Class GLDevice

All Implemented Interfaces:

public final class GLDevice extends Device
The OpenGL device.
  • Field Details


      public static final int DEFAULT_FRAMEBUFFER
      The reserved framebuffer that used for swapping buffers with window.
      See Also:

      public static final int DEFAULT_VERTEX_ARRAY
      The default vertex array compared to custom vertex array objects.
      See Also:

      public static final int DEFAULT_TEXTURE
      See Also:
  • Method Details

    • make

      @Nullable public static GLDevice make(ContextOptions options, Object capabilities)
      Create a GLDevice with OpenGL context current in the current thread.
      options - the context options
      the engine or null if failed to create
    • executeRenderCall

      public void executeRenderCall(Consumer<GLDevice> renderCall)
      OpenGL only method. Execute the GL command as soon as possible.
    • recordRenderCall

      public void recordRenderCall(Consumer<GLDevice> renderCall)
    • flushRenderCalls

      public void flushRenderCalls()
    • getCaps

      public GLCaps getCaps()
      Description copied from class: Device
      Gets the capabilities of the context.
      getCaps in class Device
    • getGL

      public GLInterface getGL()
    • disconnect

      public void disconnect(boolean cleanup)
      Description copied from class: Device
      Called by context when the underlying backend context is already or will be destroyed before ImmediateContext.

      If cleanup is true, free allocated resources (other than ResourceCache) before returning and ensure no backend 3D API calls will be made after this method returns. Otherwise, no cleanup should be attempted, immediately cease making backend API calls.

      disconnect in class Device
    • makeResourceProvider

      public GLResourceProvider makeResourceProvider(Context context, long maxResourceBudget)
      Specified by:
      makeResourceProvider in class Device
    • onResetContext

      protected void onResetContext(int resetBits)
      Description copied from class: Device
      Called when the 3D context state is unknown. Subclass should emit any assumed 3D context state and dirty any state cache.
      onResetContext in class Device
    • clearErrors

      public void clearErrors()
      Call getError() until there are no errors.
    • getError

      public int getError()
      Polls an error code and sets the OOM and context lost state.
    • freeGpuResources

      protected void freeGpuResources()
      freeGpuResources in class Device
    • purgeResourcesNotUsedSince

      protected void purgeResourcesNotUsedSince(long timeMillis)
      purgeResourcesNotUsedSince in class Device
    • purgeStaleResources

      public void purgeStaleResources()
    • findOrCreateFramebuffer

      @Nullable @SharedPtr public @SharedPtr GLFramebuffer findOrCreateFramebuffer(@Nonnull FramebufferDesc framebufferDesc)
    • findOrCreateVertexArray

      @Nullable @SharedPtr public @SharedPtr GLVertexArray findOrCreateVertexArray(@Nonnull VertexInputLayout inputLayout, String label)
    • onCreateRenderTarget

      @Nullable protected GpuRenderTarget onCreateRenderTarget(int width, int height, int sampleCount, int numColorTargets, @Nullable Image[] colorTargets, @Nullable Image[] resolveTargets, @Nullable int[] mipLevels, @Nullable Image depthStencilTarget, int surfaceFlags)
      Specified by:
      onCreateRenderTarget in class Device
    • onWrapRenderableBackendTexture

      @Nullable protected GLRenderTarget onWrapRenderableBackendTexture(BackendImage texture, int sampleCount, boolean ownership)
      Specified by:
      onWrapRenderableBackendTexture in class Device
    • onWrapGLDefaultFramebuffer

      protected GpuRenderTarget onWrapGLDefaultFramebuffer(int width, int height, int sampleCount, int depthBits, int stencilBits, BackendFormat format)
      onWrapGLDefaultFramebuffer in class Device
    • onWrapBackendRenderTarget

      @Nullable public GLRenderTarget onWrapBackendRenderTarget(BackendRenderTarget backendRenderTarget)
      Specified by:
      onWrapBackendRenderTarget in class Device
    • writePixels

      public boolean writePixels(@RawPtr @RawPtr Image texture, int x, int y, int width, int height, int dstColorType, int srcColorType, int rowBytes, long pixels)
      Updates the pixels in a rectangle of an image. No sRGB/linear conversions are performed. The write operation can fail because of the surface doesn't support writing (e.g. read only), the color type is not allowed for the format of the texture or if the rectangle written is not contained in the texture.
      texture - the image to write to
      dstColorType - the color type for this use of the surface
      srcColorType - the color type of the source data
      rowBytes - the row bytes, must be a multiple of srcColorType's bytes-per-pixel.
      pixels - the pointer to the texel data for base level image
      true if succeeded, false if not
    • generateMipmaps

      public boolean generateMipmaps(@RawPtr @RawPtr Image image)
      Uses the base level of the image to compute the contents of the other mipmap levels.
      success or not
    • copyImage

      public boolean copyImage(@RawPtr @RawPtr GLImage src, int srcL, int srcT, int srcR, int srcB, @RawPtr @RawPtr GLImage dst, int dstX, int dstY, int level)
      Perform an image-to-image copy, with the specified regions. Scaling is not allowed.

      If their dimensions are same and formats are compatible, then this method will attempt to perform copy. Otherwise, this method will attempt to perform blit, which may include format conversion.

      Only mipmap level level of 2D images will be copied, without any multisampled buffer and depth/stencil buffer.

      success or not
    • copyImage

      public boolean copyImage(Image src, int srcX, int srcY, Image dst, int dstX, int dstY, int width, int height)
    • copyImage

      public boolean copyImage(Image src, int srcL, int srcT, int srcR, int srcB, Image dst, int dstL, int dstT, int dstR, int dstB, int filter)
      Perform a surface-to-surface copy, with the specified regions.

      If their dimensions are same and formats are compatible, then this method will attempt to perform copy. Otherwise, this method will attempt to perform blit, which may include resampling and format conversion. filter can be one of SamplerDesc.FILTER_NEAREST and SamplerDesc.FILTER_LINEAR.

      Only mipmap level 0 of 2D images will be copied, without any multisampled buffer and depth/stencil buffer.

      success or not
    • onGetOpsRenderPass

      protected OpsRenderPass onGetOpsRenderPass(ImageProxyView writeView, Rect2i contentBounds, byte colorOps, byte stencilOps, float[] clearColor, Set<SurfaceProxy> sampledTextures, int pipelineFlags)
      Specified by:
      onGetOpsRenderPass in class Device
    • onResolveRenderTarget

      protected void onResolveRenderTarget(GpuRenderTarget renderTarget, int resolveLeft, int resolveTop, int resolveRight, int resolveBottom)
      Specified by:
      onResolveRenderTarget in class Device
    • insertFence

      public long insertFence()
      Description copied from class: Device
      Creates a new fence and inserts it into the graphics queue. Calls Device.deleteFence(long) if the fence is no longer used.
      Specified by:
      insertFence in class Device
      the handle to the fence, or null if failed
    • checkFence

      public boolean checkFence(long fence)
      Description copied from class: Device
      Checks a fence on client side to see if signalled. This method returns immediately.
      Specified by:
      checkFence in class Device
      fence - the handle to the fence
      true if signalled, false otherwise
    • deleteFence

      public void deleteFence(long fence)
      Description copied from class: Device
      Deletes an existing fence that previously returned by Device.insertFence().
      Specified by:
      deleteFence in class Device
      fence - the handle to the fence, cannot be null
    • addFinishedCallback

      public void addFinishedCallback(FlushInfo.FinishedCallback callback)
      Specified by:
      addFinishedCallback in class Device
    • checkFinishedCallbacks

      public void checkFinishedCallbacks()
      Specified by:
      checkFinishedCallbacks in class Device
    • waitForQueue

      public void waitForQueue()
      Description copied from class: Device
      Blocks the current thread and waits for GPU to finish outstanding works.
      Specified by:
      waitForQueue in class Device