ClassDescriptionA span that changes the size of the text it's attached to.Span that allows defining the alignment of text at the paragraph level.Changes the background color of the text to which the span is attached.The classes that affect character-level text formatting extend this class.If an object of this type is attached to the text of a TextView with a movement method of LinkMovementMethod, the affected spans of text can be selected.Span that replaces the text it's attached to with a
that can be aligned with the bottom or with the baseline of the surrounding text.Defines acceptable alignment types.Changes the color of the text to which the span is attached.Span that replaces the text it's attached to with aDrawable
that can be aligned with the bottom or with the baseline of the surrounding text.A paragraph style affecting the leading margin.An extended version ofLeadingMarginSpan
, which allows the implementor to specify the number of lines of the paragraph to which this object is attached that the "first line of paragraph" margin width will be applied to.The standard implementation of LeadingMarginSpan, which adjusts the margin but does not do any rendering.Used to change the background of lines where the span is attached to.Default implementation of theLineBackgroundSpan
, which changes the background color of the lines to which the span is attached.The classes that affect the line height of paragraph should implement this interface.Changes theLocale
of the text to which the span is attached.The classes that affect character-level text formatting in a way that changes the metric of characters extend this class.The classes that affect paragraph-level text formatting implement this interface.Uniformly scales the size of the text to which it's attached by a certain proportion.A span that strikes through the text it's attached to.Span that allows setting the style of the text it's attached to.The span that moves the position of the text baseline lower.The span that moves the position of the text baseline higher.Paragraph affecting span that changes the position of the tab with respect to the leading margin of the line.The default implementation of TabStopSpan that allows setting the offset of the tab stop from the leading margin of the first line of text.A paragraph style affecting the trailing margin.A span that underlines the text it's attached to.The classes that affect character-level text in a way that modifies their appearance when one is added or removed must implement this interface.The classes that affect character-level text formatting in a way that triggers a text layout update when one is added or removed must implement this interface.Implementation of theClickableSpan
that allows setting a url string.