Class CharacterStyle

Direct Known Subclasses:
BackgroundColorSpan, ClickableSpan, ForegroundColorSpan, MetricAffectingSpan, StrikethroughSpan, UnderlineSpan

public abstract class CharacterStyle extends Object
The classes that affect character-level text formatting extend this class. Most extend its subclass MetricAffectingSpan, but simple ones may just implement UpdateAppearance.
  • Constructor Details

    • CharacterStyle

      public CharacterStyle()
  • Method Details

    • updateDrawState

      public abstract void updateDrawState(@Nonnull TextPaint paint)
    • wrap

      @Nonnull public static CharacterStyle wrap(CharacterStyle cs)
      A given CharacterStyle can only be applied to a single region of a given Spanned.
      If you need to attach the same CharacterStyle to multiple regions, you can use this method to wrap it with a new object that will have the same effect but be a distinct object so that it can also be attached without conflict.
    • getUnderlying

      public CharacterStyle getUnderlying()
      Returns "this" for most CharacterStyles, but for CharacterStyles that were generated by wrap(, returns the original CharacterStyle.