for a given CompressionType. This is guaranteed to match the backend format used by the following createCompressedBackendTexture methods that take a CompressionType.

      The caller should check that the returned format is valid (nullability).

      compressionType - see ImageDesc
    • getMaxSurfaceSampleCount

      public final int getMaxSurfaceSampleCount(int colorType)
      Gets the maximum supported sample count for a color type. 1 is returned if only non-MSAA rendering is supported for the color type. 0 is returned if rendering to this color type is not supported at all.
      colorType - see ImageDesc
    • isImmediate

      public final boolean isImmediate()
    • getDevice

      @Internal public final Device getDevice()
    • matches

      @Internal public final boolean matches(Context c)
    • getOptions

      @Internal public final ContextOptions getOptions()
    • getContextID

      @Internal public final int getContextID()
      An identifier for this context. The id is used by all compatible contexts. For example, if Images are created on one thread using an image creation context, then fed into a Recorder on second thread (which has a recording context) and finally replayed on a third thread with a direct context, then all three contexts will report the same id. It is an error for an image to be used with contexts that report different ids.
    • isDeviceLost

      public boolean isDeviceLost()
    • getCaps

      @Internal public final Caps getCaps()
    • getResourceProvider

      @Internal public final ResourceProvider getResourceProvider()
    • getMaxTextureSize

      public final int getMaxTextureSize()
      Gets the maximum supported texture size.
    • getMaxRenderTargetSize

      public final int getMaxRenderTargetSize()
      Gets the maximum supported render target size.
    • freeGpuResources

      public abstract void freeGpuResources()
      Frees GPU resources created and held by the Context. Can be called to reduce GPU memory pressure. Any resources that are still in use (e.g. being used by work submitted to the GPU) will not be deleted by this call. If the caller wants to make sure all resources are freed, then they should first make sure to submit and wait on any outstanding work.
    • performDeferredCleanup

      public abstract void performDeferredCleanup(long msNotUsed)
      Purge GPU resources on the Context that haven't been used in the past 'msNotUsed' milliseconds or are otherwise marked for deletion, regardless of whether the context is under budget.
    • getCurrentBudgetedBytes

      public long getCurrentBudgetedBytes()
      Returns the number of bytes of the Context's gpu memory cache budget that are currently in use.
    • getCurrentPurgeableBytes

      public long getCurrentPurgeableBytes()
      Returns the number of bytes of the Context's resource cache that are currently purgeable.
    • getMaxBudgetedBytes

      public long getMaxBudgetedBytes()
      Returns the size of Context's gpu memory cache budget in bytes.
    • getSharedResourceCache

      @Internal public final SharedResourceCache getSharedResourceCache()
    • getRendererProvider

      @Internal public final RendererProvider getRendererProvider()
    • getLogger

      public final org.slf4j.Logger getLogger()
    • init

      protected boolean init(BaseContextOptions options)
    • deallocate

      protected void deallocate()
      Description copied from class: RefCnt
      Override this method to invoke de-allocation of the underlying resource.
      Specified by:
      deallocate in class RefCnt
    • getOwnerThread

      public final Thread getOwnerThread()
      the context-creating thread
    • isOwnerThread

      public final boolean isOwnerThread()
      true if calling from the context-creating thread
    • checkOwnerThread

      public final void checkOwnerThread()
      Checks if calling from the context-creating thread, or throws a runtime exception.