Class TabStopSpan.Standard

All Implemented Interfaces:
ParagraphStyle, TabStopSpan
Enclosing interface:

public static class TabStopSpan.Standard extends Object implements TabStopSpan
The default implementation of TabStopSpan that allows setting the offset of the tab stop from the leading margin of the first line of text.

Let's consider that we have the following text: "\tParagraph text beginning with tab." and we want to move the tab stop with 100px. This can be achieved like this:

 SpannableString string = new SpannableString("\tParagraph text beginning with tab.");
 string.setSpan(new TabStopSpan.Standard(100), 0, string.length(),
  • Constructor Details

    • Standard

      public Standard(int offset)
      Constructs a TabStopSpan.Standard based on an offset.
      offset - the offset of the tab stop from the leading margin of the line, in pixels
  • Method Details

    • getTabStop

      public int getTabStop()
      Description copied from interface: TabStopSpan
      Returns the offset of the tab stop from the leading margin of the line, in pixels.
      Specified by:
      getTabStop in interface TabStopSpan
      the offset, in pixels