
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _ 
All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form


T - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.tree.Swizzle
TAB_INCREMENT - Static variable in class icyllis.modernui.text.Layout
TableLayout - Class in icyllis.modernui.widget
A layout that arranges its children into rows and columns.
TableLayout(Context) - Constructor for class icyllis.modernui.widget.TableLayout
Creates a new TableLayout for the given context.
TableLayout.LayoutParams - Class in icyllis.modernui.widget
This set of layout parameters enforces the width of each child to be ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT and the height of each child to be ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, but only if the height is not specified.
TableRow - Class in icyllis.modernui.widget
A layout that arranges its children horizontally.
TableRow(Context) - Constructor for class icyllis.modernui.widget.TableRow
Creates a new TableRow for the given context.
TableRow.LayoutParams - Class in icyllis.modernui.widget
Set of layout parameters used in table rows.
TabStops - Class in icyllis.modernui.text
TabStops(float[], float) - Constructor for class icyllis.modernui.text.TabStops
TabStops(float, List<?>) - Constructor for class icyllis.modernui.text.TabStops
TabStopSpan - Interface in
Paragraph affecting span that changes the position of the tab with respect to the leading margin of the line.
TabStopSpan.Standard - Class in
The default implementation of TabStopSpan that allows setting the offset of the tab stop from the leading margin of the first line of text.
tail() - Method in class icyllis.modernui.lifecycle.SafeLinkedList
tailoredGraphemeClusterBreak(int) - Static method in class
tan(float) - Static method in class icyllis.arc3d.core.MathUtil
TargetApi - Enum Class in icyllis.arc3d.compiler
Specify a backend API for validation.
targetInfo() - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.granite.KeyContext
targetView - Variable in class icyllis.modernui.widget.AdapterView.AdapterContextMenuInfo
The child view for which the context menu is being displayed.
targetView - Variable in class icyllis.modernui.widget.ExpandableListView.ExpandableListContextMenuInfo
The view for which the context menu is being displayed.
Task - Class in icyllis.arc3d.engine.task
Task() - Constructor for class icyllis.arc3d.engine.task.Task
TaskList - Class in icyllis.arc3d.engine.task
TaskList() - Constructor for class icyllis.arc3d.engine.task.TaskList
TaskManager - Class in icyllis.arc3d.engine
TaskManager() - Constructor for class icyllis.arc3d.engine.TaskManager
TEMP_MARK_FLAG - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.engine.RenderTask
terminate() - Static method in class icyllis.modernui.core.Core
Terminates the GLFW.
test(ImageInputStream, Predicate<ImageInputStream>) - Static method in class
TEST_ALWAYS_PASSES_STENCIL_FLAG - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.engine.trash.UserStencilSettings
testAlwaysPasses(boolean) - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.engine.trash.UserStencilSettings
TestFragment - Class in icyllis.modernui
Usability test, don't use.
TestFragment() - Constructor for class icyllis.modernui.TestFragment
TestFragment.FragmentA - Class in icyllis.modernui
TestFragment.FragmentB - Class in icyllis.modernui
TestFragment.SpectrumGraph - Class in icyllis.modernui
TestFragment.TestLinearLayout - Class in icyllis.modernui
TestLinearLayout(Context) - Constructor for class icyllis.modernui.TestFragment.TestLinearLayout
TEX_COORD - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.granite.geom.DefaultGeoProc
TEX_COORD - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.granite.geom.VerticesStep
TEXT_ALIGNMENT_CENTER - Static variable in class icyllis.modernui.view.View
Center the paragraph, e.g.
TEXT_ALIGNMENT_GRAVITY - Static variable in class icyllis.modernui.view.View
Default for the root view.
TEXT_ALIGNMENT_INHERIT - Static variable in class icyllis.modernui.view.View
Default text alignment.
TEXT_ALIGNMENT_TEXT_END - Static variable in class icyllis.modernui.view.View
Align to the end of the paragraph, e.g.
TEXT_ALIGNMENT_TEXT_START - Static variable in class icyllis.modernui.view.View
Align to the start of the paragraph, e.g.
TEXT_ALIGNMENT_VIEW_END - Static variable in class icyllis.modernui.view.View
Align to the end of the view, which is ALIGN_RIGHT if the view's resolved layoutDirection is LTR, and ALIGN_LEFT otherwise.
TEXT_ALIGNMENT_VIEW_START - Static variable in class icyllis.modernui.view.View
Align to the start of the view, which is ALIGN_LEFT if the view's resolved layoutDirection is LTR, and ALIGN_RIGHT otherwise.
TEXT_APPEARANCE_SPAN - Static variable in class icyllis.modernui.text.TextUtils
TEXT_COLOR_SECONDARY - Static variable in class icyllis.modernui.resources.SystemTheme
TEXT_DIRECTION_ANY_RTL - Static variable in class icyllis.modernui.view.View
Text direction is using "any-RTL" algorithm.
TEXT_DIRECTION_FIRST_STRONG - Static variable in class icyllis.modernui.view.View
Text direction is using "first strong algorithm".
TEXT_DIRECTION_FIRST_STRONG_LTR - Static variable in class icyllis.modernui.view.View
Text direction is using "first strong algorithm".
TEXT_DIRECTION_FIRST_STRONG_RTL - Static variable in class icyllis.modernui.view.View
Text direction is using "first strong algorithm".
TEXT_DIRECTION_INHERIT - Static variable in class icyllis.modernui.view.View
Text direction is inherited through ViewGroup
TEXT_DIRECTION_LOCALE - Static variable in class icyllis.modernui.view.View
Text direction is coming from the system Locale.
TEXT_DIRECTION_LTR - Static variable in class icyllis.modernui.view.View
Text direction is forced to LTR.
TEXT_DIRECTION_RTL - Static variable in class icyllis.modernui.view.View
Text direction is forced to RTL.
TEXT_HANDLE_MOVE - Static variable in class icyllis.modernui.view.HapticFeedbackConstants
The user has performed a selection/insertion handle move on text field.
TextBlob - Class in icyllis.arc3d.core
TextBlob combines multiple text runs into an immutable container.
TextBlob.Builder - Class in icyllis.arc3d.core
Helper class for constructing TextBlob.
TextBlob.Builder.RunBuffer - Class in icyllis.arc3d.core
RunBuffer supplies storage for glyphs and positions within a run.
TextBlobCache - Class in icyllis.arc3d.granite
TextBlobCache reuses data from previous drawing operations using multiple criteria to pick the best data for the draw.
TextBlobCache() - Constructor for class icyllis.arc3d.granite.TextBlobCache
TextBlobCache.FeatureKey - Class in icyllis.arc3d.granite
Secondary cache key.
TextDirectionHeuristic - Interface in icyllis.modernui.text
Interface for objects that use a heuristic for guessing at the paragraph direction by examining text.
TextDirectionHeuristics - Class in icyllis.modernui.text
TextKeyListener - Class in icyllis.modernui.text.method
Provides methods for handling text additions and deletions in a TextView.
TextLine - Class in icyllis.modernui.text
Represents a line of styled text, for measuring in visual order and for rendering.
TextPaint - Class in icyllis.modernui.text
This class holds data used during text measuring and drawing at higher levels.
TextPaint() - Constructor for class icyllis.modernui.text.TextPaint
Creates the new TextPaint.
TextPaint(TextPaint) - Constructor for class icyllis.modernui.text.TextPaint
TextSetter - Interface in icyllis.modernui.markdown
Interface to set text on a TextView.
TextShaper - Class in icyllis.modernui.text
Provides conversion from a text into glyph array.
TextShaper.GlyphsConsumer - Interface in icyllis.modernui.text
A consumer interface for accepting text shape result.
textureBarrierSupport() - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.engine.Caps
TextureDataGatherer - Class in icyllis.arc3d.granite
TextureDataGatherer() - Constructor for class icyllis.arc3d.granite.TextureDataGatherer
TextureResolveTask - Class in icyllis.arc3d.engine
TextureResolveTask(RenderTaskManager) - Constructor for class icyllis.arc3d.engine.TextureResolveTask
textureSamplerState(int) - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.granite.GeometryStep
Used to capture the properties of the TextureProxies required/expected by a GeometryProcessor along with an associated SamplerState.
textureSamplerSwizzle(int) - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.granite.GeometryStep
TextureTracker - Class in icyllis.arc3d.granite
TextureTracker() - Constructor for class icyllis.arc3d.granite.TextureTracker
TextureUtils - Class in icyllis.arc3d.granite
TextureUtils() - Constructor for class icyllis.arc3d.granite.TextureUtils
TextUtils - Class in icyllis.modernui.text
TextUtils.EllipsizeCallback - Interface in icyllis.modernui.text
TextUtils.TruncateAt - Enum Class in icyllis.modernui.text
Where to truncate.
TextView - Class in icyllis.modernui.widget
A user interface element that displays text to the user.
TextView(Context) - Constructor for class icyllis.modernui.widget.TextView
TextView.BufferType - Enum Class in icyllis.modernui.widget
Type of the text buffer that defines the characteristics of the text such as static, styleable, or editable.
TextWatcher - Interface in icyllis.modernui.text
When an object of this type is attached to an Editable, its methods will be called when the text is changed.
TGA - Enum constant in enum class
Save as the TGA format.
ThematicBreakSpan - Class in
ThematicBreakSpan(MarkdownTheme) - Constructor for class
theme() - Method in class icyllis.modernui.markdown.MarkdownConfig
Theme - Class in icyllis.modernui.resources
Theme(Resources) - Constructor for class icyllis.modernui.resources.Theme
ThreadSafeCache - Class in icyllis.arc3d.engine
ThreadSafeCache() - Constructor for class icyllis.arc3d.engine.ThreadSafeCache
throwIfCanceled() - Method in class icyllis.modernui.core.CancellationSignal
Throws OperationCanceledException if the operation has been canceled.
throwing(T) - Static method in class icyllis.modernui.util.Log
Logs a Throwable to be thrown at the Log.ERROR level.
tick() - Method in class
tick() - Method in class icyllis.modernui.TestFragment.TestLinearLayout
TICK_PERIOD - Static variable in class
TILE_MODE_CLAMP - Static variable in interface icyllis.arc3d.core.shaders.Shader
Replicate the edge color if the shader draws outside of its original bounds.
TILE_MODE_DECAL - Static variable in interface icyllis.arc3d.core.shaders.Shader
Only draw within the original domain, return transparent-black everywhere else.
TILE_MODE_MIRROR - Static variable in interface icyllis.arc3d.core.shaders.Shader
Repeat the shader's image horizontally and vertically, alternating mirror images so that adjacent images always seam.
TILE_MODE_REPEAT - Static variable in interface icyllis.arc3d.core.shaders.Shader
Repeat the shader's image horizontally and vertically.
time - Variable in class icyllis.modernui.view.VelocityTracker.Estimator
Estimator time base, in nanoseconds.
TimeInterpolator - Interface in icyllis.modernui.animation
An interpolator defines the rate of change of an animation.
timeMillis() - Static method in class icyllis.modernui.core.Core
Returns the current value of GLFW's highest-resolution monotonic time source, in milliseconds.
timeNanos() - Static method in class icyllis.modernui.core.Core
Returns the current value of GLFW's highest-resolution monotonic time source, in nanoseconds.
timePassed() - Method in class icyllis.modernui.widget.OverScroller
Returns the time elapsed since the beginning of the scrolling.
title - Static variable in class
TK_AMP - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.lex.Token
Token Kinds, 0 is reserved for END_OF_FILE, others are sequential and match with lexicon.
TK_AMPAMP - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.lex.Token
Token Kinds, 0 is reserved for END_OF_FILE, others are sequential and match with lexicon.
TK_AMPEQ - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.lex.Token
Token Kinds, 0 is reserved for END_OF_FILE, others are sequential and match with lexicon.
TK_BANG - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.lex.Token
Token Kinds, 0 is reserved for END_OF_FILE, others are sequential and match with lexicon.
TK_BANGEQ - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.lex.Token
Token Kinds, 0 is reserved for END_OF_FILE, others are sequential and match with lexicon.
TK_BLOCK_COMMENT - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.lex.Token
Token Kinds, 0 is reserved for END_OF_FILE, others are sequential and match with lexicon.
TK_BREAK - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.lex.Token
Token Kinds, 0 is reserved for END_OF_FILE, others are sequential and match with lexicon.
TK_BUFFER - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.lex.Token
Token Kinds, 0 is reserved for END_OF_FILE, others are sequential and match with lexicon.
TK_CARET - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.lex.Token
Token Kinds, 0 is reserved for END_OF_FILE, others are sequential and match with lexicon.
TK_CARETCARET - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.lex.Token
Token Kinds, 0 is reserved for END_OF_FILE, others are sequential and match with lexicon.
TK_CARETEQ - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.lex.Token
Token Kinds, 0 is reserved for END_OF_FILE, others are sequential and match with lexicon.
TK_CASE - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.lex.Token
Token Kinds, 0 is reserved for END_OF_FILE, others are sequential and match with lexicon.
TK_COHERENT - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.lex.Token
Token Kinds, 0 is reserved for END_OF_FILE, others are sequential and match with lexicon.
TK_COLON - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.lex.Token
Token Kinds, 0 is reserved for END_OF_FILE, others are sequential and match with lexicon.
TK_COMMA - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.lex.Token
Token Kinds, 0 is reserved for END_OF_FILE, others are sequential and match with lexicon.
TK_CONST - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.lex.Token
Token Kinds, 0 is reserved for END_OF_FILE, others are sequential and match with lexicon.
TK_CONTINUE - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.lex.Token
Token Kinds, 0 is reserved for END_OF_FILE, others are sequential and match with lexicon.
TK_DEFAULT - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.lex.Token
Token Kinds, 0 is reserved for END_OF_FILE, others are sequential and match with lexicon.
TK_DISCARD - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.lex.Token
Token Kinds, 0 is reserved for END_OF_FILE, others are sequential and match with lexicon.
TK_DO - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.lex.Token
Token Kinds, 0 is reserved for END_OF_FILE, others are sequential and match with lexicon.
TK_DOT - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.lex.Token
Token Kinds, 0 is reserved for END_OF_FILE, others are sequential and match with lexicon.
TK_ELSE - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.lex.Token
Token Kinds, 0 is reserved for END_OF_FILE, others are sequential and match with lexicon.
TK_END_OF_FILE - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.lex.Token
Token Kinds, 0 is reserved for END_OF_FILE, others are sequential and match with lexicon.
TK_EQ - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.lex.Token
Token Kinds, 0 is reserved for END_OF_FILE, others are sequential and match with lexicon.
TK_EQEQ - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.lex.Token
Token Kinds, 0 is reserved for END_OF_FILE, others are sequential and match with lexicon.
TK_FALSE - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.lex.Token
Token Kinds, 0 is reserved for END_OF_FILE, others are sequential and match with lexicon.
TK_FLAT - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.lex.Token
Token Kinds, 0 is reserved for END_OF_FILE, others are sequential and match with lexicon.
TK_FLOATLITERAL - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.lex.Token
Token Kinds, 0 is reserved for END_OF_FILE, others are sequential and match with lexicon.
TK_FOR - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.lex.Token
Token Kinds, 0 is reserved for END_OF_FILE, others are sequential and match with lexicon.
TK_GT - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.lex.Token
Token Kinds, 0 is reserved for END_OF_FILE, others are sequential and match with lexicon.
TK_GTEQ - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.lex.Token
Token Kinds, 0 is reserved for END_OF_FILE, others are sequential and match with lexicon.
TK_GTGT - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.lex.Token
Token Kinds, 0 is reserved for END_OF_FILE, others are sequential and match with lexicon.
TK_GTGTEQ - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.lex.Token
Token Kinds, 0 is reserved for END_OF_FILE, others are sequential and match with lexicon.
TK_HASH - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.lex.Token
Token Kinds, 0 is reserved for END_OF_FILE, others are sequential and match with lexicon.
TK_IDENTIFIER - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.lex.Token
Token Kinds, 0 is reserved for END_OF_FILE, others are sequential and match with lexicon.
TK_IF - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.lex.Token
Token Kinds, 0 is reserved for END_OF_FILE, others are sequential and match with lexicon.
TK_IN - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.lex.Token
Token Kinds, 0 is reserved for END_OF_FILE, others are sequential and match with lexicon.
TK_INLINE - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.lex.Token
Token Kinds, 0 is reserved for END_OF_FILE, others are sequential and match with lexicon.
TK_INOUT - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.lex.Token
Token Kinds, 0 is reserved for END_OF_FILE, others are sequential and match with lexicon.
TK_INTLITERAL - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.lex.Token
Token Kinds, 0 is reserved for END_OF_FILE, others are sequential and match with lexicon.
TK_INVALID - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.lex.Token
Token Kinds, 0 is reserved for END_OF_FILE, others are sequential and match with lexicon.
TK_LAYOUT - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.lex.Token
Token Kinds, 0 is reserved for END_OF_FILE, others are sequential and match with lexicon.
TK_LBRACE - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.lex.Token
Token Kinds, 0 is reserved for END_OF_FILE, others are sequential and match with lexicon.
TK_LBRACKET - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.lex.Token
Token Kinds, 0 is reserved for END_OF_FILE, others are sequential and match with lexicon.
TK_LINE_COMMENT - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.lex.Token
Token Kinds, 0 is reserved for END_OF_FILE, others are sequential and match with lexicon.
TK_LPAREN - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.lex.Token
Token Kinds, 0 is reserved for END_OF_FILE, others are sequential and match with lexicon.
TK_LT - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.lex.Token
Token Kinds, 0 is reserved for END_OF_FILE, others are sequential and match with lexicon.
TK_LTEQ - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.lex.Token
Token Kinds, 0 is reserved for END_OF_FILE, others are sequential and match with lexicon.
TK_LTLT - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.lex.Token
Token Kinds, 0 is reserved for END_OF_FILE, others are sequential and match with lexicon.
TK_LTLTEQ - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.lex.Token
Token Kinds, 0 is reserved for END_OF_FILE, others are sequential and match with lexicon.
TK_MINUS - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.lex.Token
Token Kinds, 0 is reserved for END_OF_FILE, others are sequential and match with lexicon.
TK_MINUSEQ - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.lex.Token
Token Kinds, 0 is reserved for END_OF_FILE, others are sequential and match with lexicon.
TK_MINUSMINUS - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.lex.Token
Token Kinds, 0 is reserved for END_OF_FILE, others are sequential and match with lexicon.
TK_NEWLINE - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.lex.Token
Token Kinds, 0 is reserved for END_OF_FILE, others are sequential and match with lexicon.
TK_NOINLINE - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.lex.Token
Token Kinds, 0 is reserved for END_OF_FILE, others are sequential and match with lexicon.
TK_NONE - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.lex.Token
Token Kinds, 0 is reserved for END_OF_FILE, others are sequential and match with lexicon.
TK_NOPERSPECTIVE - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.lex.Token
Token Kinds, 0 is reserved for END_OF_FILE, others are sequential and match with lexicon.
TK_OUT - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.lex.Token
Token Kinds, 0 is reserved for END_OF_FILE, others are sequential and match with lexicon.
TK_PERCENT - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.lex.Token
Token Kinds, 0 is reserved for END_OF_FILE, others are sequential and match with lexicon.
TK_PERCENTEQ - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.lex.Token
Token Kinds, 0 is reserved for END_OF_FILE, others are sequential and match with lexicon.
TK_PIPE - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.lex.Token
Token Kinds, 0 is reserved for END_OF_FILE, others are sequential and match with lexicon.
TK_PIPEEQ - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.lex.Token
Token Kinds, 0 is reserved for END_OF_FILE, others are sequential and match with lexicon.
TK_PIPEPIPE - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.lex.Token
Token Kinds, 0 is reserved for END_OF_FILE, others are sequential and match with lexicon.
TK_PLUS - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.lex.Token
Token Kinds, 0 is reserved for END_OF_FILE, others are sequential and match with lexicon.
TK_PLUSEQ - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.lex.Token
Token Kinds, 0 is reserved for END_OF_FILE, others are sequential and match with lexicon.
TK_PLUSPLUS - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.lex.Token
Token Kinds, 0 is reserved for END_OF_FILE, others are sequential and match with lexicon.
TK_PURE - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.lex.Token
Token Kinds, 0 is reserved for END_OF_FILE, others are sequential and match with lexicon.
TK_QUES - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.lex.Token
Token Kinds, 0 is reserved for END_OF_FILE, others are sequential and match with lexicon.
TK_RBRACE - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.lex.Token
Token Kinds, 0 is reserved for END_OF_FILE, others are sequential and match with lexicon.
TK_RBRACKET - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.lex.Token
Token Kinds, 0 is reserved for END_OF_FILE, others are sequential and match with lexicon.
TK_READONLY - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.lex.Token
Token Kinds, 0 is reserved for END_OF_FILE, others are sequential and match with lexicon.
TK_RESERVED - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.lex.Token
Token Kinds, 0 is reserved for END_OF_FILE, others are sequential and match with lexicon.
TK_RESTRICT - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.lex.Token
Token Kinds, 0 is reserved for END_OF_FILE, others are sequential and match with lexicon.
TK_RETURN - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.lex.Token
Token Kinds, 0 is reserved for END_OF_FILE, others are sequential and match with lexicon.
TK_RPAREN - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.lex.Token
Token Kinds, 0 is reserved for END_OF_FILE, others are sequential and match with lexicon.
TK_SEMICOLON - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.lex.Token
Token Kinds, 0 is reserved for END_OF_FILE, others are sequential and match with lexicon.
TK_SLASH - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.lex.Token
Token Kinds, 0 is reserved for END_OF_FILE, others are sequential and match with lexicon.
TK_SLASHEQ - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.lex.Token
Token Kinds, 0 is reserved for END_OF_FILE, others are sequential and match with lexicon.
TK_SMOOTH - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.lex.Token
Token Kinds, 0 is reserved for END_OF_FILE, others are sequential and match with lexicon.
TK_STAR - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.lex.Token
Token Kinds, 0 is reserved for END_OF_FILE, others are sequential and match with lexicon.
TK_STAREQ - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.lex.Token
Token Kinds, 0 is reserved for END_OF_FILE, others are sequential and match with lexicon.
TK_STRINGLITERAL - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.lex.Token
Token Kinds, 0 is reserved for END_OF_FILE, others are sequential and match with lexicon.
TK_STRUCT - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.lex.Token
Token Kinds, 0 is reserved for END_OF_FILE, others are sequential and match with lexicon.
TK_SUBROUTINE - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.lex.Token
Token Kinds, 0 is reserved for END_OF_FILE, others are sequential and match with lexicon.
TK_SWITCH - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.lex.Token
Token Kinds, 0 is reserved for END_OF_FILE, others are sequential and match with lexicon.
TK_TILDE - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.lex.Token
Token Kinds, 0 is reserved for END_OF_FILE, others are sequential and match with lexicon.
TK_TRUE - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.lex.Token
Token Kinds, 0 is reserved for END_OF_FILE, others are sequential and match with lexicon.
TK_UNIFORM - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.lex.Token
Token Kinds, 0 is reserved for END_OF_FILE, others are sequential and match with lexicon.
TK_USING - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.lex.Token
Token Kinds, 0 is reserved for END_OF_FILE, others are sequential and match with lexicon.
TK_VOLATILE - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.lex.Token
Token Kinds, 0 is reserved for END_OF_FILE, others are sequential and match with lexicon.
TK_WHILE - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.lex.Token
Token Kinds, 0 is reserved for END_OF_FILE, others are sequential and match with lexicon.
TK_WHITESPACE - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.lex.Token
Token Kinds, 0 is reserved for END_OF_FILE, others are sequential and match with lexicon.
TK_WORKGROUP - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.lex.Token
Token Kinds, 0 is reserved for END_OF_FILE, others are sequential and match with lexicon.
TK_WRITEONLY - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.lex.Token
Token Kinds, 0 is reserved for END_OF_FILE, others are sequential and match with lexicon.
TL_BR - Enum constant in enum class
draw the gradient from the top-left to the bottom-right
to() - Element in annotation interface icyllis.modernui.annotation.FloatRange
Largest value.
to() - Element in annotation interface icyllis.modernui.annotation.IntRange
Largest value in the range, inclusive.
toArgb() - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.core.Color
Converts this color to an ARGB color int.
toArray() - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.engine.PriorityQueue
Returns an array containing all of the elements in this queue.
toArray(T[]) - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.engine.PriorityQueue
Returns an array containing all of the elements in this queue; the runtime type of the returned array is that of the specified array.
Toast - Class in icyllis.modernui.widget
A toast is a view containing a quick little message for the user.
ToastManager - Class in icyllis.modernui.widget
ToastManager(Activity) - Constructor for class icyllis.modernui.widget.ToastManager
toAxisAngle(float[]) - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.core.Quaternion
Transform the rotational quaternion to axis based rotation angles.
toAxisAngle(Vector3) - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.core.Quaternion
Transform the rotational quaternion to axis based rotation angles.
toChars(CharSequence) - Static method in class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.ShaderCompiler
Helper method to copy a char sequence.
toChars(CharSequence...) - Static method in class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.ShaderCompiler
Helper method to copy a char sequence array.
toChars(CharSequence[], int, int) - Static method in class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.ShaderCompiler
Helper method to copy a sub-range of char sequences.
toChars(List<CharSequence>) - Static method in class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.ShaderCompiler
Helper method to copy a sequence of char sequences.
toCompound(Context, int, int) - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.tree.Type
Returns the corresponding vector or matrix type with the specified number of columns and rows.
toEulerAngles(float[]) - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.core.Quaternion
Transform this quaternion to Euler rotation angles in radians (pitchX, yawY and rollZ).
toEulerAngles(Vector3) - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.core.Quaternion
Transform this quaternion to Euler rotation angles in radians (pitchX, yawY and rollZ).
toFillRule(int) - Static method in class icyllis.arc3d.core.j2d.J2DUtils
toFloat(short) - Static method in class icyllis.arc3d.core.FP16
Converts the specified half-precision float value into a single-precision float value.
toFloat(short) - Static method in class icyllis.modernui.util.Half
Converts the specified half-precision float value into a single-precision float value.
toggle - Static variable in class
toggle() - Method in interface icyllis.modernui.widget.Checkable
Change the checked state of the view to the inverse of its current state
toggle() - Method in class icyllis.modernui.widget.CompoundButton
toggle() - Method in class icyllis.modernui.widget.RadioButton
Change the checked state of the view to the inverse of its current state
toGLBlendEquation(byte) - Static method in class icyllis.arc3d.opengl.GLUtil
toGLBlendFactor(byte) - Static method in class icyllis.arc3d.opengl.GLUtil
toGLCompareFunc(byte) - Static method in class icyllis.arc3d.opengl.GLUtil
toGLMagFilter(int) - Static method in class icyllis.arc3d.opengl.GLUtil
toGLMinFilter(int, int) - Static method in class icyllis.arc3d.opengl.GLUtil
toGlobalMotionEvent(MotionEvent) - Method in class icyllis.modernui.view.View
Transforms a motion event from view-local coordinates to on-screen coordinates.
toGLPrimitiveType(byte) - Static method in class icyllis.arc3d.opengl.GLUtil
toGLStencilOp(byte) - Static method in class icyllis.arc3d.opengl.GLUtil
toGLWrapMode(int) - Static method in class icyllis.arc3d.opengl.GLUtil
toHalf(float) - Static method in class icyllis.arc3d.core.FP16
Converts the specified single-precision float value into a half-precision float value.
toHalf(float) - Static method in class icyllis.modernui.util.Half
Converts the specified single-precision float value into a half-precision float value.
toHexString(short) - Static method in class icyllis.arc3d.core.FP16
Returns a hexadecimal string representation of the specified half-precision float value.
toHexString(short) - Static method in class icyllis.modernui.util.Half
Returns a hexadecimal string representation of the specified half-precision float value.
toInclusive() - Element in annotation interface icyllis.modernui.annotation.FloatRange
Whether the to value is included in the range
Token - Class in icyllis.arc3d.compiler.lex
Represents a lexer token that encapsulates the token kind and position.
toLinear(float[]) - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.core.ColorSpace.Rgb
Decodes an RGB value to linear space.
toLinear(float, float, float) - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.core.ColorSpace.Rgb
Decodes an RGB value to linear space.
toLocalMotionEvent(MotionEvent) - Method in class icyllis.modernui.view.View
Transforms a motion event from on-screen coordinates to view-local coordinates.
toMatrix() - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.core.Matrix4
Converts this 4x4 matrix to 3x3 matrix, the third row and column are discarded.
toMatrix() - Method in interface icyllis.arc3d.core.Matrix4c
Converts this 4x4 matrix to 3x3 matrix, the third row and column are discarded.
toMatrix(Matrix) - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.core.Matrix4
Converts this 4x4 matrix to 3x3 matrix, the third row and column are discarded.
toMatrix(Matrix) - Method in interface icyllis.arc3d.core.Matrix4c
Converts this 4x4 matrix to 3x3 matrix, the third row and column are discarded.
toMatrix3() - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.core.Matrix4
Converts this 4x4 matrix to 3x3 matrix, the fourth row and column are discarded.
toMatrix3() - Method in interface icyllis.arc3d.core.Matrix4c
Converts this 4x4 matrix to 3x3 matrix, the fourth row and column are discarded.
toMatrix3() - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.core.Quaternion
Transform this quaternion to a normalized 3x3 row-major matrix representing the rotation.
toMatrix3(Matrix3) - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.core.Matrix4
Converts this 4x4 matrix to 3x3 matrix, the fourth row and column are discarded.
toMatrix3(Matrix3) - Method in interface icyllis.arc3d.core.Matrix4c
Converts this 4x4 matrix to 3x3 matrix, the fourth row and column are discarded.
toMatrix3(Matrix3) - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.core.Quaternion
Transform this quaternion to a normalized 3x3 row-major matrix representing the rotation.
toMatrix4() - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.core.Matrix
Converts this 3x3 matrix to 4x4 matrix, the third row and column are identity.
toMatrix4() - Method in interface icyllis.arc3d.core.Matrixc
Converts this 3x3 matrix to 4x4 matrix, the third row and column are identity.
toMatrix4() - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.core.Quaternion
Transform this quaternion to a normalized 4x4 row-major matrix representing the rotation.
toMatrix4(Matrix4) - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.core.Matrix
Converts this 3x3 matrix to 4x4 matrix, the third row and column are identity.
toMatrix4(Matrix4) - Method in interface icyllis.arc3d.core.Matrixc
Converts this 3x3 matrix to 4x4 matrix, the third row and column are identity.
toMatrix4(Matrix4) - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.core.Quaternion
Transform this quaternion to a normalized 4x4 row-major matrix representing the rotation.
toMenuAdapter(ListAdapter) - Static method in class
Converts the given ListAdapter originating from a menu, to a MenuAdapter, accounting for the possibility of the parameter adapter actually wrapping the MenuAdapter.
TOOL_TYPE_UNKNOWN - Static variable in class icyllis.modernui.view.MotionEvent
Tool type constant: Unknown tool type.
TooltipPopup - Class in icyllis.modernui.view
TooltipPopup(Context) - Constructor for class icyllis.modernui.view.TooltipPopup
top - Variable in class
top - Variable in class
top() - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.core.Rect2f
Return the rectangle's top.
top() - Method in interface icyllis.arc3d.core.Rect2fc
Return the rectangle's top.
top() - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.core.Rect2i
Return the rectangle's top.
top() - Method in interface icyllis.arc3d.core.Rect2ic
Return the rectangle's top.
top() - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.core.RoundRect
Return the rectangle's top.
top(TextView, Spannable) - Method in class icyllis.modernui.text.method.ArrowKeyMovementMethod
top(TextView, Spannable) - Method in class icyllis.modernui.text.method.BaseMovementMethod
Performs a top movement action.
top(TextView, Spannable) - Method in class icyllis.modernui.text.method.ScrollingMovementMethod
TOP - Static variable in class icyllis.modernui.view.Gravity
Push object to the top of its container, not changing its size.
TOP - Static variable in class icyllis.modernui.view.View
A Property wrapper around the top functionality handled by the View.setTop(int) and View.getTop() methods.
TOP - Static variable in class icyllis.modernui.widget.GridLayout
Indicates that a view should be aligned with the top edges of the other views in its cell group.
TOP_BOTTOM - Enum constant in enum class
draw the gradient from the top to the bottom
toPath(PathIterator, Path) - Static method in class icyllis.arc3d.core.j2d.J2DUtils
toPath2D(Path, Path2D) - Static method in class icyllis.arc3d.core.j2d.J2DUtils
TopLevelElement - Class in icyllis.arc3d.compiler.tree
Represents a top-level element (e.g.
TopLevelElement(int) - Constructor for class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.tree.TopLevelElement
topMargin - Variable in class icyllis.modernui.view.ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams
The top margin in pixels of the child.
topologicalSort(List<T>, TopologicalSort.Access<T>) - Static method in class icyllis.arc3d.engine.TopologicalSort
Topologically sort the nodes in 'graph'.
TopologicalSort - Class in icyllis.arc3d.engine
Provides a depth-first-search topological sort algorithm for simple directed acyclic graphs.
TopologicalSort() - Constructor for class icyllis.arc3d.engine.TopologicalSort
TopologicalSort.Access<T> - Interface in icyllis.arc3d.engine
The node access.
toShortString() - Method in class
Return a string representation of the rectangle in a compact form.
toStorageKey() - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.engine.KeyBuilder
toString() - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.analysis.SymbolUsage.Count
toString() - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.analysis.SymbolUsage
toString() - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.analysis.SymbolUsage.VariableCounts
toString() - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.lex.DFA
toString() - Method in record class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.lex.Lexer.PackedEntry
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.lex.RegexNode.Char
toString() - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.lex.RegexNode.CharClass
toString() - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.lex.RegexNode.Range
toString() - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.ModuleUnit
toString() - Method in enum class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.Operator
Returns the operator name without any surrounding whitespace.
toString() - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.ShaderCaps
toString() - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.TranslationUnit
toString() - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.tree.AnonymousField
toString() - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.tree.BlockStatement
toString() - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.tree.BreakStatement
toString() - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.tree.ContinueStatement
toString() - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.tree.DiscardStatement
toString() - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.tree.EmptyStatement
toString() - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.tree.Expression
Returns a description of the expression.
toString() - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.tree.ExpressionStatement
toString() - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.tree.ForLoop
toString() - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.tree.FunctionDecl
toString() - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.tree.FunctionDefinition
toString() - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.tree.FunctionPrototype
toString() - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.tree.GlobalVariableDecl
toString() - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.tree.IfStatement
toString() - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.tree.InterfaceBlock
toString() - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.tree.Layout
toString() - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.tree.Modifiers
toString() - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.tree.Node
toString() - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.tree.ReturnStatement
toString() - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.tree.StructDefinition
toString() - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.tree.SwitchCase
toString() - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.tree.SwitchStatement
toString() - Method in record class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.tree.Type.Field
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.tree.Type
toString() - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.tree.Variable
toString() - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.tree.VariableDecl
toString() - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.core.Color
Returns a string representation of the object.
toString() - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.core.ColorSpace
Returns a string representation of the object.
toString() - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.core.GenerationID
toString() - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.core.ImageInfo
toString() - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.core.Matrix
toString() - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.core.Matrix4
toString() - Method in interface icyllis.arc3d.core.Matrixc
toString() - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.core.Paint
toString() - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.core.Pair
toString() - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.core.Pixels
toString() - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.core.Pixmap
toString() - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.core.Quaternion
toString() - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.core.Rect2f
toString() - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.core.Rect2i
toString() - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.core.RoundRect
toString() - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.core.UniqueID
toString() - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.core.Vector3
toString() - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.engine.Device.Stats
toString() - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.engine.ImageViewProxy
toString() - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.engine.RenderTask
toString() - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.engine.SharedResourceCache.Stats
toString() - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.granite.ClipStack.Element
toString() - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.granite.DrawAtlas.AtlasLocator
toString() - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.granite.DrawAtlas.PlotLocator
toString() - Method in record class icyllis.arc3d.granite.FragmentStage.Sampler
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class icyllis.arc3d.granite.FragmentStage.Uniform
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.granite.GraniteImage
toString() - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.granite.RootTask
toString() - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.granite.shading.ShaderBuilderBase
toString() - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.opengl.GLBackendFormat
toString() - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.opengl.GLBackendImage
toString() - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.opengl.GLCaps
toString() - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.opengl.GLImageDesc
toString() - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.opengl.GLRenderbuffer
toString() - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.opengl.GLRenderTarget
toString() - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.opengl.GLTexture
toString() - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.opengl.GLTextureMutableState
toString() - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.vulkan.VkBackendFormat
toString() - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.vulkan.VulkanAllocation
toString() - Method in record class icyllis.arc3d.vulkan.VulkanImage.CreatedImageInfo
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.vulkan.VulkanImage
toString() - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.vulkan.VulkanImageDesc
toString() - Method in class icyllis.modernui.animation.AnimatorSet
toString() - Method in class icyllis.modernui.animation.KeyframeSet
toString() - Method in class icyllis.modernui.core.awt.NonClearGraphics
toString() - Method in class icyllis.modernui.core.awt.NonClearGraphics2D
toString() - Method in class icyllis.modernui.core.Handler
toString() - Method in class icyllis.modernui.core.Looper
toString() - Method in class icyllis.modernui.core.Message
toString() - Method in class icyllis.modernui.core.UndoOwner
toString() - Method in class icyllis.modernui.core.VideoMode
toString() - Method in class icyllis.modernui.fragment.Fragment
toString() - Method in class icyllis.modernui.fragment.FragmentManager
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class icyllis.modernui.lifecycle.SafeLinkedList
toString() - Method in class icyllis.modernui.resources.Resource.ResourceName
toString() - Method in class icyllis.modernui.resources.ResourceParser.ParsedResource
toString() - Method in class icyllis.modernui.resources.ResourceValues.Attribute
toString() - Method in class icyllis.modernui.resources.ResourceValues.Reference
toString() - Method in class icyllis.modernui.resources.ResourceValues.Styleable
toString() - Method in class icyllis.modernui.text.BoringLayout.Metrics
toString() - Method in class icyllis.modernui.text.PrecomputedText.Params
toString() - Method in class icyllis.modernui.text.PrecomputedText
toString() - Method in class icyllis.modernui.text.SpannableStringBuilder
Return a String containing a copy of the chars in this buffer.
toString() - Method in class icyllis.modernui.text.SpannableString
toString() - Method in class icyllis.modernui.text.SpannedString
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class icyllis.modernui.transition.Transition
toString() - Method in class icyllis.modernui.transition.TransitionValues
toString() - Method in class icyllis.modernui.util.ArrayMap
toString() - Method in class icyllis.modernui.util.ColorStateList
toString() - Method in class icyllis.modernui.util.DataSet
toString() - Method in class icyllis.modernui.util.DisplayMetrics
toString() - Method in class icyllis.modernui.util.Half
Returns a string representation of the specified half-precision float value.
toString() - Method in class icyllis.modernui.util.LongSparseArray
toString() - Method in class icyllis.modernui.util.SparseArray
toString() - Method in class icyllis.modernui.util.SparseBooleanArray
toString() - Method in class icyllis.modernui.view.DragEvent
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class icyllis.modernui.view.MotionEvent
toString() - Method in class icyllis.modernui.view.View
toString() - Method in class icyllis.modernui.widget.Editor.EditOperation
toString(int) - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.tree.BinaryExpression
toString(int) - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.tree.ConditionalExpression
toString(int) - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.tree.ConstructorCall
toString(int) - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.tree.Expression
toString(int) - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.tree.FieldAccess
toString(int) - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.tree.FunctionCall
toString(int) - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.tree.FunctionReference
toString(int) - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.tree.IndexExpression
toString(int) - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.tree.Literal
toString(int) - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.tree.Poison
toString(int) - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.tree.PostfixExpression
toString(int) - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.tree.PrefixExpression
toString(int) - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.tree.Swizzle
toString(int) - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.tree.TypeReference
toString(int) - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.tree.VariableReference
toString(int) - Static method in interface icyllis.arc3d.engine.Engine.BackendApi
toString(int) - Static method in class icyllis.modernui.view.Gravity
toString(int) - Static method in class icyllis.modernui.view.MeasureSpec
Returns a String representation of the specified measure specification.
toString(short) - Static method in class icyllis.arc3d.engine.Swizzle
toString(short) - Static method in class icyllis.modernui.util.Half
Returns a string representation of the specified half-precision float value.
Touch - Class in icyllis.modernui.text.method
TOUCH_SLOP - Static variable in class icyllis.modernui.view.ViewConfiguration
Distance a touch can wander before we think the user is scrolling in dips.
toUTF8() - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.granite.shading.ShaderBuilderBase
toUTF8(StringBuilder) - Static method in class icyllis.arc3d.opengl.GLGraphicsPipelineBuilder
toVector(Context, int) - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.tree.Type
Returns the corresponding vector type with the specified number of rows.
toVkSampleCount(int) - Static method in class icyllis.arc3d.vulkan.VKUtil
toWindingRule(int) - Static method in class icyllis.arc3d.core.j2d.J2DUtils
toXyz(float[]) - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.core.ColorSpace.Rgb
toXyz(float[]) - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.core.ColorSpace
Converts a color value from this color space's model to tristimulus CIE XYZ values.
toXyz(float, float, float) - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.core.ColorSpace
Converts a color value from this color space's model to tristimulus CIE XYZ values.
TR_BL - Enum constant in enum class
draw the gradient from the top-right to the bottom-left
trace() - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.core.Matrix
Compute the trace of this matrix.
trace() - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.core.Matrix4
Compute the trace of this matrix.
trace(String, String) - Static method in class icyllis.modernui.util.Log
Logs a message object with the Log.TRACE level.
trace(String, String, Object...) - Static method in class icyllis.modernui.util.Log
Logs a message object with the Log.TRACE level.
trace(String, String, Throwable) - Static method in class icyllis.modernui.util.Log
Logs a message at the Log.TRACE level including the stack trace of the Throwable throwable passed as parameter.
TRACE - Static variable in class icyllis.modernui.util.Log
A fine-grained debug message, typically capturing the flow through the application.
Track - Class in
Track(SoundSample) - Constructor for class
trackCommandBufferResource(Resource) - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.engine.CommandBuffer
Takes a CommandBuffer ref on the Resource that will be released when the command buffer has finished execution.
trackDevice(GraniteDevice) - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.engine.RecordingContext
trackResource(ManagedResource) - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.engine.CommandBuffer
Takes a ref on the ManagedResource that will be released when the command buffer has finished execution.
trackResource(Resource) - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.engine.CommandBuffer
Takes a Usage ref on the Resource that will be released when the command buffer has finished execution.
trackUniforms(int, IntBuffer) - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.granite.UniformTracker
Maps a given {pipeline index, uniform data cache index} pair to a buffer index within the pipeline's accumulated array of uniforms.
TRAILING_MARGIN_SPAN - Static variable in class icyllis.modernui.text.TextUtils
TrailingMarginSpan - Interface in
A paragraph style affecting the trailing margin.
TrailingMarginSpan.Standard - Class in
TRANSCRIPT_MODE_ALWAYS_SCROLL - Static variable in class icyllis.modernui.widget.AbsListView
The list will automatically scroll to the bottom, no matter what items are currently visible.
TRANSCRIPT_MODE_DISABLED - Static variable in class icyllis.modernui.widget.AbsListView
Disables the transcript mode.
TRANSCRIPT_MODE_NORMAL - Static variable in class icyllis.modernui.widget.AbsListView
The list will automatically scroll to the bottom when a data set change notification is received and only if the last item is already visible on screen.
transferBufferAlignment() - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.engine.Caps
transferFromBufferToTextureSupport() - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.engine.Caps
transferFromSurfaceToBufferSupport() - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.engine.Caps
Transfer functions - Search tag in class icyllis.arc3d.core.ColorSpace.Rgb
TransferParameters(double, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class icyllis.arc3d.core.ColorSpace.Rgb.TransferParameters
Defines the parameters for the ICC parametric curve type 3, as defined in ICC.1:2004-10, section 10.15.
TransferParameters(double, double, double, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class icyllis.arc3d.core.ColorSpace.Rgb.TransferParameters
Defines the parameters for the ICC parametric curve type 4, as defined in ICC.1:2004-10, section 10.15.
transferPixelsToRowBytesSupport() - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.engine.Caps
Does transferPixelsTo() support a src buffer where the row bytes is not equal to bpp * w?
TransferProcessor - Class in icyllis.arc3d.engine.trash
TransferProcessor(int) - Constructor for class icyllis.arc3d.engine.trash.TransferProcessor
TransferProcessor(int, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class icyllis.arc3d.engine.trash.TransferProcessor
TransferProcessor.ProgramImpl - Class in icyllis.arc3d.engine.trash
TransferProcessor.ProgramImpl.EmitArgs - Class in icyllis.arc3d.engine.trash
transferTo(BoundsManager) - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.granite.geom.FullBoundsManager
transform(float[]) - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.core.ColorSpace.Connector.Rgb
transform(float[]) - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.core.ColorSpace.Connector
Transforms the specified color from the source color space to a color in the destination color space.
transform(float, float, float) - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.core.ColorSpace.Connector
Transforms the specified color from the source color space to a color in the destination color space.
transform(Matrix4) - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.core.Vector3
Transform this vector by a 4x4 transformation matrix.
transform(Matrix4) - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.core.Vector4
Transform this vector by a 4x4 transformation matrix.
transform(Matrixc) - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.core.Path
Transforms verb array, Point array, and weight by matrix.
transform(Matrixc, Path) - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.core.Path
Transforms verb array, point array, and weight by matrix.
transform(Quaternion) - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.core.Vector3
Transform this vector by a quaternion rotation.
transform(Matrix) - Method in class
Transform this rectangle in place using the supplied Matrix m.
transform(Matrix) - Method in class icyllis.modernui.view.MotionEvent
Applies a transformation matrix to all of the points in the event.
transform(AffineTransform) - Method in class icyllis.modernui.core.awt.NonClearGraphics2D
Transform - Class in icyllis.arc3d.granite.geom
Transform() - Constructor for class icyllis.arc3d.granite.geom.Transform
TransformationMethod - Interface in icyllis.modernui.text.method
TextView uses TransformationMethods to do things like replacing the characters of passwords with dots, or keeping the newline characters from causing line breaks in single-line text fields.
Transformations - Class in icyllis.modernui.lifecycle
Transformation methods for LiveData.
TransformedMaskSubRun(StrikeDesc, Matrixc, Rect2fc, int, int[], int, float[], int, int) - Constructor for class icyllis.arc3d.granite.SubRunContainer.TransformedMaskSubRun
All params are read-only, copy will be made.
transformFromViewToWindowSpace(int[]) - Method in class icyllis.modernui.view.View
transformMatrixToGlobal(Matrix) - Method in class icyllis.modernui.view.View
Modifies the input matrix such that it maps view-local coordinates to on-screen coordinates.
transformMatrixToLocal(Matrix) - Method in class icyllis.modernui.view.View
Modifies the input matrix such that it maps on-screen coordinates to view-local coordinates.
transformPage(View, float) - Method in interface icyllis.modernui.widget.ViewPager.PageTransformer
Apply a property transformation to the given page.
transformPointToViewLocal(float[], View) - Method in class icyllis.modernui.view.ViewGroup
TRANSIT_ENTER_MASK - Static variable in class icyllis.modernui.fragment.FragmentTransaction
Bit mask that is set for all enter transitions.
TRANSIT_EXIT_MASK - Static variable in class icyllis.modernui.fragment.FragmentTransaction
Bit mask that is set for all exit transitions.
TRANSIT_FRAGMENT_CLOSE - Static variable in class icyllis.modernui.fragment.FragmentTransaction
Fragment is being removed from the stack
TRANSIT_FRAGMENT_FADE - Static variable in class icyllis.modernui.fragment.FragmentTransaction
Fragment should simply fade in or out; that is, no strong navigation associated with it except that it is appearing or disappearing for some reason.
TRANSIT_FRAGMENT_MATCH_ACTIVITY_CLOSE - Static variable in class icyllis.modernui.fragment.FragmentTransaction
Fragment is being removed from the stack with Activity close transition.
TRANSIT_FRAGMENT_MATCH_ACTIVITY_OPEN - Static variable in class icyllis.modernui.fragment.FragmentTransaction
Fragment is being added onto the stack with Activity open transition.
TRANSIT_FRAGMENT_OPEN - Static variable in class icyllis.modernui.fragment.FragmentTransaction
Fragment is being added onto the stack
TRANSIT_NONE - Static variable in class icyllis.modernui.fragment.FragmentTransaction
No animation for transition.
TRANSIT_UNSET - Static variable in class icyllis.modernui.fragment.FragmentTransaction
Not set up for a transition.
transition(NFA, IntList) - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.lex.RegexNode.Char
transition(NFA, IntList) - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.lex.RegexNode.CharClass
transition(NFA, IntList) - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.lex.RegexNode.Range
transition(NFA, IntList) - Method in interface icyllis.arc3d.compiler.lex.RegexNode
Creates NFA states for this node, with a successful match against this node resulting in a transition next all the states in the next list.
Transition - Class in icyllis.modernui.transition
A Transition holds information about animations that will be run on its targets during a scene change.
Transition() - Constructor for class icyllis.modernui.transition.Transition
Constructs a Transition object with no target objects.
transition_current_scene - Static variable in class
transition_position - Static variable in class
Transition.EpicenterCallback - Interface in icyllis.modernui.transition
Interface to get the epicenter of Transition.
Transition.MatchOrder - Annotation Interface in icyllis.modernui.transition
TransitionListener - Interface in icyllis.modernui.transition
A transition listener receives notifications from a transition.
TransitionManager - Class in icyllis.modernui.transition
This class manages the set of transitions that fire when there is a change of Scene.
TransitionManager() - Constructor for class icyllis.modernui.transition.TransitionManager
TransitionPropagation - Class in icyllis.modernui.transition
Extend TransitionPropagation to customize start delays for Animators created in Transition.createAnimator(ViewGroup, TransitionValues, TransitionValues).
TransitionPropagation() - Constructor for class icyllis.modernui.transition.TransitionPropagation
TransitionSet - Class in icyllis.modernui.transition
A TransitionSet is a parent of child transitions (including other TransitionSets).
TransitionSet() - Constructor for class icyllis.modernui.transition.TransitionSet
Constructs an empty transition set.
transitionTo(Scene) - Method in class icyllis.modernui.transition.TransitionManager
Change to the given scene, using the appropriate transition for this particular scene change (as specified to the TransitionManager, or the default if no such transition exists).
TransitionValues - Class in icyllis.modernui.transition
Data structure which holds cached values for the transition.
TransitionValues(View) - Constructor for class icyllis.modernui.transition.TransitionValues
translatable - Variable in class icyllis.modernui.resources.ResourceValues.Value
translate(double, double) - Method in class icyllis.modernui.core.awt.NonClearGraphics2D
translate(float, float) - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.core.Canvas
Translates the current matrix by dx along the x-axis and dy along the y-axis.
translate(float, float) - Method in class
Translates the current matrix by dx along the x-axis and dy along the y-axis.
translate(float, float, float) - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.core.Canvas
Translates the current matrix by dx along the x-axis, dy along the y-axis, and dz along the z-axis.
translate(float, float, float) - Method in class
Translates the current matrix by dx along the x-axis, dy along the y-axis, and dz along the z-axis.
translate(int, int) - Method in class icyllis.modernui.core.awt.NonClearGraphics
translate(int, int) - Method in class icyllis.modernui.core.awt.NonClearGraphics2D
TRANSLATION_X - Static variable in class icyllis.modernui.view.View
A Property wrapper around the translationX functionality handled by the View.setTranslationX(float) and View.getTranslationX() methods.
TRANSLATION_Y - Static variable in class icyllis.modernui.view.View
A Property wrapper around the translationY functionality handled by the View.setTranslationY(float) and View.getTranslationY() methods.
TRANSLATION_Z - Static variable in class icyllis.modernui.view.View
A Property wrapper around the translationZ functionality handled by the View.setTranslationZ(float) and View.getTranslationZ() methods.
TranslationUnit - Class in icyllis.arc3d.compiler
A fully-resolved AST of a single shader executable, ready for code generation.
TranslationUnit(char[], int, int, ShaderKind, CompileOptions, BuiltinTypes, SymbolTable, ArrayList<TopLevelElement>, List<Map.Entry<String, String>>) - Constructor for class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.TranslationUnit
TRANSPARENT - Static variable in class icyllis.arc3d.core.Color
Represents fully transparent Color.
TRANSPARENT - Static variable in class
transpose() - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.core.Matrix4
Transpose this matrix.
TreeVisitor - Class in icyllis.arc3d.compiler.tree
Utility class to visit every element, statement, and expression in a program IR.
TreeVisitor() - Constructor for class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.tree.TreeVisitor
TRIANGLE_STRIP - Enum constant in enum class
TRIANGLES - Enum constant in enum class
triLerp(double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class icyllis.arc3d.core.MathUtil
3D trilinear interpolation between eight values (a cuboid).
triLerp(float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float) - Static method in class icyllis.arc3d.core.MathUtil
3D trilinear interpolation between eight values (a cuboid).
trim() - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.engine.KeyBuilder
Trims the backing store so that the capacity is equal to the size.
trim() - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.engine.PriorityQueue
Trims the underlying heap array so that it has exactly PriorityQueue.size() elements.
trimStateSet(int[], int) - Static method in class icyllis.modernui.util.StateSet
trimToSize() - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.core.Path
Trims the internal storage to the current size.
TRUE - Static variable in class icyllis.modernui.widget.RelativeLayout
trunc(short) - Static method in class icyllis.arc3d.core.FP16
Returns the truncated half-precision float value of the specified half-precision float value.
trunc(short) - Static method in class icyllis.modernui.util.Half
Returns the truncated half-precision float value of the specified half-precision float value.
tryShow() - Method in class
Attempts to show the popup anchored to the view specified by MenuPopupHelper.setAnchorView(View).
tryShow(int, int) - Method in class
Shows the popup menu and makes a best-effort to anchor it to the specified (x,y) coordinate relative to the anchor view.
TTS_SPAN - Static variable in class icyllis.modernui.text.TextUtils
twoSidedStencilRefsAndMasksMustMatch() - Method in class icyllis.arc3d.engine.Caps
D3D does not allow the refs or masks to differ on a two-sided stencil draw.
type - Variable in class icyllis.modernui.resources.Resource.ResourceName
type - Variable in class icyllis.modernui.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams
type() - Method in record class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.tree.Type.Field
Returns the value of the type record component.
type() - Method in record class icyllis.arc3d.granite.FragmentStage.Sampler
Returns the value of the type record component.
type() - Method in record class icyllis.arc3d.granite.FragmentStage.Uniform
Returns the value of the type record component.
Type - Class in icyllis.arc3d.compiler.tree
Represents a type symbol, such as int or float4.
TYPE - Enum constant in enum class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.tree.Node.SymbolKind
TYPE_ANIM - Static variable in class icyllis.modernui.resources.Resource
TYPE_ANIMATOR - Static variable in class icyllis.modernui.resources.Resource
TYPE_ANY - Static variable in class icyllis.modernui.resources.ResourceTypes
TYPE_APPLICATION_ABOVE_SUB_PANEL - Static variable in class icyllis.modernui.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams
TYPE_APPLICATION_PANEL - Static variable in class icyllis.modernui.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams
TYPE_APPLICATION_SUB_PANEL - Static variable in class icyllis.modernui.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams
TYPE_ARRAY - Static variable in class icyllis.modernui.resources.Resource
TYPE_ARROW - Static variable in class icyllis.modernui.view.PointerIcon
Type constant: Arrow icon.
TYPE_ATTR - Static variable in class icyllis.modernui.resources.Resource
TYPE_ATTR_PRIVATE - Static variable in class icyllis.modernui.resources.Resource
TYPE_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class icyllis.modernui.resources.ResourceTypes.Res_value
TYPE_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class icyllis.modernui.util.TypedValue
The data field holds an attribute resource identifier (referencing an attribute in the current theme style, not a resource entry).
TYPE_BASE_APPLICATION - Static variable in class icyllis.modernui.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams
TYPE_BOOL - Static variable in class icyllis.modernui.resources.Resource
TYPE_BOOLEAN - Static variable in class icyllis.modernui.resources.ResourceTypes
TYPE_COLOR - Static variable in class icyllis.modernui.resources.Resource
TYPE_COLOR - Static variable in class icyllis.modernui.resources.ResourceTypes
TYPE_CONFIG_VARYING - Static variable in class icyllis.modernui.resources.Resource
TYPE_DEFAULT - Static variable in class icyllis.modernui.view.PointerIcon
TYPE_DIMEN - Static variable in class icyllis.modernui.resources.Resource
TYPE_DIMENSION - Static variable in class icyllis.modernui.resources.ResourceTypes.Res_value
TYPE_DIMENSION - Static variable in class icyllis.modernui.resources.ResourceTypes
TYPE_DIMENSION - Static variable in class icyllis.modernui.util.TypedValue
The data field holds a complex number encoding a dimension value.
TYPE_DRAWABLE - Static variable in class icyllis.modernui.resources.Resource
TYPE_DYNAMIC_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class icyllis.modernui.resources.ResourceTypes.Res_value
TYPE_DYNAMIC_REFERENCE - Static variable in class icyllis.modernui.resources.ResourceTypes.Res_value
TYPE_ENUM - Static variable in class icyllis.modernui.resources.ResourceTypes
TYPE_FIRST_COLOR_INT - Static variable in class icyllis.modernui.resources.ResourceTypes.Res_value
TYPE_FIRST_INT - Static variable in class icyllis.modernui.resources.ResourceTypes.Res_value
type_flags - Variable in class icyllis.modernui.resources.ResourceValues.Reference
TYPE_FLAGS - Static variable in class icyllis.modernui.resources.ResourceTypes
TYPE_FLOAT - Static variable in class icyllis.modernui.resources.ResourceTypes.Res_value
TYPE_FLOAT - Static variable in class icyllis.modernui.resources.ResourceTypes
TYPE_FLOAT - Static variable in class icyllis.modernui.util.TypedValue
The data field holds an IEEE 754 floating-point number.
TYPE_FLOATING - Static variable in class icyllis.modernui.view.ActionMode
The action mode is treated as a Floating Toolbar.
TYPE_FONT - Static variable in class icyllis.modernui.resources.Resource
TYPE_FRACTION - Static variable in class icyllis.modernui.resources.Resource
TYPE_FRACTION - Static variable in class icyllis.modernui.resources.ResourceTypes.Res_value
TYPE_FRACTION - Static variable in class icyllis.modernui.resources.ResourceTypes
TYPE_FRACTION - Static variable in class icyllis.modernui.util.TypedValue
The data field holds a complex number encoding a fraction of a container.
TYPE_HAND - Static variable in class icyllis.modernui.view.PointerIcon
TYPE_ID - Static variable in class icyllis.modernui.resources.Resource
TYPE_INT_BOOLEAN - Static variable in class icyllis.modernui.resources.ResourceTypes.Res_value
TYPE_INT_COLOR_ARGB4 - Static variable in class icyllis.modernui.resources.ResourceTypes.Res_value
TYPE_INT_COLOR_ARGB8 - Static variable in class icyllis.modernui.resources.ResourceTypes.Res_value
TYPE_INT_COLOR_RGB4 - Static variable in class icyllis.modernui.resources.ResourceTypes.Res_value
TYPE_INT_COLOR_RGB8 - Static variable in class icyllis.modernui.resources.ResourceTypes.Res_value
TYPE_INT_DEC - Static variable in class icyllis.modernui.resources.ResourceTypes.Res_value
TYPE_INT_HEX - Static variable in class icyllis.modernui.resources.ResourceTypes.Res_value
TYPE_INTEGER - Static variable in class icyllis.modernui.resources.Resource
TYPE_INTEGER - Static variable in class icyllis.modernui.resources.ResourceTypes
TYPE_INTERPOLATOR - Static variable in class icyllis.modernui.resources.Resource
TYPE_LAST_COLOR_INT - Static variable in class icyllis.modernui.resources.ResourceTypes.Res_value
TYPE_LAST_INT - Static variable in class icyllis.modernui.resources.ResourceTypes.Res_value
TYPE_LAYOUT - Static variable in class icyllis.modernui.resources.Resource
TYPE_MACRO - Static variable in class icyllis.modernui.resources.Resource
type_mask - Variable in class icyllis.modernui.resources.ResourceValues.Attribute
TYPE_MENU - Static variable in class icyllis.modernui.resources.Resource
TYPE_MIPMAP - Static variable in class icyllis.modernui.resources.Resource
TYPE_NAVIGATION - Static variable in class icyllis.modernui.resources.Resource
TYPE_NON_TOUCH - Static variable in class icyllis.modernui.view.View
Indicates that the input type for the gesture is caused by something which is not a user touching a screen.
TYPE_NULL - Static variable in class icyllis.modernui.resources.ResourceTypes.Res_value
TYPE_NULL - Static variable in class icyllis.modernui.util.TypedValue
The value contains no data.
TYPE_PLURALS - Static variable in class icyllis.modernui.resources.Resource
TYPE_PRIMARY - Static variable in class icyllis.modernui.view.ActionMode
The action mode is treated as a Primary mode.
TYPE_RAW - Static variable in class icyllis.modernui.resources.Resource
TYPE_REFERENCE - Enum constant in enum class icyllis.arc3d.compiler.tree.Node.ExpressionKind
TYPE_REFERENCE - Static variable in class icyllis.modernui.resources.ResourceTypes.Res_value
TYPE_REFERENCE - Static variable in class icyllis.modernui.resources.ResourceTypes
TYPE_REFERENCE - Static variable in class icyllis.modernui.util.TypedValue
The data field holds a resource identifier.
TYPE_STRING - Static variable in class icyllis.modernui.resources.Resource
TYPE_STRING - Static variable in class icyllis.modernui.resources.ResourceTypes.Res_value
TYPE_STRING - Static variable in class icyllis.modernui.resources.ResourceTypes
TYPE_STRING - Static variable in class icyllis.modernui.util.TypedValue
The string field holds string data.
TYPE_STYLE - Static variable in class icyllis.modernui.resources.Resource
TYPE_STYLEABLE - Static variable in class icyllis.modernui.resources.Resource
TYPE_TEXT - Static variable in class icyllis.modernui.view.PointerIcon
TYPE_TOAST - Static variable in class icyllis.modernui.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams
TYPE_TOUCH - Static variable in class icyllis.modernui.view.View
Indicates that the input type for the gesture is from a user touching the screen.
TYPE_TRANSITION - Static variable in class icyllis.modernui.resources.Resource
TYPE_XML - Static variable in class icyllis.modernui.resources.Resource
Type.AliasType - Class in icyllis.arc3d.compiler.tree
Type.ArrayType - Class in icyllis.arc3d.compiler.tree
Type.CoercionCost - Class in icyllis.arc3d.compiler.tree
Type.Field - Record Class in icyllis.arc3d.compiler.tree
Represents a single field in a struct/block type.
Type.GenericType - Class in icyllis.arc3d.compiler.tree
Type.ImageType - Class in icyllis.arc3d.compiler.tree
Type.MatrixType - Class in icyllis.arc3d.compiler.tree
Type.SamplerType - Class in icyllis.arc3d.compiler.tree
Type.ScalarType - Class in icyllis.arc3d.compiler.tree
Type.StructType - Class in icyllis.arc3d.compiler.tree
Type.VectorType - Class in icyllis.arc3d.compiler.tree
TypeConverter<T,V> - Interface in icyllis.modernui.animation
Base interface used convert type T to another type V.
TypedValue - Class in icyllis.modernui.util
Container for a dynamically typed data value.
TypedValue() - Constructor for class icyllis.modernui.util.TypedValue
TypedValue.ComplexDimensionUnit - Annotation Interface in icyllis.modernui.util
TypeEvaluator<T> - Interface in icyllis.modernui.animation
Interface for use with the ValueAnimator.setEvaluator(TypeEvaluator) function.
Typeface - Class in icyllis.arc3d.core
Typeface class specifies the typeface (font face) and intrinsic style of a font.
Typeface - Class in icyllis.modernui.text
The Typeface specifies a set of font families that can be used in Paint.
Typeface() - Constructor for class icyllis.arc3d.core.Typeface
Typeface_JDK - Class in icyllis.arc3d.core.j2d
Wraps a JDK Font2D.
Typeface_JDK(Font) - Constructor for class icyllis.arc3d.core.j2d.Typeface_JDK
The AWT font object must represent only a family and style, its size should be 1 by default.
TYPEFACE_SPAN - Static variable in class icyllis.modernui.text.TextUtils
TypefaceSpan - Class in
TypefaceSpan(Typeface) - Constructor for class
Constructs a TypefaceSpan from a Typeface.
TypefaceSpan(Parcel) - Constructor for class
TypefaceSpan(String) - Constructor for class
Constructs a TypefaceSpan based on the font family.
typename - Variable in class icyllis.modernui.resources.Resource.ResourceName
TypeReference - Class in icyllis.arc3d.compiler.tree
Represents an identifier referring to a type.
typeString(byte) - Static method in class icyllis.arc3d.core.SLDataType
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _ 
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