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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form


b - Variable in class icyllis.arc3d.core.ColorSpace.Rgb.TransferParameters
Variable \(b\) in the equation of the EOTF described above.
b() - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.core.Paint
Returns the value of the blue component.
b() - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.core.shaders.Color4fShader
b() - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.granite.KeyContext
Returns the value of the blue component, in destination space.
b() - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.granite.PaintParams
Returns the value of the blue component, in sRGB space.
B - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.tree.Swizzle
backendFormat() - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.engine.trash.GraphicsPipelineDesc_Old
BackendFormat - Class in icyllis.arc3d.engine
BackendFormat() - Constructor for class icyllis.arc3d.engine.BackendFormat
BackendImage - Class in icyllis.arc3d.engine
Descriptor of 3D API image/texture that can be shared between recording contexts, OpenGL shared contexts and cross-API usage, including its dimension, image view type, and memory allocation.
BackendImage(ImageDesc, ImageMutableState) - Constructor for class icyllis.arc3d.engine.BackendImage
BackendRenderTarget - Class in icyllis.arc3d.engine
BackendRenderTarget(int, int) - Constructor for class icyllis.arc3d.engine.BackendRenderTarget
BackendSemaphore - Class in icyllis.arc3d.engine
BackendSemaphore() - Constructor for class icyllis.arc3d.engine.BackendSemaphore
background - Static variable in class
BACKGROUND_COLOR_SPAN - Static variable in class icyllis.modernui.text.TextUtils
BackgroundColorSpan - Class in
Changes the background color of the text to which the span is attached.
BackgroundColorSpan(int) - Constructor for class
Creates a BackgroundColorSpan from a color integer.
BackgroundColorSpan(Parcel) - Constructor for class
Creates a BackgroundColorSpan from a parcel.
backspace(TextView, Editable, KeyEvent) - Method in class icyllis.modernui.text.method.TextKeyListener
Performs the action that happens when you press the KeyEvent.KEY_BACKSPACE key in a TextView.
BadParcelableException - Exception Class in icyllis.modernui.util
Exception thrown when a Parcelable is malformed or otherwise invalid.
BadParcelableException(Exception) - Constructor for exception class icyllis.modernui.util.BadParcelableException
BadParcelableException(String) - Constructor for exception class icyllis.modernui.util.BadParcelableException
BadParcelableException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class icyllis.modernui.util.BadParcelableException
BakedGlyph - Class in icyllis.arc3d.granite
This class holds information for a glyph about its pre-rendered image in a GPU texture.
BakedGlyph() - Constructor for class icyllis.arc3d.granite.BakedGlyph
BakedTextBlob - Class in icyllis.arc3d.granite
A BakedTextBlob contains a fully processed TextBlob, suitable for nearly immediate drawing on the GPU.
BakedTextBlob(SubRunContainer) - Constructor for class icyllis.arc3d.granite.BakedTextBlob
BARTLETT - Static variable in class
BASE - Enum constant in enum class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.ShaderKind
For base modules.
BaseAdapter - Class in icyllis.modernui.widget
Common base class of common implementation for an Adapter that can be used in both ListView (by implementing the specialized ListAdapter interface) and Spinner (by implementing the specialized SpinnerAdapter interface).
BaseAdapter() - Constructor for class icyllis.modernui.widget.BaseAdapter
BaseContextOptions - Class in icyllis.arc3d.engine
BaseContextOptions() - Constructor for class icyllis.arc3d.engine.BaseContextOptions
BaseExpandableListAdapter - Class in icyllis.modernui.widget
Base class for a ExpandableListAdapter used to provide data and Views from some data to an expandable list view.
BaseExpandableListAdapter() - Constructor for class icyllis.modernui.widget.BaseExpandableListAdapter
BASELINE - Static variable in class icyllis.modernui.widget.GridLayout
Indicates that a view should be aligned with the baselines of the other views in its cell group.
baselineShift - Variable in class icyllis.modernui.text.TextPaint
BaseMovementMethod - Class in icyllis.modernui.text.method
Base classes for movement methods.
BaseMovementMethod() - Constructor for class icyllis.modernui.text.method.BaseMovementMethod
BASIC - Enum constant in enum class icyllis.arc3d.engine.Caps.BlendEquationSupport
Support to select the operator that combines src and dst terms.
before(Animator) - Method in class icyllis.modernui.animation.AnimatorSet.Builder
Sets up the given animation to play when the animation supplied in the call that created this Builder object ends.
BEFORE - Static variable in class
Compute the valid cursor before offset or the start of the context, whichever is greater.
beforeRender() - Method in class icyllis.modernui.core.awt.AWTGLCanvas
beforeRender(Node) - Method in interface icyllis.modernui.markdown.MarkdownPlugin
This method will be called before rendering will occur thus making possible to post-process parsed node (make changes for example).
beforeSetText(TextView, Spanned) - Method in class icyllis.modernui.markdown.core.CorePlugin
beforeSetText(TextView, Spanned) - Method in interface icyllis.modernui.markdown.MarkdownPlugin
This method will be called before calling TextView#setText.
beforeTextChanged(CharSequence, int, int, int) - Method in class icyllis.modernui.text.method.PasswordTransformationMethod
beforeTextChanged(CharSequence, int, int, int) - Method in interface icyllis.modernui.text.TextWatcher
This method is called to notify you that, within s, the count characters beginning at start are about to be replaced by new text with length after.
begin() - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.engine.CommandBuffer
begin() - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.engine.OpsRenderPass
begin() - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.opengl.GLCommandBuffer
begin() - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.opengl.GLOpsRenderPass
begin() - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.vulkan.VulkanCommandBuffer
beginBatchEdit() - Method in class icyllis.modernui.widget.Editor.UndoInputFilter
Signals that a user-triggered edit is starting.
beginDelayedTransition(ViewGroup) - Static method in class icyllis.modernui.transition.TransitionManager
Convenience method to animate, using the default transition, to a new scene defined by all changes within the given scene root between calling this method and the next rendering frame.
beginDelayedTransition(ViewGroup, Transition) - Static method in class icyllis.modernui.transition.TransitionManager
Convenience method to animate to a new scene defined by all changes within the given scene root between calling this method and the next rendering frame.
beginDrawLocked(int, int) - Method in class icyllis.modernui.view.ViewRoot
beginFakeDrag() - Method in class icyllis.modernui.widget.ViewPager
Start a fake drag of the pager.
beginInstances(BufferViewInfo, BufferViewInfo, int) - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.granite.MeshDrawWriter
Start writing instance data and bind static vertex buffer and index buffer.
beginOpsRenderPass(ImageProxyView, Rect2i, byte, byte, float[], Set<SurfaceProxy>, int) - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.engine.OpFlushState
beginRecording(int, int) - Method in class
Starts recording a display list for the render node.
beginRenderPass(RenderPassDesc, FramebufferDesc, Rect2ic, float[], float, int) - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.engine.CommandBuffer
Begin render pass.
beginRenderPass(RenderPassDesc, FramebufferDesc, Rect2ic, float[], float, int) - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.opengl.GLCommandBuffer
beginRenderPass(RenderPassDesc, FramebufferDesc, Rect2ic, float[], float, int) - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.vulkan.VulkanCommandBuffer
beginTransaction() - Method in class icyllis.modernui.fragment.FragmentManager
Start a series of edit operations on the Fragments associated with this FragmentManager.
beginUpdate(CharSequence) - Method in class icyllis.modernui.core.UndoManager
Start creating a new undo state.
beginVertices() - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.granite.MeshDrawWriter
Behavior() - Constructor for class icyllis.modernui.widget.CoordinatorLayout.Behavior
Default constructor for instantiating Behaviors.
BELOW - Static variable in class icyllis.modernui.widget.RelativeLayout
Rule that aligns a child's top edge with another child's bottom edge.
BEVEL - Enum constant in enum class
The outer edges of a join meet with a straight line
bgColor - Variable in class icyllis.modernui.text.TextPaint
BGR_565 - Enum constant in enum class
RGB, packed three channels, 16-bit unsigned per pixel.
BGR1 - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.engine.Swizzle
BGRA - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.engine.Swizzle
BGRA_1010102 - Enum constant in enum class
RGB, with alpha, packed four channels, 32-bit unsigned per pixel.
BGRA_8888 - Enum constant in enum class
RGB, with alpha, four channels, 8-bit unsigned per channel.
BGRA_8888_PACK32 - Enum constant in enum class
RGB, with alpha, packed four channels, 32-bit unsigned per pixel.
BIDI_DEFAULT_LTR - Static variable in class
BiDi flags that indicating that the base direction depends on the first strong directional character in the text according to the Unicode Bidirectional Algorithm.
BIDI_DEFAULT_RTL - Static variable in class
BiDi flags that indicating that the base direction depends on the first strong directional character in the text according to the Unicode Bidirectional Algorithm.
BIDI_LTR - Static variable in class
BiDi flags that indicating base direction is left-to-right.
BIDI_OVERRIDE_LTR - Static variable in class
BiDi flags that indicating the whole text direction is determined to be left-to-right, no BiDi analysis will be performed.
BIDI_OVERRIDE_RTL - Static variable in class
BiDi flags that indicating the whole text direction is determined to be right-to-left, no BiDi analysis will be performed.
BIDI_RTL - Static variable in class
BiDi flags that indicating base direction is right-to-left.
BidirectionalTypeConverter<T,V> - Class in icyllis.modernui.animation
Abstract base class used convert type T to another type V and back again.
BidirectionalTypeConverter() - Constructor for class icyllis.modernui.animation.BidirectionalTypeConverter
biLerp(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class icyllis.arc3d.core.MathUtil
2D bilinear interpolation between four values (a rect).
biLerp(float, float, float, float, float, float) - Static method in class icyllis.arc3d.core.MathUtil
2D bilinear interpolation between four values (a rect).
BILERP_GLYPH_BORDER - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.core.Glyph
BilinearGradient - Class in icyllis.arc3d.core.shaders
BilinearGradient() - Constructor for class icyllis.arc3d.core.shaders.BilinearGradient
BINARY - Enum constant in enum class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.tree.Node.ExpressionKind
binaryCompact(long) - Static method in class icyllis.modernui.text.TextUtils
binaryCompact(Appendable, long) - Static method in class icyllis.modernui.text.TextUtils
BinaryExpression - Class in icyllis.arc3d.compiler.tree
A binary operation.
BinaryTree(int, int) - Constructor for class icyllis.arc3d.core.RectanglePacker.BinaryTree
Constructor assumes both width and height > 0 invalid input: '&'invalid input: '&' invalid input: '<'= 32767.
bind() - Method in class
Binds this framebuffer object to both draw and read target.
bindAndUploadUniforms(GLDevice, GLCommandBuffer) - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.opengl.GLUniformDataManager
bindBuffers(Buffer, int, Buffer, int, Buffer, int) - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.engine.OpsRenderPass
Binds geometric (input) buffers to current command buffer.
bindDraw() - Method in class
bindGraphicsPipeline(int) - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.granite.DrawCommandList
bindGraphicsPipeline(GraphicsPipeline) - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.engine.CommandBuffer
Bind graphics pipeline.
bindGraphicsPipeline(GraphicsPipeline) - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.opengl.GLCommandBuffer
bindGraphicsPipeline(GraphicsPipeline) - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.vulkan.VulkanCommandBuffer
bindIndexBuffer(int, Buffer, long) - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.engine.CommandBuffer
Render pass scope, caller must track the buffer.
bindIndexBuffer(int, Buffer, long) - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.opengl.GLCommandBuffer
bindIndexBuffer(int, Buffer, long) - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.vulkan.VulkanCommandBuffer
bindIndexBuffer(int, BufferViewInfo) - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.granite.DrawCommandList
bindIndexBuffer(GLBuffer) - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.opengl.GLGraphicsPipeline
Set element buffer (index buffer).
bindIndexBuffer(GLBuffer) - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.opengl.GLVertexArray
Set element buffer (index buffer), bind pipeline first.
bindPipeline(GraphicsPipelineDesc_Old, GraphicsPipeline, Rect2fc) - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.engine.OpsRenderPass
Updates the internal pipeline state for drawing.
bindRead() - Method in class
bindStencil() - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.opengl.GLRenderTarget
Make sure the stencil attachment is valid.
bindTexture(ImageViewProxy) - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.engine.OpsRenderPass
bindTextures(int[]) - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.granite.DrawCommandList
bindTextures(ImageViewProxy[]) - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.engine.OpsRenderPass
Binds textures for the geometry processor.
bindTextures(DrawCommandList) - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.granite.TextureTracker
bindTextures(GLCommandBuffer, GraphicsPipelineDesc_Old, ImageViewProxy[]) - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.opengl.GLGraphicsPipeline
bindTextureSampler(int, Image, Sampler, short) - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.engine.CommandBuffer
Bind texture view and sampler to the same binding point (combined image sampler).
bindTextureSampler(int, Image, Sampler, short) - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.opengl.GLCommandBuffer
bindTextureSampler(int, Image, Sampler, short) - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.vulkan.VulkanCommandBuffer
bindUniformBuffer(int, Buffer, long, long) - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.engine.CommandBuffer
Render pass scope, caller must track the buffer.
bindUniformBuffer(int, Buffer, long, long) - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.granite.DrawCommandList
bindUniformBuffer(int, Buffer, long, long) - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.opengl.GLCommandBuffer
bindUniformBuffer(int, Buffer, long, long) - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.vulkan.VulkanCommandBuffer
bindUniforms(int, DrawCommandList) - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.granite.UniformTracker
bindUniforms(GLCommandBuffer, GraphicsPipelineDesc_Old, int, int) - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.opengl.GLGraphicsPipeline
bindVertexBuffer(int, Buffer, long) - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.engine.CommandBuffer
Render pass scope, caller must track the buffer.
bindVertexBuffer(int, Buffer, long) - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.opengl.GLCommandBuffer
bindVertexBuffer(int, Buffer, long) - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.vulkan.VulkanCommandBuffer
bindVertexBuffer(int, BufferViewInfo) - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.granite.DrawCommandList
bindVertexBuffer(int, GLBuffer, long) - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.opengl.GLGraphicsPipeline
Set the buffer that stores the attribute data.
bindVertexBuffer(int, GLBuffer, long) - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.opengl.GLVertexArray
Set the buffer that stores the attribute data, bind pipeline first.
bindVertexBuffers() - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.vulkan.VulkanCommandBuffer
BIT_MASK - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.granite.DrawOrder
Bitmap - Class in
Describes a 2D raster image (pixel map), with its pixels in native memory.
Bitmap.Format - Enum Class in
Describes a layout of pixel data in CPU memory.
Bitmap.SaveFormat - Enum Class in
List of supported formats a bitmap can be saved as (encoding or compressing).
BitmapFactory - Class in
Creates Bitmaps from encoded data.
BitmapFactory() - Constructor for class
BitmapFactory.Options - Class in
Collects the options for the decoder and additional outputs from the decoder.
BITWISE_AND - Enum constant in enum class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.Operator
BITWISE_NOT - Enum constant in enum class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.Operator
BITWISE_OR - Enum constant in enum class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.Operator
BITWISE_XOR - Enum constant in enum class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.Operator
BL_TR - Enum constant in enum class
draw the gradient from the bottom-left to the top-right
BLACK - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.core.Color
Represents fully opaque black.
BLACKMAN - Static variable in class
blend(BlendMode, int, int) - Static method in class icyllis.arc3d.core.Color
Blends the two colors using premultiplied alpha on CPU side.
blend(BlendMode, int, int) - Static method in class
Blends the two colors using premultiplied alpha on CPU side.
BLEND_CLEAR - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.engine.BlendInfo
BLEND_CLEAR - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.granite.ShaderCodeSource
Public blend functions, these are pure functions.
blend_color(float[], float[], float[]) - Static method in enum class icyllis.arc3d.core.BlendMode
Replaces hue and saturation of destination with hue and saturation of source, leaving luminosity unchanged.
BLEND_COLOR - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.granite.ShaderCodeSource
blend_color_burn(float[], float[], float[]) - Static method in enum class icyllis.arc3d.core.BlendMode
Makes destination darker to reflect source.
BLEND_COLOR_BURN - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.granite.ShaderCodeSource
blend_color_dodge(float[], float[], float[]) - Static method in enum class icyllis.arc3d.core.BlendMode
Makes destination brighter to reflect source.
BLEND_COLOR_DODGE - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.granite.ShaderCodeSource
blend_darken(float[], float[], float[]) - Static method in enum class icyllis.arc3d.core.BlendMode
Retains the smallest component of the source and destination pixels.
BLEND_DARKEN - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.granite.ShaderCodeSource
blend_darker_color(float[], float[], float[]) - Static method in enum class icyllis.arc3d.core.BlendMode
Similar to BlendMode.DARKEN, but darkens on the composite channel, instead of separate RGB color channels.
BLEND_DARKER_COLOR - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.granite.ShaderCodeSource
blend_difference(float[], float[], float[]) - Static method in enum class icyllis.arc3d.core.BlendMode
Subtracts darker from lighter with higher contrast.
BLEND_DIFFERENCE - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.granite.ShaderCodeSource
blend_divide(float[], float[], float[]) - Static method in enum class icyllis.arc3d.core.BlendMode
Divides the destination pixels by the source pixels and saturates the result.
BLEND_DIVIDE - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.granite.ShaderCodeSource
This can produce undefined results from BlendMode.blend_divide(float[], float[], float[]) if values out of range.
BLEND_DST - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.engine.BlendInfo
BLEND_DST - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.granite.ShaderCodeSource
blend_dst_atop(float[], float[], float[]) - Static method in enum class icyllis.arc3d.core.BlendMode
BLEND_DST_ATOP - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.engine.BlendInfo
BLEND_DST_ATOP - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.granite.ShaderCodeSource
blend_dst_in(float[], float[], float[]) - Static method in enum class icyllis.arc3d.core.BlendMode
BLEND_DST_IN - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.engine.BlendInfo
BLEND_DST_IN - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.granite.ShaderCodeSource
blend_dst_out(float[], float[], float[]) - Static method in enum class icyllis.arc3d.core.BlendMode
BLEND_DST_OUT - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.engine.BlendInfo
BLEND_DST_OUT - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.granite.ShaderCodeSource
blend_dst_over(float[], float[], float[]) - Static method in enum class icyllis.arc3d.core.BlendMode
BLEND_DST_OVER - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.engine.BlendInfo
BLEND_DST_OVER - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.granite.ShaderCodeSource
blend_exclusion(float[], float[], float[]) - Static method in enum class icyllis.arc3d.core.BlendMode
Subtracts darker from lighter with lower contrast.
BLEND_EXCLUSION - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.granite.ShaderCodeSource
blend_hard_light(float[], float[], float[]) - Static method in enum class icyllis.arc3d.core.BlendMode
Makes destination lighter or darker, depending on source.
BLEND_HARD_LIGHT - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.granite.ShaderCodeSource
blend_hard_mix(float[], float[], float[]) - Static method in enum class icyllis.arc3d.core.BlendMode
Adds two images together, setting each color channel value to either 0 or 1.
BLEND_HARD_MIX - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.granite.ShaderCodeSource
blend_hue(float[], float[], float[]) - Static method in enum class icyllis.arc3d.core.BlendMode
Replaces hue of destination with hue of source, leaving saturation and luminosity unchanged.
BLEND_HUE - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.granite.ShaderCodeSource
blend_lighten(float[], float[], float[]) - Static method in enum class icyllis.arc3d.core.BlendMode
Retains the largest component of the source and destination pixel.
BLEND_LIGHTEN - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.granite.ShaderCodeSource
blend_lighter_color(float[], float[], float[]) - Static method in enum class icyllis.arc3d.core.BlendMode
Similar to BlendMode.LIGHTEN, but lightens on the composite channel, instead of separate RGB color channels.
BLEND_LIGHTER_COLOR - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.granite.ShaderCodeSource
blend_linear_burn(float[], float[], float[]) - Static method in enum class icyllis.arc3d.core.BlendMode
Darkens the destination pixels to reflect the source pixels while also increasing contrast.
BLEND_LINEAR_BURN - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.granite.ShaderCodeSource
blend_linear_dodge(float[], float[], float[]) - Static method in enum class icyllis.arc3d.core.BlendMode
Lightens the destination pixels to reflect the source pixels while also increasing contrast.
BLEND_LINEAR_DODGE - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.granite.ShaderCodeSource
blend_linear_light(float[], float[], float[]) - Static method in enum class icyllis.arc3d.core.BlendMode
Burns or dodges colors by changing brightness, depending on the blend color.
BLEND_LINEAR_LIGHT - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.granite.ShaderCodeSource
blend_luminosity(float[], float[], float[]) - Static method in enum class icyllis.arc3d.core.BlendMode
Replaces luminosity of destination with luminosity of source, leaving hue and saturation unchanged.
BLEND_LUMINOSITY - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.granite.ShaderCodeSource
blend_minus(float[], float[], float[]) - Static method in enum class icyllis.arc3d.core.BlendMode
Subtracts the source pixels from the destination pixels, without alpha blending.
BLEND_MINUS - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.engine.BlendInfo
BLEND_MINUS - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.granite.ShaderCodeSource
blend_minus_clamped(float[], float[], float[]) - Static method in enum class icyllis.arc3d.core.BlendMode
Subtracts the source pixels from the destination pixels and saturates the result, without alpha blending.
BLEND_MINUS_CLAMPED - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.granite.ShaderCodeSource
blend_modulate(float[], float[], float[]) - Static method in enum class icyllis.arc3d.core.BlendMode
Multiplies the source and destination pixels, without alpha blending.
BLEND_MODULATE - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.engine.BlendInfo
BLEND_MODULATE - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.granite.ShaderCodeSource
blend_multiply(float[], float[], float[]) - Static method in enum class icyllis.arc3d.core.BlendMode
Multiplies the source and destination pixels.
BLEND_MULTIPLY - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.granite.ShaderCodeSource
blend_overlay(float[], float[], float[]) - Static method in enum class icyllis.arc3d.core.BlendMode
Multiplies or screens the source and destination depending on the destination color.
BLEND_OVERLAY - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.granite.ShaderCodeSource
blend_pin_light(float[], float[], float[]) - Static method in enum class icyllis.arc3d.core.BlendMode
Conditionally replaces destination pixels with source pixels depending on the brightness of the source pixels.
BLEND_PIN_LIGHT - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.granite.ShaderCodeSource
blend_plus(float[], float[], float[]) - Static method in enum class icyllis.arc3d.core.BlendMode
Adds the source pixels to the destination pixels, without alpha blending.
BLEND_PLUS - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.engine.BlendInfo
BLEND_PLUS - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.granite.ShaderCodeSource
blend_plus_clamped(float[], float[], float[]) - Static method in enum class icyllis.arc3d.core.BlendMode
Adds the source pixels to the destination pixels and saturates the result, without alpha blending.
BLEND_PLUS_CLAMPED - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.granite.ShaderCodeSource
blend_saturation(float[], float[], float[]) - Static method in enum class icyllis.arc3d.core.BlendMode
Replaces saturation of destination saturation hue of source, leaving hue and luminosity unchanged.
BLEND_SATURATION - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.granite.ShaderCodeSource
blend_screen(float[], float[], float[]) - Static method in enum class icyllis.arc3d.core.BlendMode
Adds the source and destination pixels, then subtracts the source pixels multiplied by the destination.
BLEND_SCREEN - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.engine.BlendInfo
BLEND_SCREEN - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.granite.ShaderCodeSource
blend_soft_light(float[], float[], float[]) - Static method in enum class icyllis.arc3d.core.BlendMode
Makes destination lighter or darker, depending on source.
BLEND_SOFT_LIGHT - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.granite.ShaderCodeSource
BLEND_SRC - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.engine.BlendInfo
BLEND_SRC - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.granite.ShaderCodeSource
blend_src_atop(float[], float[], float[]) - Static method in enum class icyllis.arc3d.core.BlendMode
BLEND_SRC_ATOP - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.engine.BlendInfo
BLEND_SRC_ATOP - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.granite.ShaderCodeSource
blend_src_in(float[], float[], float[]) - Static method in enum class icyllis.arc3d.core.BlendMode
BLEND_SRC_IN - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.engine.BlendInfo
BLEND_SRC_IN - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.granite.ShaderCodeSource
blend_src_out(float[], float[], float[]) - Static method in enum class icyllis.arc3d.core.BlendMode
BLEND_SRC_OUT - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.engine.BlendInfo
BLEND_SRC_OUT - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.granite.ShaderCodeSource
blend_src_over(float[], float[], float[]) - Static method in enum class icyllis.arc3d.core.BlendMode
BLEND_SRC_OVER - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.engine.BlendInfo
BLEND_SRC_OVER - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.granite.ShaderCodeSource
blend_subtract(float[], float[], float[]) - Static method in enum class icyllis.arc3d.core.BlendMode
Subtracts the source pixels from the destination pixels and saturates the result, with alpha blending.
BLEND_SUBTRACT - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.granite.ShaderCodeSource
blend_vivid_light(float[], float[], float[]) - Static method in enum class icyllis.arc3d.core.BlendMode
Burns or dodges colors by changing contrast, depending on the blend color.
BLEND_VIVID_LIGHT - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.granite.ShaderCodeSource
blend_xor(float[], float[], float[]) - Static method in enum class icyllis.arc3d.core.BlendMode
BLEND_XOR - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.engine.BlendInfo
BLEND_XOR - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.granite.ShaderCodeSource
blendCoeffRefsDst(byte) - Static method in class icyllis.arc3d.engine.BlendInfo
blendCoeffRefsSrc(byte) - Static method in class icyllis.arc3d.engine.BlendInfo
blendCoeffRefsSrc1(byte) - Static method in class icyllis.arc3d.engine.BlendInfo
blendCoeffsUseDstColor(byte, byte, boolean) - Static method in class icyllis.arc3d.engine.BlendInfo
blendCoeffsUseSrcColor(byte, byte) - Static method in class icyllis.arc3d.engine.BlendInfo
blendEquationSupport() - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.engine.Caps
Blender - Interface in icyllis.arc3d.core
Blender represents a custom blend function in the pipeline.
BlendFormula - Class in icyllis.arc3d.granite
Wraps the shader outputs and HW blend state that comprise a Porter Duff blend mode with coverage.
BlendFormula(byte, byte, byte, byte, byte) - Constructor for class icyllis.arc3d.granite.BlendFormula
BlendInfo - Class in icyllis.arc3d.engine
BlendInfo is an immutable object holding info for setting-up GPU blend states.
BlendInfo(byte, byte, byte, boolean) - Constructor for class icyllis.arc3d.engine.BlendInfo
BlendMode - Enum Class in icyllis.arc3d.core
Blend modes, all the blend equations apply to premultiplied colors.
BlendMode - Enum Class in
Blends are operators that take in two colors (source, destination) and return a new color.
BlendModeColorFilter - Class in icyllis.arc3d.core.effects
BlendModeColorFilter - Class in
A color filter that can be used to tint the source pixels using a single color and a specific BlendMode.
BlendModeColorFilter(float[], ColorSpace, BlendMode) - Constructor for class
BlendModeColorFilter(float, float, float, float, ColorSpace, BlendMode) - Constructor for class
BlendModeColorFilter(float, float, float, float, BlendMode) - Constructor for class
Blend color is non-premultiplied and in sRGB space.
BlendModeColorFilter(int, BlendMode) - Constructor for class
blendModifiesDst(byte, byte, byte) - Static method in class icyllis.arc3d.engine.BlendInfo
BlendShader - Class in icyllis.arc3d.core.shaders
blendShouldDisable() - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.engine.BlendInfo
blobToGlyphRunList(TextBlob, float, float) - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.core.GlyphRunBuilder
Initializes and returns a read-only view.
BLOCK - Enum constant in enum class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.tree.Node.StatementKind
blockEnd(Node) - Method in class icyllis.modernui.markdown.MarkdownVisitor
blockEnd(MarkdownVisitor, Node) - Method in interface icyllis.modernui.markdown.BlockHandler
BlockHandler - Interface in icyllis.modernui.markdown
blocksInteractionBelow(CoordinatorLayout, V) - Method in class icyllis.modernui.widget.CoordinatorLayout.Behavior
Determine whether interaction with views behind the given child in the child order should be blocked.
blockStart(Node) - Method in class icyllis.modernui.markdown.MarkdownVisitor
blockStart(MarkdownVisitor, Node) - Method in interface icyllis.modernui.markdown.BlockHandler
BlockStatement - Class in icyllis.arc3d.compiler.tree
A block of multiple statements functioning as a single statement.
BlockStatement(int, List<Statement>, boolean) - Constructor for class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.tree.BlockStatement
blue() - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.core.Color
Returns the value of the blue component in the range \([0..1]\).
blue(float) - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.core.Color
Sets the value of the blue component in the range \([0..1]\).
blue(int) - Static method in class icyllis.arc3d.core.Color
Return the blue component of a color int.
blue(int) - Static method in class
Return the blue component of a color int.
BLUE - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.core.Color
Represents fully opaque blue.
blueSize - Variable in class icyllis.modernui.core.awt.GLData
The number of bits for the blue color channel.
BMP - Enum constant in enum class
Save as the BMP format.
BOLD - Static variable in class
Font style constant to request the bold style
BOLD - Static variable in class
Bit flag used with fontStyle to request the bold style
BOLD - Static variable in class icyllis.modernui.text.Typeface
Font style constant to request the bold style
BOLD_ITALIC - Static variable in class
Font style constant to request the bold and italic style
BOLD_ITALIC - Static variable in class
Font style constant to request the bold and italic style
BOLD_ITALIC - Static variable in class icyllis.modernui.text.Typeface
Font style constant to request the bold and italic style
BoringLayout - Class in icyllis.modernui.text
A BoringLayout is a very simple Layout implementation for text that fits on a single line and is all left-to-right characters.
BoringLayout(CharSequence, TextPaint, int, Layout.Alignment, BoringLayout.Metrics, boolean) - Constructor for class icyllis.modernui.text.BoringLayout
BoringLayout(CharSequence, TextPaint, int, Layout.Alignment, BoringLayout.Metrics, boolean, TextUtils.TruncateAt, int) - Constructor for class icyllis.modernui.text.BoringLayout
BoringLayout.Metrics - Class in icyllis.modernui.text
bottom - Variable in class
bottom - Variable in class
bottom() - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.core.Rect2f
Return the rectangle's bottom.
bottom() - Method in interface icyllis.arc3d.core.Rect2fc
Return the rectangle's bottom.
bottom() - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.core.Rect2i
Return the rectangle's bottom.
bottom() - Method in interface icyllis.arc3d.core.Rect2ic
Return the rectangle's bottom.
bottom() - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.core.RoundRect
Return the rectangle's bottom.
bottom(TextView, Spannable) - Method in class icyllis.modernui.text.method.ArrowKeyMovementMethod
bottom(TextView, Spannable) - Method in class icyllis.modernui.text.method.BaseMovementMethod
Performs a bottom movement action.
bottom(TextView, Spannable) - Method in class icyllis.modernui.text.method.ScrollingMovementMethod
BOTTOM - Static variable in class icyllis.modernui.view.Gravity
Push object to the bottom of its container, not changing its size.
BOTTOM - Static variable in class icyllis.modernui.view.View
A Property wrapper around the bottom functionality handled by the View.setBottom(int) and View.getBottom() methods.
BOTTOM - Static variable in class icyllis.modernui.widget.GridLayout
Indicates that a view should be aligned with the bottom edges of the other views in its cell group.
BOTTOM_TOP - Enum constant in enum class
draw the gradient from the bottom to the top
bottomMargin - Variable in class icyllis.modernui.view.ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams
The bottom margin in pixels of the child.
bounce() - Static method in interface icyllis.modernui.animation.TimeInterpolator
Return an interpolator where the change bounces at the end.
BOUNCE - Static variable in interface icyllis.modernui.animation.TimeInterpolator
The bounce interpolator where the change bounces at the end.
BounceInterpolator - Class in icyllis.modernui.animation
BoundsManager - Class in icyllis.arc3d.granite.geom
BoundsManager is an acceleration structure for device-space related pixel bounds queries.
BoundsManager() - Constructor for class icyllis.arc3d.granite.geom.BoundsManager
BOX - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.granite.geom.SDFRectGeoProc
BR_TL - Enum constant in enum class
draw the gradient from the bottom-right to the top-left
BRADFORD - Enum constant in enum class icyllis.arc3d.core.ColorSpace.Adaptation
Bradford chromatic adaptation transform, as defined in the CIECAM97s color appearance model.
BREAK - Enum constant in enum class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.tree.Node.StatementKind
BreakStatement - Class in icyllis.arc3d.compiler.tree
A break statement.
bright_foreground_dark - Static variable in class icyllis.modernui.material.MaterialDesign
bright_foreground_light - Static variable in class icyllis.modernui.material.MaterialDesign
bringChildToFront(View) - Method in class icyllis.modernui.view.ViewGroup
bringChildToFront(View) - Method in interface icyllis.modernui.view.ViewParent
Change the z order of the child, so it's on top of all other children.
bringChildToFront(View) - Method in class icyllis.modernui.view.ViewRoot
bringPointIntoView(int) - Method in class icyllis.modernui.widget.TextView
Move the point, specified by the offset, into the view if it is needed.
BT2020 - Enum constant in enum class icyllis.arc3d.core.ColorSpace.Named
RGB color space BT.2020 standardized as Rec.
BT709 - Enum constant in enum class icyllis.arc3d.core.ColorSpace.Named
RGB color space BT.709 standardized as Rec.
Budgeted - Static variable in interface icyllis.arc3d.engine.Engine.BudgetType
The resource is budgeted and is subject to cleaning up under budget pressure.
Buffer - Class in icyllis.arc3d.engine
Represents a single device-visible memory region that may be used as mesh buffers and staging buffers.
Buffer(Context, long, int) - Constructor for class icyllis.arc3d.engine.Buffer
Buffer.ResourceKey - Class in icyllis.arc3d.engine
BufferImageCopyData - Class in icyllis.arc3d.engine
Specifies a single region for copying, either from buffer to image, or vice versa
BufferImageCopyData() - Constructor for class icyllis.arc3d.engine.BufferImageCopyData
BufferImageCopyData(long, long, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class icyllis.arc3d.engine.BufferImageCopyData
BufferViewInfo - Class in icyllis.arc3d.engine
Struct that can be passed into bind buffer calls on the CommandBuffer.
BufferViewInfo() - Constructor for class icyllis.arc3d.engine.BufferViewInfo
build() - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.core.TextBlob.Builder
Returns TextBlob built from runs of glyphs added by builder.
build() - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.granite.PipelineBuilder
build() - Method in class
Create the angular gradient, this builder cannot be reused anymore.
build() - Method in class
build() - Method in class
Create the linear gradient, this builder cannot be reused anymore.
build() - Method in class
Create the radial gradient, this builder cannot be reused anymore.
build() - Method in class
Build the LineBreakConfig
build() - Method in class
Starts laying-out the text and creates a MeasuredText for the result.
build() - Method in class icyllis.modernui.markdown.Markdown.Builder
build() - Method in class icyllis.modernui.markdown.MarkdownTheme.Builder
build() - Method in class icyllis.modernui.text.DynamicLayout.Builder
Build the DynamicLayout after options have been set.
build() - Method in class icyllis.modernui.text.PrecomputedText.Params.Builder
build() - Method in class icyllis.modernui.text.StaticLayout.Builder
Build the StaticLayout after options have been set.
build(PipelineKey_old, GraphicsPipelineDesc_Old, Caps) - Static method in class icyllis.arc3d.engine.trash.PipelineKey_old
Builds a base pipeline descriptor, without additional information.
build(MarkdownTheme) - Method in class icyllis.modernui.markdown.MarkdownConfig.Builder
builder() - Static method in class icyllis.modernui.markdown.MarkdownConfig
builder() - Static method in class icyllis.modernui.markdown.MarkdownTheme
builder() - Method in class icyllis.modernui.markdown.MarkdownVisitor
builder(Context) - Static method in class icyllis.modernui.markdown.Markdown
builder(CharSequence, int, int, TextPaint, int) - Static method in class icyllis.modernui.text.StaticLayout
Obtain a builder for constructing StaticLayout objects.
builder(CharSequence, TextPaint, int) - Static method in class icyllis.modernui.text.DynamicLayout
Obtain a builder for constructing DynamicLayout objects.
Builder() - Constructor for class icyllis.arc3d.core.TextBlob.Builder
Constructs empty TextBlobBuilder.
Builder() - Constructor for class
Builder() - Constructor for class
Builder constructor with line break parameters.
Builder(char[]) - Constructor for class
Construct a builder.
Builder(float, float, float, float, Shader.TileMode) - Constructor for class
Builder(float, float, float, float, Shader.TileMode) - Constructor for class
Builder(float, float, float, float, Shader.TileMode, ColorSpace) - Constructor for class
Builder(float, float, float, float, Shader.TileMode, ColorSpace) - Constructor for class
Builder(float, float, float, float, Shader.TileMode, ColorSpace, int) - Constructor for class
Builder(float, float, float, float, Shader.TileMode, ColorSpace, int) - Constructor for class
Builder(float, float, float, Shader.TileMode) - Constructor for class
Builder(float, float, float, Shader.TileMode, ColorSpace) - Constructor for class
Builder(float, float, float, Shader.TileMode, ColorSpace, int) - Constructor for class
Builder(PrecomputedText.Params) - Constructor for class icyllis.modernui.text.PrecomputedText.Params.Builder
Builder constructor from existing params.
Builder(TextPaint) - Constructor for class icyllis.modernui.text.PrecomputedText.Params.Builder
Builder constructor.
builderWithDefaults(Context) - Static method in class icyllis.modernui.markdown.MarkdownTheme
buildForBidi(CharSequence, int, int, TextDirectionHeuristic, MeasuredParagraph) - Static method in class icyllis.modernui.text.MeasuredParagraph
Generates new MeasuredParagraph for Bidi computation.
buildForStaticLayout(TextPaint, LineBreakConfig, CharSequence, int, int, TextDirectionHeuristic, boolean, MeasuredParagraph) - Static method in class icyllis.modernui.text.MeasuredParagraph
Generates new MeasuredParagraph for StaticLayout.
buildFragmentShader() - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.granite.PipelineBuilder
buildShaderErrorMessage(String, String) - Static method in class icyllis.arc3d.core.ShaderUtils
buildVertexShader() - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.granite.PipelineBuilder
BuiltinTypes - Class in icyllis.arc3d.compiler
Contains the built-in, core SL types.
BuiltinTypes() - Constructor for class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.BuiltinTypes
Initializes the core SL types.
BULLET_SPAN - Static variable in class icyllis.modernui.text.TextUtils
BulletSpan - Class in
BulletSpan(int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class
BUTT - Enum constant in enum class
The stroke ends with the path, and does not project beyond it.
Button - Class in icyllis.modernui.widget
A user interface element the user can tap or click to perform an action.
Button(Context) - Constructor for class icyllis.modernui.widget.Button
BUTTON_BACK - Static variable in class icyllis.modernui.view.MotionEvent
Button constant: Back button pressed (mouse back button).
BUTTON_FORWARD - Static variable in class icyllis.modernui.view.MotionEvent
Button constant: Forward button pressed (mouse forward button).
BUTTON_PRIMARY - Static variable in class icyllis.modernui.view.MotionEvent
Button constant: Primary button (left mouse button).
BUTTON_SECONDARY - Static variable in class icyllis.modernui.view.MotionEvent
Button constant: Secondary button (right mouse button).
BUTTON_TERTIARY - Static variable in class icyllis.modernui.view.MotionEvent
Button constant: Tertiary button (middle mouse button).
button1 - Static variable in class
button2 - Static variable in class
button3 - Static variable in class
buttonStateToString(int) - Static method in class icyllis.modernui.view.MotionEvent
Returns a string that represents the symbolic name of the specified combined button state flags such as "0", "BUTTON_PRIMARY", "BUTTON_PRIMARY|BUTTON_SECONDARY" or an equivalent numeric constant such as "0x10000000" if unknown.
BYTES - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.core.FP16
The number of bytes used to represent a half-precision float value.
BYTES - Static variable in class icyllis.modernui.util.Half
The number of bytes used to represent a half-precision float value.
bytesPerPixel() - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.core.ImageInfo
Returns number of bytes per pixel required by ColorType.
bytesPerPixel(int) - Static method in class icyllis.arc3d.core.ColorInfo
Returns the number of bytes required to store a pixel.
byteValue() - Method in class icyllis.modernui.util.Half
Returns the value of this Half as a byte after a narrowing primitive conversion.
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