Interface LeadingMarginSpan.LeadingMarginSpan2

All Superinterfaces:
LeadingMarginSpan, ParagraphStyle, WrapTogetherSpan
Enclosing interface:

public static interface LeadingMarginSpan.LeadingMarginSpan2 extends LeadingMarginSpan, WrapTogetherSpan
An extended version of LeadingMarginSpan, which allows the implementor to specify the number of lines of the paragraph to which this object is attached that the "first line of paragraph" margin width will be applied to.

There should only be one LeadingMarginSpan2 per paragraph. The leading margin line count affects all LeadingMarginSpans in the paragraph, adjusting the number of lines to which the first line margin is applied.

As with LeadingMarginSpans, LeadingMarginSpan2s should be attached from the beginning to the end of a paragraph.

  • Method Details

    • getLeadingMarginLineCount

      int getLeadingMarginLineCount()
      Returns the number of lines of the paragraph to which this object is attached that the "first line" margin will apply to.