Package icyllis.arc3d.opengl
package icyllis.arc3d.opengl
ClassDescriptionA cache object that can be shared by multiple
instances.When importing external memory,GLBackendImage.memoryHandle
is POSIX file descriptor or Win32 NT handle.Stores some capabilities of an OpenGL device.OpenGL desktop implementation of OpenGL.The OpenGL command buffer.The OpenGL device.Types for interacting with GL resources created externally to pipeline.This class manages a GPU program and records per-program information.Represents OpenGL textures and renderbuffers.Descriptor to create OpenGL images (textures and renderbuffers).Interface for gl* function access between OpenGL 4.6 Core and OpenGL ES 3.2, depending on GLCapabilities or GLESCapabilities.OpenGL 3.1 Core and OpenGL ES 3.0 have a common subset.Deprecated.Represents OpenGL programs.Represents the OpenGL queue.Represents OpenGL renderbuffers.Represents OpenGL framebuffers.Provides OpenGL objects with cache.Represents OpenGL sampler objects.Represents OpenGL textures.Only used when OpenGL 4.3 texture view is unavailable.Represents OpenGL textures views.Deprecated.Uploads a UBO for a Uniform Interface Block with std140 layout.Provides OpenGL utilities.Known drivers.Known vendors.This class manages the lifetime of the vertex array object and is used to track the state of the vertex array to avoid redundant GL calls.