Class Device

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
GLDevice, VulkanDevice

public abstract class Device extends Object implements Engine
The Device represents a logical GPU device and provides shared context info of the backend 3D API. A Device is created with an ImmediateContext.
  • Field Details

    • mCaps

      protected final Caps mCaps
    • mCompiler

      protected final ShaderCompiler mCompiler
    • mStats

      protected final Device.Stats mStats
    • mOutOfMemoryEncountered

      protected volatile boolean mOutOfMemoryEncountered
    • mDeviceIsLost

      protected volatile boolean mDeviceIsLost
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • getLogger

      public final org.slf4j.Logger getLogger()
    • getExecutingThread

      public final Thread getExecutingThread()
      the command-executing thread
    • isOnExecutingThread

      public final boolean isOnExecutingThread()
      true if calling from the command-executing thread
    • getDefaultBackendFormat

      @Nullable public BackendFormat getDefaultBackendFormat(int colorType, boolean renderable)
      Retrieve the default BackendFormat for a given ColorType and renderability. It is guaranteed that this backend format will be the one used by the following ColorType and SurfaceCharacterization.createBackendFormat(int, BackendFormat).

      The caller should check that the returned format is valid (nullability).

      colorType - see ImageDesc
      renderable - true if the format will be used as color attachments
    • getCompressedBackendFormat

      @Nullable public BackendFormat getCompressedBackendFormat(int compressionType)
      Retrieve the BackendFormat for a given CompressionType. This is guaranteed to match the backend format used by the following createCompressedBackendTexture methods that take a CompressionType.

      The caller should check that the returned format is valid (nullability).

      compressionType - see ImageDesc
    • getMaxSurfaceSampleCount

      public int getMaxSurfaceSampleCount(int colorType)
      Gets the maximum supported sample count for a color type. 1 is returned if only non-MSAA rendering is supported for the color type. 0 is returned if rendering to this color type is not supported at all.
      colorType - see ImageDesc
    • isValid

      public boolean isValid()
      initialized or not, if ImmediateContext is created, it must be true
    • getBackend

      @Internal public int getBackend()
    • getOptions

      @Internal public ContextOptions getOptions()
    • getContextID

      @Internal public int getContextID()
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object
    • getCaps

      public Caps getCaps()
      Gets the capabilities of the context.
    • getShaderCompiler

      public final ShaderCompiler getShaderCompiler()
      Gets the compiler used for compiling AkSL into backend shader code.
    • makeResourceProvider

      public abstract ResourceProvider makeResourceProvider(Context context, long maxResourceBudget)
    • getSharedResourceCache

      public final SharedResourceCache getSharedResourceCache()
    • getShaderCodeSource

      public final ShaderCodeSource getShaderCodeSource()
    • getRendererProvider

      public final RendererProvider getRendererProvider()
    • disconnect

      public void disconnect(boolean cleanup)
      Called by context when the underlying backend context is already or will be destroyed before ImmediateContext.

      If cleanup is true, free allocated resources (other than ResourceCache) before returning and ensure no backend 3D API calls will be made after this method returns. Otherwise, no cleanup should be attempted, immediately cease making backend API calls.

    • isDeviceLost

      public boolean isDeviceLost()
      Returns true if GPU is gone.
    • getStats

      public final Device.Stats getStats()
    • markContextDirty

      public final void markContextDirty(int state)
      The engine object normally assumes that no outsider is setting state within the underlying 3D API's context/device/whatever. This call informs the engine that the state was modified, and it shouldn't make assumptions about the state.
    • handleDirtyContext

      protected void handleDirtyContext(int state)
    • onResetContext

      protected void onResetContext(int resetBits)
      Called when the 3D context state is unknown. Subclass should emit any assumed 3D context state and dirty any state cache.
    • getVertexPool

      @Deprecated public GpuBufferPool getVertexPool()
    • getInstancePool

      @Deprecated public GpuBufferPool getInstancePool()
    • getIndexPool

      @Deprecated public GpuBufferPool getIndexPool()
    • freeGpuResources

      protected void freeGpuResources()
    • purgeResourcesNotUsedSince

      protected void purgeResourcesNotUsedSince(long timeMillis)
    • createRenderTarget

      @Deprecated @Nullable @SharedPtr public final @SharedPtr GpuRenderTarget createRenderTarget(int numColorTargets, @Nullable Image[] colorTargets, @Nullable Image[] resolveTargets, @Nullable int[] mipLevels, @Nullable Image depthStencilTarget, int surfaceFlags)
      Overridden by backend-specific derived class to create objects.

      Image size and format support will have already been validated in base class before onCreateImage is called.

    • onCreateRenderTarget

      @Deprecated @OverrideOnly @Nullable @SharedPtr protected abstract @SharedPtr GpuRenderTarget onCreateRenderTarget(int width, int height, int sampleCount, int numColorTargets, @Nullable Image[] colorTargets, @Nullable Image[] resolveTargets, @Nullable int[] mipLevels, @Nullable Image depthStencilTarget, int surfaceFlags)
    • wrapRenderableBackendTexture

      @Deprecated @Nullable @SharedPtr public @SharedPtr GpuRenderTarget wrapRenderableBackendTexture(BackendImage texture, int sampleCount, boolean ownership)
      This makes the backend texture be renderable. If sampleCount is > 1 and the underlying API uses separate MSAA render buffers then a MSAA render buffer is created that resolves to the texture.

      Ownership specifies rules for external GPU resources imported into Engine. If false, Engine will assume the client will keep the resource alive and Engine will not free it. If true, Engine will assume ownership of the resource and free it.

      texture - the backend texture must be single sample
      a non-cacheable render target, or null if failed
    • onWrapRenderableBackendTexture

      @Deprecated @Nullable @SharedPtr protected abstract @SharedPtr GpuRenderTarget onWrapRenderableBackendTexture(BackendImage texture, int sampleCount, boolean ownership)
    • wrapGLDefaultFramebuffer

      @Deprecated @Nullable @SharedPtr public final @SharedPtr GpuRenderTarget wrapGLDefaultFramebuffer(int width, int height, int sampleCount, int depthBits, int stencilBits, BackendFormat format)
    • onWrapGLDefaultFramebuffer

      @Deprecated @OverrideOnly @Nullable @SharedPtr protected @SharedPtr GpuRenderTarget onWrapGLDefaultFramebuffer(int width, int height, int sampleCount, int depthBits, int stencilBits, BackendFormat format)
    • wrapBackendRenderTarget

      @Deprecated @Nullable @SharedPtr public @SharedPtr GpuRenderTarget wrapBackendRenderTarget(BackendRenderTarget backendRenderTarget)
    • onWrapBackendRenderTarget

      @Deprecated @Nullable @SharedPtr public abstract @SharedPtr GpuRenderTarget onWrapBackendRenderTarget(BackendRenderTarget backendRenderTarget)
    • getOpsRenderPass

      @Deprecated @Nullable public final OpsRenderPass getOpsRenderPass(ImageProxyView writeView, Rect2i contentBounds, byte colorOps, byte stencilOps, float[] clearColor, Set<SurfaceProxy> sampledTextures, int pipelineFlags)
      Returns a OpsRenderPass which OpsTasks record draw commands to.
      writeView - the render target to be rendered to
      contentBounds - the clipped content bounds of the render pass
      colorOps - the color load/store ops
      stencilOps - the stencil load/store ops
      clearColor - the color used to clear the color buffer
      sampledTextures - list of all textures to be sampled in the render pass (no refs)
      pipelineFlags - combination of flags of all pipelines to be used in the render pass
      a render pass used to record draw commands, or null if failed
    • onGetOpsRenderPass

      @Deprecated protected abstract OpsRenderPass onGetOpsRenderPass(ImageProxyView writeView, Rect2i contentBounds, byte colorOps, byte stencilOps, float[] clearColor, Set<SurfaceProxy> sampledTextures, int pipelineFlags)
    • resolveRenderTarget

      @Deprecated public void resolveRenderTarget(GpuRenderTarget renderTarget, int resolveLeft, int resolveTop, int resolveRight, int resolveBottom)
      Resolves MSAA. The resolve rectangle must already be in the native destination space.
    • onResolveRenderTarget

      @Deprecated protected abstract void onResolveRenderTarget(GpuRenderTarget renderTarget, int resolveLeft, int resolveTop, int resolveRight, int resolveBottom)
    • insertFence

      public abstract long insertFence()
      Creates a new fence and inserts it into the graphics queue. Calls deleteFence(long) if the fence is no longer used.
      the handle to the fence, or null if failed
    • checkFence

      public abstract boolean checkFence(long fence)
      Checks a fence on client side to see if signalled. This method returns immediately.
      fence - the handle to the fence
      true if signalled, false otherwise
    • deleteFence

      public abstract void deleteFence(long fence)
      Deletes an existing fence that previously returned by insertFence().
      fence - the handle to the fence, cannot be null
    • addFinishedCallback

      public abstract void addFinishedCallback(FlushInfo.FinishedCallback callback)
    • checkFinishedCallbacks

      public abstract void checkFinishedCallbacks()
    • waitForQueue

      public abstract void waitForQueue()
      Blocks the current thread and waits for GPU to finish outstanding works.
    • checkOutOfMemory

      public final boolean checkOutOfMemory()
      Checks if we detected an OOM from the underlying 3D API and if so returns true and resets the internal OOM state to false. Otherwise, returns false.